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Pbrm effect on FA profile


Does anyone have any data on specific soil inoculant effects on fatty acid profile? Specifically interested in non myco rhizo fungals as I've got a pretty good grasp on bacterial capabilities, mycos too. Not interested in retail brand names (with constantly changing mystery blends), only specific strains.

We all know microbes = phenotype, it only makes sense data be collected to "hack the pheno", or "hack the landrace". We've got ideas floating around such as "importing soil from Durban south Africa to grow Durban Poison", well I think science is a more realistic approach in this situation.. Documented mineral profiles and documented microbial profiles. And documented fatty acid profiles. (let's not worry about terpenes, advanced growers, this is one of those "keep your eye on the ball" field of dreams scenarios, build the short chain fatty acid profile and the stupid fucking terps will come to accentuate it.)

Without lab analysis, us old timers had to smell, taste and feel our pot to tell what it was. That was the whole point of having "varieties",not street cred or legal rights, but variety and quality of flavor aroma and effect. We were smelling volatile fatty acids, tasting volatile fatty acids, and feeling the strains signature profile,the region, the genetic substance, the product of regional microbes, fatty acids. A rare skill these days, to have taste independent of ears and eyes but still reality is admirable to some.

"Indica or sativa bro?" Well do you have anything in a sour lemon sewer?

FA profiles of cultivated regional varieties, 1996

Disinhibited eating behavior aka the munchies? FAs

Cotton mouth? FAs

Sticky icky? FAs

"Creamy" smoke? FAs

Tart fumey smoke? FAs

Lingering flavor? FAs

Ugly brown 7% thc Algerian foothash that beats the shit out of anything available in any California dispensary? FAs

Cures itself through heat oxygen and microbes? FAs

Thick smoke pouring out the window from a reggie pinner that got 6 people high for 3 days back in high school? FAs

Caked up buds that will snap stems after being cured & are a chore to vape, from all the slimey rich flavor that blends with the lung butter it just cleared out of your sinuses? FAs

Complaining neighbors? FAs

Inhaling pounds of smoke for half a century with perfect lung health and a perfect singing voice as an end result? Throwing my asthma inhaler in the trash the day I learnt to sift? Only possible because of short chain fatty acids.

30% Cannabinoids, 20% water, 5% terpenes, 45% other. Now that's a shitty grower, extractor, or breeder who doesn't concern himself with 45% of the plants substances. Its not all fiber.

There's a reason no one talks about volatile fatty acids, the signature substances behind the enjoyability and global recognizability of Cannabis funk. What is the reason? Maybe someone has lots of fruit scraps and thc crystals to sell down the road. Maybe Cannabis couldn't be legalized by our corporate sponsored government until it was no longer beneficial to the mind body nor soul. Maybe someone is patenting once common fatty acids and fatty acid desaturase genes for medical applications, patents derived from federally funded prohibition-era Cannabis research.
Maybe all the uneducated home breeders were purposely thrown off the trail when labs became an accessible tool. Who ever told YOU that Skunk aroma is from terpenes, or that OG gets you higher because of some magic Cannabinoid ratio (rather than from a thiol resulting from the natural breakdown of a specific volatile fatty acid or combo thereof)?

Who knows but the ignorance needs to die.
Interesting stuff drewsif, I always looked at volatile monoterpenes as the room filler with smell and multi bond sesqterps for taste. Where does alcohol esters fit into this are thiols a precursor to them or totally different?. Since terpenes are classed as bioprotectants would FAs be regarded as that as well. Do you think strains with high FAs interact better with faah in the gut kinda like cbd interaction with faah which increases anandamide levels . Dubbed faah-out is a genetic mutation with which you are immune to anxiety , unable to experience fear and insensitive to pain. That to me sounds like a good bubba kush working its magic. Always thought of terps being the onset and cannabinoids being the duration (in synergy).