All good brother - happy to wonk out on the physics with you just dont want to derail thread.
Now i know this is for a weed display kinda system its got me thinking Hep. So im clear you want a vendor display kinda arrangement to show of your plants. You only want to see them during their daylight cycle. If this is correct could you use a mirror film filter on the glass specified to cut out the full light amount of light from the viewing room-standard room lighting is low intensity compared to the grow room, so transperancy wouldnt be an issue during the plants night cycle. When the lights were on you would see the plants in detail as they would be in higher intensity light with some light losses.
None intended - just saying different environment. Comparing to outdoors doesnt always apply...
Pretty much all the weed I grew up on was outdoor vancouver island goodness which beats the hell out of the "big pharma" crap that i can legally buy.
The strains we have today bear little resemblance to wild types. So comparing to nature doesnt get us far - these are man made hybrids with crosses that could never occur in nature.
But none of that really relates to the whole point which was do we have any hard technical data on where the risks start.