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Pandora's Box


Lava Surfer

The Bubblegum seedligs have started to streach a bit now, it's gonna be interresting to see how much they will streach under the 1K lights. Im keeping them a fair distance from the lights, hopeing they will spred out and fill out a bit more space now they are starting to flower and the lights will be lowerd again.

It should also soon be possible to take a buncg of cuttings of the lower branches, if there is a nice keeper in there I would prefere to reveg a clone now. Compared to reveg the fully flowerd plant later on, I find it easyer and less stress full for the plants. Maybe it don't matter much at all, just an idea I got in my head. Not a fan of reveg in the first place!

Lava Surfer

JustinCase said:
I'm feeling that oil thing you got going on, I'm riding that same boat.

Hey JustinCase good to see ya again, was starting to feal a bit lonely here. Guess it all looks a bit like the post from yesterday LOL, but the begining of a thread is not always the most interesting part :joint:

Hopefully there will soon be some early flowering plants, they are a bit more interesting then veg :)

Have a great day mon

Anyway if anyone have any questions let me know :rasta:

Lava Surfer

Nephthys seedlings

They have also started to streach a bit, nothing near what im seeing with the Bubblegum tho.

This is interesting to follow IMO, just hopeing it won't be to ekspencive an expiriance hehehe. It don't look like the grow's Im used to pull from clones, where I know what to ekspect as most clones are same size and have the same "preformance".

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Worry not, with your setup, It will get far from lonely in here once them buds start showing, everybody's just getting their lurk on right now.

Lava Surfer

hehehehe Lurk is all right too im a big lurker myself, I don't worry about ppl showing for the pot porn. I also see there are lot's of hit's on the thread, so it's all good in the hood!

Just whineing a bit !


Great Thread!!!!,,,,,,,,Great Set-Up,,,,I Have Seen On Another Community, Of A Guy Running The Fence Post Aeroponic's,,,He Has Had Great Success With Them!!!,,,I Went Through Your Thread To Fast, I Also Do Aeroponic's, Put I Do It Out Of Pod's, I DIY Rubbermaid's,,,I've Been In The Aeroponic's About Seven Or So Year's,,,I Love It!!!,,,,Well Best Of Luck My Brother!!! :rasta:

Lava Surfer

Hi Hatch and welcom onboard

Can't get thouse PVC fence posts around here, but drain pipes for toilet drains and indoor plumbing works great too. Lot's of fittings, they come with build in gromits and are perfect water tight. So easy anyone can do it, then it's just a cup drill and mesureing tape.

I have been growing in aeroponic on and off for many years, not always been able to do it cos of the noise. But the container don't really matter, if it's a rubbermaid, tube or a fence post. As long it's running with a desent pressure and mist is a fine fog it's all good!


Active member
pandora`s box

pandora`s box

Lava Surfer said:
Pandora seedlings

They are looking nice and uniform, not much to say about them that have'nt been said in the post above. They will go thru the same as the BG, takeing some cuttings and doing a nice selection job inbetween the Pandora seedlings. I only started 110 Pandora seeds, compared to 950 BG seeds. The BG seeds for some reason had a poor sprouting rate, but I blame the RW cubes or me and not the seeds. Some of the RW cube slaps did close to 100 % sproutin and other slaps only had like 25% sprouts MAXIMUM a week later then the rest.

your are calling some of your seedlings pandora but they are not subcool
pandora`s box are they? any way hope all goes well for you..

Lava Surfer

Nope they are not, did'nt know Sub had a strain called Pandora...guess I better find a different name then. I thourt sub where working with A13 corsses, anyway it was just a name that was picked to call it something else then C99 pineapple x Cali o X sweettooth x Purple maui now that im inbreading it trying to stabilise it.

I have been googeling Subcools seeds, I can't find anything for sale atleast under that name. Where did u see thouse seeds or is it some old stuff, anyway thanx for pointing it out!

Lava Surfer

All right Im gonna find a different name, it's a bit too close to Pandoras box and it could easy create confusion or even bad vibes. My thread name is identical to Sub's strain name, so thats unfortunet and I can't change this myself.

I wrote Subcool last night, just to make shure I go to the source. Also this way subcool will know whats going on if someone should write him "somebody's copying your stuff" or what ever.

So a new name have been picked hehehe

Nephthys.....not as easy as pandora but still a suiting name for this lady in green!

Lava Surfer

Nephtyhs seedlings 12/12 from seeds

More and more of them are showing sex, removed a few males again today and found a bunch more with little white hairs and others are showing clear signs of female flowers forming a nice crown in the top.


Lava Surfer

The Alegria clones I put in flower not long ago are starting to show pre flowers and looking good, desent root growth too so all in all they are doing fine. A few of them did'nt take the transfer to well, I guess from the looks 4 of them are dieing or won't yeald much.


Lava Surfer

Nephthys seedlings

They are growing into a desent size after all, had a few days of worry where they looked like they would'nt get moveing. But it looks like they are cathcing up now, so less to worry about. I think ig gonna start takeing the first cuttings from them tomorrow or one of the upcomeing days


Lava Surfer

Short update on the SSH in the aeroflo, one of the clones look like it's beginning to get root rot :spank:

The rest of the clones look fine, here is a picture of them all and one of a plant with healthy roots. The micro nutes I use is causeing the brownish color!

Im gonna check on the sick looking clone tomorrow, if the roots look worse im gonna remove it and hope for the best. As I said befor if this aeroflo get root rot again im gonna toss it, but just be cause one clone might turn bad it don't mean it's the same rot problem returning again.

Lava Surfer

The training of the SSH moms are going well, they are showing good growth and are starting to stay in the angle im training them into. Some of them more then others, others I might have to tie down a little. But I prefer not to tie em down, I will rather bend n shape the branches till they grow as I like them to.

I have started takeing cuttnings of my mothers, to grow new moms and train them. Some of my old moms have been moved into one of the flower rooms, so they can do a last preformance and put out some buds of there own and not just little new pot princesses of SOG.

Thas it for tonight, now im gonna kick back and smoke a SSH joint


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