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peep out my diary yo



wow awesome report you drunken Bum! muhahah!

sounds like the shit bro!! rock on! toke on!

Karma Genetics

She did great there. Very nice yield and by your smoke reoprt sounds very nice.

You got to love those lemony strains..........

keep up the great work.


smokin-wattup bro,yes this is a keeper strain 4 sure bro.i just have to pick which pheno i like the best i dont have the room for 3 mamas of it so i'll pick the best one and run with her.peace.

chubb-go for it bro i like this bud for sure....shit everyone who has smoked it likes it too the taste is off the hook bruh.peace-Y-

dr,dog-thanks bro.man this some later in the day smoke it seems i just woke up and fired up yo,i could fall back out for another few hours now.i let them go like 9 1/2 weeks seems like that was pretty much right on.
peace brotha.-Y-

sal-wattup yo,you and cellar are in for a treat for sure tell him 9 1/2 weeks is a good time to pull,by then his cellar is gonna be smellin so damn good bro.enjoy.peace-Y-

Zeus-hey bro wattuppers,kepper for sure nice yield too WAY better then i thought,them big buds tipped the scale yo they are tight and dense,#3 were a little bit softer but still pulled nicely and shes the one i was smokin for the report so the buzz is there fr sure.peace yo.

NZ-LOL damn yo i was LIT when i posted that...i didnt even remember loggin on last night till i saw ur post LOL then i was like oh yeah...i went and looked at the post and could almost read the slur in my voice hehehehe.i had to delete that drunkin ass post lol.i hope i wasnt in any ones threads typin that gibberish :muahaha: naaa i wasnt just fuckin around yo...peace bro.-Y-

Karma-thankyou brotha,yeah bro she did good as could be especialy considereing this was the first run of her.hopin to improve with the next ones that go...im thinkin 20 kalichakra #2's should be a nice even canopy and they didnt get as tall as the others...still gotta make th final decision of which one to keep...decisions decisions....maybe a sat dom. ans a indy dom. mom...theres always room for one more......thats my moddo :muahaha: peace brotha.-Y-

EVERYONE-well final weight was 9 and 3/4 of a ounce no popcorn or shakey stuff...off the 3 plants i think that was cool.much more then i thought it would be.i was hopin for a half Lb. so im happy...im thinkin 9,almost 10 oz's off three is cool for a first run.
peace -Y-


Registered Pothead
Have you recovered? You were on a good one yesterday super silly. Damn great yield off of those three plants. I bet those would perform crazy if you grew more short squat plants in the same area.

Smoking Gun

Active member
Definitely a very nice yield from 3 plants. Nice job Y. I can't wait to see which pheno you pick and how those end up growing out. Should be a good show.


really dig the smoke report... All three times I read the post. Back to back to back. Annoying. Well anyway now you know why I be loving me some mandala gear. And think what comes of it after a solid curing phase. Look out, keep them keys in your pocket or it might be a while before you find em again. ;) Much Love ~SB~


looking good brosky!
love that smoke report too! Couple more weeks here tops. It all comes down Sept 12-15..:woohoo:
holla yo!


chubb-still recovering yo...this weekend has been one big long party and i have another to go to in a minute....look out liver LOL peace -Y-

smokin-yeah bro i think the #2 will be the one to stay...its so hard to keep just 1 they are all good smoke.#2 puled the most though so she has that on her side;)

Just-i know what you mean bro after a cure its gonna be chaotic .watch what i unveil on you tonight;) i would show now but im in a hurry.its worth the wait......-Y-

c-dubb-wattup my brotha.sorry i missed ur call bro i was knocked out still from a long night kickin it yo.hit me up when you get off work bro.
you in for a treat in a couple weeks bro...glad your computer is fixed yo we missed ya around here.peace brotha

everyone be lookin for a few pics tonight...gotta run though im late to a b-b-q...peace

and i'll be around to all of your threads too im sorry fam i been outty this weekend no hard feelings huh...peace-Y-

Smoking Gun

Active member
I will certainly be here waiting for an update.

Hey man, no need to explain where ya been, we all have lives outside of IC. I just hope you've been having fun and not hurting the liver too much. I bet you have been blowing people away with your smoke.

See ya tonight (or tomorrow, if you are partying tonight).

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
you got everything flowering under MHs,,,or do my eyes decieve me??

im about to start rocking my MHs through flowering again>>>seems to

produce better smoke than the HPS,,,but maybe my brain is going around??


wattup fellaz...

smokin-i know bro,i got somethin for y'all to see bro....

bug herb tree-naw bro,i have all hps in my flower room,i did have 1 mh in there cause one of my ballast started not firing up on the hps side,but i picked up a couple more lights and replaced it.still gotta hang the other one though.peace-Y-

here goes a couple pics of a lil kali bud

ok fam this what the dealio is...i been so blessed by these boards in makin some cool ass friends i got love for alota you crazies on these boards,and i got some folks that got love for me too.i been blessed with somethin from a good dude yo,and imma put them in the grow so you guys can see the progres of this special gift i got.just like i do all the cuts,but this time you guys pick what we gonna see go first,id like to doo them one strain at a time because as you see i do have a few flavors and im tryin to keep them so that i can grow them 20 at a time all the same strain per run and keep the canopy as even as i can in the sections,instead of runnin 2-3 differet kinds in each cycle...so enough chatter heres what you have to pick from.it will be atleast a week till i can make the room for them so we have time to chose...

o.k there we go,...so whats it gonna be?...majority rules...

peace -Y-


germ,he told me too yo,those are ten of only 150 seeds,that were made of that.
ok we got one for the kushage x jack...
first vote weighs heavy with a good eye from the germanator...

D Rock

Kushage X Jack Herrer gets my vote. Anything with Jacks name on it gets my vote. Great genetics! Later bro.

Smoking Gun

Active member
I have to give my vote to the SAGE X Jack. I am a big fan of both strains, and both come from unique breeding. Although the Kushage descends from SAGE, it is already bred out. I would be really interested to see what pure SAGE and Jack will produce, probably something truly unique and special.

Those are some nice pics of the Kalichacra.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

kushage x herer


funky dwarf

madd respect for karma genetics &&&& YwouldnI>>>

<<<late to tha party,,,but got this 1 lockd.

BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
you got everything flowering under MHs,,,or do my eyes decieve me??

im about to start rocking my MHs through flowering again>>>seems to

produce better smoke than the HPS,,,but maybe my brain is going around??

only reason i ask<<<is cause me and a few other ICers are working
some experiements to detemine if spectrum color can
change/enhance/deterioate plants terpins,, (flavors),, vigor, etc..




Last edited:

Karma Genetics

I vote Happy Brother x ChemdogD IX1

Happy brother somthing i believe is very special.

When I was working in a coffeeshop in 1996 we used to get some weed called Happy Brother
It was the strongest herb I smoked in those years. As I was also growing at that time I really wanted to grow this oh so tasty herb myself. So I asked that supplier if I could get some seeds from it. He told me he got the herb from an old Rasta man in Amsterdam. The brother of this Rasta grew this herb for his brother because he was paralyzed, the original grower said he made it but I don’t think so because he did not have any seeds. Then it went silent and I didn’t see this supplier for almost 2 years. In 1998 he came walking in with a new supplier of the Happy Brother and he brought me 3 clones’ that really looked like shit. The first grow I did with it was so special to see a plant produce my most favourite smoke. And up to this day it still is my most favourite smoke.

It is not a big yielder, but it’s very strong against insects and diseases. It makes rock hard little nugs that don’t shrink much when dried. It flowers for about 9 to 10 weeks.

But the taste and the effect is what this is all about. The taste is very hard for me to describe I have not smoked any other herb that tastes like this. I am sure all smokers will really like the taste.

She also produce's very good and nice dry screen hashish...........
