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peep out my diary yo

Smoking Gun

Active member
Y, don't worry about the pull, life will make it up to you some how some way. And maybe with a smaller pull you'll get a better quality. Either way, so long as you enjoyed it and produced some quality smoke you come out on top. Plus there is always value in a lesson learned.

As for the seeds, I would personally wait until I was back home to pop them. I do not like to be away from my garden for any more than 1 night. After that I start to freak out about if they are watered properly, if they are getting enough nutes, and all kinds of other small things. But hey, that's just me, I am not going to tell you what to do with your seeds. I do wish you the best of luck with the surgery too.

I hope you have a great weekend.


Hey, mang, keep fighting the good fight! Hit those girls with the molasses when you get it and just let 'em do their thang, and concentrate on what's coming down the pike.

So, new avvie, eh? It's cool and all, but I miss hotchick already...where'd she go? You hiding her in the veg room, prepping her for something??:biglaugh:

Take care man!



dave-right on yo,sounds like ur grow is coming full circle then eh.?nice bro,show us some nuggetry when ya get a chance yo,peace.-Y-

just-yeah thats an idea yo,i think i can pull it off without all the pruning though.thats some tedious work clippin leaves everyday yo.i gotta run out and get some mollasses in sec. imma let them go a lil longer then ull.and like shitake says concentrate on the next batch...still though im pissed at myself.keep up ur awesome work at ur spot brother dont be a dummy like me and not notice some simple shit till its too late doh!!!!!! peace family-Y-

karma-right on brotha,cool,cool.i'll do em propper when i get home from the surgery and movin around a lil bit better...imma try to have a few suprises for you guys around the same time too.thanks for the words of encouragement bro,i guess things been goin too smoothe lately or somethin cause you know girls are always needin attention and when they want more then ur givin they gonna act up;) i guess plants are the same LOL...for sure i'll let you guys know when i go in to the hospital,sheeeaaat im nervous then a sob and you guys are the only ones i can tell....you know daddy gotta keep his "i aint scared face" on with the ole lady and kids.hehehe
love ur work as well bro.peace -Y-

core-fasho bro,imma wait till im back up and movin o.k...lady -Y- can keep the rest in check for a few till im movin good.yeah good about the clones especially...they was gifted to me and i want them to make it.i dont know when i'll get a chance at these again.im sure i could ask the same person and they will hook it up for me,but id feel funny ya know?peace -Y-

selguide-thankyou bro.the clones are definetly lookin like they gettin better,i'll get a pic up later yo.thanx for stoppin in.peace -Y-

headies-wattup yo,i like ur diary yo,im always lurkin in there checkin ya out bro.
dont sell urself short pimpin.
i use the mollasses from the beginning of flower.but i ran out and always forget to go get some like a stoner ;)thanks for the compliment on the room yo,its kinda hard to put up wide shots right now ya feel me?but i'll get a couple lil plays up for you tonight my man.peace -Y-

smokin-yeah i know bro but i just get frustrated when i make some dumb ass mistake like this...lesson lerned for sure.
yea imma wait on the seeds.i hate being away from the grow too bro,im exactly the same way.are they cool?did the lights turn on?is the a/c rockin right?are the thirsty?is the filter workin propper....and on and on till i get home LOL.i feel you bro.thanks for the well wishes and you have a bomb ass weekend too yo,peace -Y-

rojo-orale cardnal,
if they dont act right maybe i take a few out and throw a boy in and make'em swallow mecos haaaaaay.mucho gusto primo.wethow eh.paz-Y-

Hey, mang, keep fighting the good fight! Hit those girls with the molasses when you get it and just let 'em do their thang, and concentrate on what's coming down the pike.

right on bro thanks for that!
yeah new avvy gotta rep for la raza for a while.hot chik is maryuwannapixie yo...shes still here in the pc;)i wish i had her in the veg room yo she be in the cloner for sure !!!!all 60 sites ;)peace brother-Y-


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
i missed a lot bein away for a few. lots changed. still ill. hope ya feelin better playa


Y, haven't been by in a while so I thought I'd let you know...

the white
mango haze
bubba kush ( cuts in cloner still)
pre 98 bubba kush
strawberry cough
cheese(cuts in cloner still)
massachusetts super skunk(cuts in cloner still)
G13 x burmese x norther kush(cuts in cloner still)
s99 x sour bubble(cuts in cloner still)
black domina
hashberry (probably not for long not my favorite at all)
...and soon to be poppin,the happy brother x chemdog d IX1..."

....Yum Yum Gimmie Some! haha that is a far cry from your humble BD and BB days bro. Good luck with keeping that genetic melting pot healthy.

Be easy


wattup pimps

wattup pimps

sir smoke -watup playa . good to see ya stop thru yo.feelin cool .bro,dont be a stranger .peace

germ-wattuptho you know i was thiinkin that the other day bro,im like well maybe these ladies have got to take the backburner for a while...way back,i could even let them go for a few cause i hooked my homie up with them a few yrs ago and hes still runnnin them too.peace.

pics heres the clones gettin better,they are the middle two rows longways the top two rows are ss the bottom two rows ar bd...after i took the pic i saw that empty spot and filled it right quick

one of the mangos in some training

all the elites doin the damn thing

part of the next pull,i say part because the ss is so much shorter then these i didnt even get them in the pic...you can see the tops of a few. these stretched like crazy,and i think it was because my hps that they was under blew and i was runnin mh over them at first ,the next pull is stretchy too but it'll be better then these...suppose to be like 3 weeks left imma give the 4 atleast im thinkin though.


bud shots and macros

i like this one..

30 days out on schedule

oh yeah heres the roots startin on some cheese ;)

peace -Y-
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
One amazing grow

I have seen lots of grow room tours on the internet, yours is one I would like to see

We need to get Remo from urbangrower.com over to your place

Strong work Bro, strong work!


Active member
Your garden is truly lookin awesome YwouldntI.

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to YwouldntI again."


shut the fuck up Donny

thanks for the wide shot man. truly impressive. I lived on the east coast my entire life until recently so I love to see people blowin out places over there and doin it right.

What brand are those fans? they look amazing but not cheap haha.


dr.dog-thankyou brotha,words like that weigh heavy when i hear them from growers i respect like urself...i have no idea who remo is or what urbangrower.com is but im opening up a new tab right now and gonna check it out....peace -Y-edit:bomb ass vids on here....these are some cool as vids yo.thanks for the link....

rasjano-hey wattup bro.thankyo ,yeah i keep hearin this mango is the showstopper,i cant wait to check her out in a few months...peace yo-Y-

IPIT-yo,yo whats up witchya mon,tankyou star me wont be missin out on da ganja yah know.love to be takin care of da garden yah,then me herb hits hard like champion...booyaka...LOL theres my lame attempt at a jamaican accent for you my brotha...thanks for the kind words yo.pece -Y-

headies-wattup yo,fasho...well them fans are actualy cheap as hell yo...i mean they work bomb but they were only 25 bux.they are just regular oscilating fans for the house,the metal blade kind.and i took the bottom plates off and hung them upsidedown.boombattabing airflow like a mf...peace -Y-

smoke well and be safe F.U.C.K.E.R.S. ;)
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Med grower
ICMag Donor

That's the shot right there. What a room - my idea of heaven.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yeooo son wats good.

As far as my outdoors sweetie, she was bruatily raped by a deer. Whatever what you gon' do I should bought deer replent I guess huh? Anyways go check my thread out Ive got some pretty nice shots up.

Peace bro :joint:

Smoking Gun

Active member
Y, WOW!!! That's a lot of plants. It would be incredible to have a garden of that size. I do have to ask one question, why let you plants get so tall?

I think you are on the right track with training your plants. I find that with a bit of training and proper trimming, smaller plants are able to yield as much as taller plants. The trimming causes the plant to put out more branches, quite often with closer nodal points, and training allows the plants to grow in a more open structure and allows better light to more points producing bigger buds. As I so often say, this is simply what I find works for ME, if your system works for you stick with it. I mean why fix what's not broken?

But other than that I definitely must commend you on that garden. It is of impressive size and filled with quality strains. I love this show. Y, you certainly have one of my favorite diaries here.


Active member
You do have one badass room. Your stuff looks so good, and you def got your work cut out, especially when you got all that transplanting into buckets.
good work, keep it up


sammet-right on bro,thats my little oasis/playground..it usualy is much prettier,but the last two groups kinda stretched too much for my liking.you see the light in the middle on the mover,and how the newest into 12/12 start under that light...well thats the light that blew the hps side in the ballast,and i was runnin a mh in there for a while so i think thats what stretched them out so bad.everything is back on track now though so it'll be cool.peace brotha.

JWP-fasho the ogre is a bad bitch yo,thanx for swoopin through.peace

chubb-thankyou bro.im just gettin it to where i like it ...addin 1 more 1000 this week sometime(i have it im just a lazy F.U.C.K.E.R.;),maybe some c02,definetly air cool the
hoods and then i probably be done in there for a while.
peace yo,thanks for the props.-Y-

sublime-wattup tho,too bad about the deer hittin ya up.yea you get deer repellant,or you piss around ur grow if you dont have any repellant.deers will stay away from us too bro.in a tight spot id be pissin all around the area hehe take a 12 pack and get to work;) LOL.peace yo.

smokin-wattup,i didnt plan on them stretchin that bad yo.my shit does get tall but its all bud usualy...see the buckets on the left along the wall? thats how tall i flip always.but as i was tellin my man sammet,the mh bulb i was usin on my one light stretched the shit out of my grow,thats all i can attribute it to cause i did everything else just like always.no biggie though imma just chop that shit and keep the schedule poppin.concentrate on the rest of what i got goin on.i know it was the bulb because even my sensi star got taller then it usualy does...oh well ya know...
when i get it back how she usualy looks i'll put up another wide shot and i'll show ya what i mean...or actualy i think you can browse thru this thread and see a pull or two.
yeah imma try supercroppin for a while i like the results i see from peeps that do it.
bro all suggestions on how to grow some herb is welcome here man...thats what its all about right .helpin,sharin,and growin...growin buds and as growers...thanks for the compliments yo,glad you like the show.peace -Y-

hazy-thanks bro.fasho transplant days are kinda long but yo its all a labor of love.
im gonna love gettin these new strains in here...imma bring them in groups after i see what does what growin habbit wise.so i can ake some notes and put 20 of one kind then the next group will be 20 that grows similar in height and so on,that way the shorter fat ones are not drownded out by the tall fat ones ;)
it will be a process but hey it always is aint it...peace bro.-Y-