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ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for sharing your indoor Panama @Moglozoid :) a Goddess type, glad you like this strain so much!
To avoid severe yellowing by end of flowering better transplant in early flowering, or feed strong and frequently with high ec and correct ph.


Thanks for sharing your indoor Panama @Moglozoid :) a Goddess type, glad you like this strain so much!
To avoid severe yellowing by end of flowering better transplant in early flowering, or feed strong and frequently with high ec and correct ph.

Thanks for the tips, bro. Dunno if I understand right, but obviously, she's been transplanted from her vegetative 4L pot into this 20L container, 10 days before switching season. Thing is, I use a mix of new and used soil, learning the recycling curve on that front, and thought she lacked Mg from the stretch and up the run. Still learning, though ^^'


Well-known member
Hey everybody !

A quick view of my beloved 2.5 years old reg Panama mother plant that just achieved her 11th week of flowering in a 20L container, under a 300W LED panel, right before chopping her down. She's given nice results growing countless onebuds in 2.5L pots over that time span.

Although I'm willing to dig further into Ace's catalog, I know I'll get back to this strain one day or another.

View attachment 18914019
Nice -- good method growing - good buds - good plant structure - looks like Great yields.


Well-known member
Opening the jar : sweet herbal lemon with a hint of lemon cleaner and ammonia

Dry hit from a joint : same as the jar but more lemon cleaner less warm lemon honey

Taste and aroma : sour lemon candy with perfume and subtle incense. Leaves a sour taste and incense exhale. Not loud church just a hint. Room smell is strong, hard to hide. Smells like earth and incense and classic pungent marijuana.

Effect : absolutely beautiful Clear and focused but also dreamy and nostalgic. No lack of brain buzz and some nice cannabis warmth in the body. Very calming and yet uplifting. Eyes feel slightly cold and slight headband effect. I have yet to test it out but seems like it would have a very high ceiling. Smoke this all day for sure.

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ACE Seeds Breeder
thanks @chronosync love the way you describe both the terpenes and effects, classic lemony incensey Panama, the look reminds me older Panama green expressions: less tamed, more old school landrace type of flower structure. Enjoy! :smoke:


Well-known member
I post my panama reg ,long flo (about 90 and more), pure lemon smell with slight floral note incensed and maybe vanilla ,I think I gave the description above in this son
For me it is the one that hits the strongest and the highest from the first shots ,strong persistent smell in the room of incensed floral smell, you are super excited ,joyful , full of energy
I still have a cup to test that seems crazy to me ,smell of lemon leather encircled with a report calice leaf completely ridiculous ,I would soon post tof
The plant is disgusting ,it has suffered ,comes from the outside no attention was paid to it ,so a lot of damage, but it is well defended I find here in 10 14 for 3 weeks


Well-known member
Hi dubi
have a question ,have you already had the pheno pure Colombian or Panamanian cat piss , I have a Panamanian that is hardened and that will remain defintively cat piss ,I posted tof higher in the son
I do not enttend much talked about this pheno ,just some connoisseur like Vermontman who talks about it in a cross with Mulanje who reminds him of this kind of Colombian cat piss smell, if I do not say bullshit;)
I have Colombian right now that a friend gave me 2 years ago
Some have strong cat piss smells, I would lock in the end.
I am curious to know your experience with this type of pheno , I am very pleasantly surprised on this version that was offered to me during one of my orders with you a few years ago, I also wanted to know if you still had the same version, see even an earlier version , because a friend would be very curious to test a lot more for a more advanced selection


Well-known member
Ouverture du pot : citron aux herbes douces avec une pointe de nettoyant au citron et d'ammoniaque

Coup sec d'un joint : pareil que le pot mais plus de nettoyant au citron, moins de miel de citron chaud

Goût et arôme : bonbon acidulé au citron au parfum et à l'encens subtil. Laisse un goût aigre et l'encens expire. Pas d'église bruyante, juste un indice. L'odeur de la pièce est forte, difficile à cacher. Ça sent la terre, l’encens et la marijuana piquante classique.

Effet : absolument magnifique. Clair et concentré mais aussi rêveur et nostalgique. Le buzz cérébral ne manque pas et la bonne chaleur du cannabis dans le corps. Très apaisant et pourtant édifiant. Les yeux sont légèrement froids et léger effet bandeau. Je ne l'ai pas encore testé, mais il semble que le plafond soit très haut. Fume ça toute la journée, c'est sûr.

View attachment 18915747 View attachment 18915748


ACE Seeds Breeder
Impressive 2 girls from your Hashplant x Panama cross @befa ;) very Panama dominant, one for the tamed green/white pheno (which Panama Goddess belongs), and the other a strong red pheno :yes:

You can push stronger the feeding with the straight Panama next time, she is a beauitful, big yielding, lemony -incensey expression.

I remember growing Chaman's Colombian Gold almost 20 years ago beside Oldtimer's Haze and pure SE Asians, and all they had cat piss terpenes more or less. It's a terpene profile not rare to find in tropical landrace sativas. Panama on the other hand is very refined line for terpenes, and undesirable (for most people) terpene profiles have been removed long time ago from genepool.


Well-known member
Hello growers !

I wanted to show you my young panama plant at day 21 from seed.

On the second pict, she's with her sisters, malawi (left, day 30 from seed) and Killer A5 haze (right, day 30 from seed).

Its my first ace grow and also my first grow with pure sativas. 100% organic as usual for me.

I will keep you updated.
P.s. There are so many gorgeous plants in this thread ! Lots of pheno diversity too.


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