It amazes me just how much they shrink in 24 hours. Making the time of weighing, and the photo being taken, big influences.
I was just wondering,...
Can you reverse sex a male plant ?
I've read threads here where people have talked about it - its doable!
Yup. Not with silver though.
Silver blocks the ethylene receptors. Without which being a girl isn't an option. No amount of banana skins is going to change that. I don't think a male plant would even notice a silver solution.
People here have done it, but I don't take the information on board.
That's because cats have 9 lives.
Why would somebody want to do that ?
I know that you reverse a female to make feminized seeds, so would you reverse a male to make masculinized seeds ?
What the hell for ?
Some kind of Cannibis sperm bank ?
If you have a good breeding male, you may want seeds of it. Perhaps looking for a little genetic drift, or to post it around the world. Maybe you just want it again in 10 years time, as the tax man has you in court tomorrow. The only way to get that male in seed form, is to make a girl version. No other girl will do. You must use that boy to make the girl. Then yes, I guess all the seeds will be boys. With no genetic material added from another plant.
I had a cat that lived 15 years until a coyote got him.
Why would somebody want to do that ?