Yes, and it looks exactly the same as it did 12 months before. Are you saying it breaks down as in it decomposes or gets broken down into smaller pieces?
If the former, then what exactly is decomposing?? Perlite is a rock, it contains no organic matter to decompose. Impossible.
If the latter, what sort of forces are causing it to get crushed? Certainly not the act of watering. The roots of the plant? I don't think so...
you've excavated yards of soil with a tractor loader or backhoe and had the perlite look exactly the same? you best get your eyes examined. as the other guy said, check the bottom of the bag, see the dust, and that's just from transport. roll it between your fingers, IT BREAKS DOWN into smaller pieces... keep rolling it and turns to dust...when it's dust it does not have the same aerating properties of which it had when you bought it...sure it doesn't turn dust in a season but over time it will break down significantly, this is what I am saying...that's why I went with pumice which will also crumble a bit but not nearly as easily as perlite....