I always thought Hemp was grown "real tight" without much space between the plants - but not up here.
cultivation method depends on the goal---
fiber types - tight
seed, oil - spaced
I always thought Hemp was grown "real tight" without much space between the plants - but not up here.
Some of the Farmers here in Vermont grew fields of Hemp this year. All Female plants too. I always thought Hemp was grown "real tight" without much space between the plants - but not up here. They grow it spaced out in rows... I used to bring my Mother to a Hydroponic Tomato Farm but it was sold & converted to a Hemp Farm. I've seen hundreds of hemp plants this year in my travels & I can't tell the difference between Hemp & Marijuana. I think it would have to "Lab Tested"...
Extracted CBD oil is as expensive as THC oil, and can be sold anywhere for health purposes. It is as good for pain as opioids.