if you look at dna as a hard drive and us as computers there is code from our past lives living in us today.
how are adaptive behaviors passed down as behavior traits?
did dogs hunt in packs as amebos and the programming was there all along?
You have inherited the genetic sum total of all life that exist before you and contributed to the lives that preceded yours, you lived those lives too, the chain of cellular division and reproduction isn't broken by reproduction and birth, it is just metamorphosis
Looking like your parents is evidence of past life being present in yours today.
Sometimes the wording of the mystics screams supernatural but in reality they where describing very real and tangible phenomenon.
This idea of having the DNA chain inside of every living organism is something that amazes me. Imagine the start of that journey and all the people that put themselves into you, before you were you.
I think it is Graham Hancock that discusses how ayahusca? is like having the ability to look back upon those lives through your dna.
Or something similar to that, mental ability isn't my strong point atm.