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Well-known member
Click image for larger version  Name:	panama.jpg Views:	0 Size:	112.7 KB ID:	17874658
Click image for larger version  Name:	panam.jpg Views:	0 Size:	119.4 KB ID:	17874659
My "Old" ACE Panama mother I am keeping since 2014 :)


Active member
Looks great!! Just curious, but why did you decide to chop at 10 weeks?

Lack of patience and a dwindling stash lmao. 100% these sativas should be given at least 12 weeks.

Early larf samples came out to be a good mood enhancer. Next grow I will prune all lower branches to force flowering into the bigger top colas, the lower ones just take too long to trim.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Congrats on your Panama harvest Azn00superman ;) Yeah i like and recommend to bring Panama until 12th week of flowering for best terpenes, yield, resins and more powerful effects. Looks like is going to be a nice Panamanian summer on your side :D

Lovely colas JohnnyChicago A pleasure to re visit your Panama, mother of your great PanOhaze cut! :smoke:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Buenas tardes, como puede ser que la Colombia Mangobiche tarde de 16-24 semanas y la Panamá de 9-12? Tiene algo de indica? Gracias.

Dubi, is there any indica adulteration in the Panama freebies? I had a male that showed preflowers early on with much fatter leaves than the other two. Stem rub reminded me slightly of PCK. Or perhaps there are some more indica leaves among the Panama line?

I am currently running Panama regs along with golden tiger, super malawi haze and zamaldelica x tangie and can certainly say that at some point in its' genetic history it definitely had BLD genetics bred in. I wouldn't go so far as to accuse ACE of doing this, they have always struck me as legit, it is more likely that it happened before they got the strain. It's node distance is not pure nld, it's leaf shape in veg is not pure nld, It's branch size and angles are not pure nld and the thickness of branches is not indicative of nld either. This makes sense though as cannabis is not native to Panama. These strains were more likely brought in as nld multiuse plants, but certainly in the carribean there was bld varieties brought by Indian slaves and workers. All that said, and I don't subscribe to this belief, but ACE has been accused by others of specifically adding PCK to shorten strain times and increase yields. seems like it would just be shooting themselves in the foot with that since they define themselves by their quality sativas, and that would undoubtedly tarnish that as people find less then sativa effects compared to other sources. There are very few, if any, pure NLD or BLD varieties left on the planet, since cannabis has been bred and naturally hybridized for thousands of years.
other possibility is perhaps pollen contamination? males in the same room, pollen can end up on a different plant before collection. more rare, but entirely possible if the males varieties are not all kept isolated.

Hi browntrout, Thesearch and Salva,

We have never introduced indica genetics to our 3 way Panamanian hybrid, neither we found obvious indica traits in the 3 Panama sativa lines involved in the development of our Panama strain.

Charlie Garcia from Cannabiogen did the first and most difficult half of breeding of the strain and I did continue with its breeding from 2007 onwards but mainly since 2013 until today.

Salva, the goal with the breeding of our Panama strain was to tame and adapt the best sativa traits from these originally tropical sativa lines to indoor growing, to non tropical temperate latitudes, shortening flowering times, increasing bud density, resin production, cannabinoid contents, potency, complexity and intensity of the terpenes, etc ....

I cannot speak for charlie garcia, but i think his goal with his Mangobiche and Punto Rojo breeding was not to tame them to indoor growing or make them easier to grow or shorter flowering like we did with Panama, but to capture their tropicalness in their original state, hence the longer flowering times and more tropical behaviour of these 2 strains.

In 2007 i grew some very early flowering Panama phenos that could be harvested at just 9,5 weeks (not fully ripe), but they are not the norm, neither that's the direction i took with Panama breeding in all these latest years. As you can see from other growers experiences here in this thread, most Panama phenos usually finish after 12 weeks of flowering.

browntrout and Thesearch, Panama freebies are from same Panama stock we use to sell. Our Panama strain shows many times wide leaves in their first weeks of life, to later show all her sativa traits and glory in flowering. Not all sativa landraces have thin leaves since the start, ie many North Indians. It's better to judge a line after growing many plants of the strain in different environments, then you will get a more accurate full picture than just with an early male. Males can show sex and be fertile very fast, especially with fast indoor growing and when feel rootbound in small pots.

I sent to Phylos genetic material of 3 Panama parental plants from different generations: our Panama F10 Goddess (mother i've been using to produce most of the released Panama offspring, regular or fem), a F11 offspring of Goddess and probable sibling of the seeds you are growing, and an old Panama male F6 (dad of Panama regular release for the last 5-7 years).

I also sent to Phylos 3 different pure PCK samples (2 females and 1 male). Go and check and based on the genetic analyses tell me if the PCK samples are related to Panama, Malawi or any other of our sativas. If you don't trust us you can do the analyses yourself, bring seeds of our Panama, Malawi and PCK releases to Phylos or any other DNA sequencing company and compare the results, i bet the results will state they are not related with each other.

Sorry if I offend someone, but i find the BLD vs NLD taxonomy childish and unuseful in many cases. How do you classify a plant that starts with wide leaves and finishes with very thin leaves ? a BNLD plant ? Please, don't count with me.

'ACE has been accused of' .... haters are haters and will only hate. But before accuse us of anything please think yourself with a clean mind what are the intentions of those who accuse, check the dozens of grow reports about our genetics from independent growers here in our room and make up your mind. I'm not telling you what do you think, i encourage you to good deep into the question (if you are really serious on it) and find your true by yourself, repeating others words has never made any person more inteligent.

Regarding how strongly tamed our 3 way Panama hybrid is. You seem to forget the amazing genetic plasticity that cannabis plant has, been able to change a lot in very short time. Also, Panama strain has been worked for more than 20 years, up to 12 generations, and the efforts from the breeders involved in this line have been significant to modify the line from how it was until how is today.
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Well-known member
Way to go Dubi!!! I read those "ACE has been accused of" posts and just Cringe. Straight up Haters. I feel like those who want to nit pick should try their luck at tracking directly from the point of Origin. Get some plane tickets and get busy. Then grow the line out for 9 or 10 generations and get back to us. People who attack the work of others are simply not of Right Mind.

Muy linda Hombre del Mont!!

Humple W.

Well-known member
12 weeks of flowering, as of tomorrow. They've been holding up against temps of more than 95°F/35°C, but I know they would do even better with a friendlier environment. Trichs on both are almost all cloudy, with an amber or a clear trich occasionally found here and there. Any thoughts on how much longer?


Well-known member
Humple they look Awesome. Another week or two. With temperatures high, it can be a tightrope walk. You want more amber trichs, but do not want to give them so much time that mold sets in.

Keep the air moving, and the scissors ready buddy!!

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
S6000006 (2).JPG

Very vigorous plant indeed. So far she's not had any additional food and doesn't look like she needs it yet. If she continues at this rate she's going to be a monster; I think that I'll have to give her a serious trimming at the end of the month in order to keep the height down to around 1.5m.
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Humple W.

Well-known member
Well, I did what I could, considering the conditions with which I was dealing, but unfortunately, some mold has set in, so I'm chopping today, one day short of 13 weeks.

Can't wait to run them again. We weren't able to get the whole-home AC system we were hoping for, but as of yesterday we now have some new window AC units, so the next run should be better. Lower heat, lower humidity, and hopefully healthier plants that won't succumb! With KA5H and Tikal on-deck, I definitely want to get everything dialed in!
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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
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My Panama is a beast! She really is growing at a fast rate! So far she's not been given any food but is looking a little lighter in colour today so at the next watering i'll give her a light feed.

As you can see, she's getting a little wild, ie. the tops are no longer a uniform hieght. This morning, despite it being 31c at 12am and me being at a rave on sunday night, I've been doing some training.

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So, I'm bending the branches down using stiff wire stakes, pushed in the earth. Some of the tops in the middle of the plant have been topped. Some of the more skinny growth has been removed. No fan leaves have been removed, although some have been manipulated into different positions, to allow now light to the many tops. I'm not a fan of removing leaves.
As you can see from the last picture, branches/stems are twisted underneath each other in an attempt to keep a uniform heght. Panama is extremly flexable and allows me to be really brutal in my training. She looks a bit of a mess now but come tomorrow morning and she'll be looking awesome again.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
This plant is extremly vigorous!. I'm trianing her every day and yesterday gave her her second feed. I know it only a few days since my last pictures but i want to share with you the amazing growth. I can only imagine the size she'd go, if left without training.
Despite her havig many equal hieght tops, ie. all the tops are the "main" top and consequently smaller but equal, the fan leaves are still extremly large. Hopefully, one day i'll be in a position to let my girls just grow as nature intended.
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Humple W.

Well-known member
Two weeks since chop, and I'm getting to know this ganja. First, I can absolutely discern that the sustained high temps had a deleterious effect - seems like some of the good stuff got cooked off...

That said, I'm still super impressed, and kind of blown away! It doesn't look like much (that heat fluffed the buds way out - not that looks are actually important!), it doesn't look or feel as resinous as it did before the heat wave slammed the poor plants, and the aroma is a lot fainter than it was before the heat cranked up, but despite that I'm loving this herb. It really isn't like anything I've had before, effect-wise. So damn far from those commercial hybrids, which is amazing. She's a real creeper. I mean, I thought I'd smoked some creepers, but with this Panama it's like it doesn't really kick in for 10-15 minutes after I'm done smoking, and then it's an upward trajectory for at least another half hour, if not longer, after which is stays up at that level for a good long while. The creeper stuff I've had before felt like it hit you a minute or so after you finished a full smoke sesh (as opposed to stuff that affects you mid-way through smoking, or even within the first couple of hits) - but the delayed reaction on the Panama is fascinating. And with other strains I've had, the intensity certainly doesn't keep building like this, it's more like they hit at or near peak and then slowly (hopefully slowly, but all to often quickly) drop off from there. The quality of the effect is different as well - super light and up and clear, with a sort of glow. This is exactly the sort of thing I was hoping to get from Ace genetics - personality! No same-old, same-old, but something that really stands out from the generic Skunk-based stuff (as does the Bubba Hash!). Really excited to see what happens to the overall potency of these girls after a really good, healthy run. I was going to wait another cycle before running Panama again, because I wanted to use the tent space for something new, but now I'm compelled to get her right back in there for another shot!

Thanks, Dubi and Ace, your work impresses the hell out of me! (Now if I can just do them justice and grow them properly!)


Curious Cannivore
Looks amazing Hombre! :)

Been awhile since I tried the plain Panama but Humple's description is making me want to run it again. :D


Well-known member
Looks amazing Hombre! :)

Been awhile since I tried the plain Panama but Humple's description is making me want to run it again. :D

Ditto that :biggrin:

Im seriously considering a 9 plant run of all Panama from the breeders pack. 3 Fems from the green goddess lemoney/incense line, 3 fems from the “Green” line, and 3 Fems from the pink/red line. I think it would be awesome to really compare the lines, side by side at the same time. Following them through growing, then harvest, curing, smoke reports, etc etc

No better way to get to know a line really? :yummy::headbange

…. We really are blessed to be in a time where legalization is spreading, and even where it’s not relaxation of enforcement is slowly creeping across the globe. With so many great genetics available at the touch of a button it’s hard to know where to begin when working through ones seed stash. Easy to get distracted.

Thanks to ACE and everyone around spreading the love, you all are awesome.


Well-known member
Two weeks since chop, and I'm getting to know this ganja. First, I can absolutely discern that the sustained high temps had a deleterious effect - seems like some of the good stuff got cooked off...

That said, I'm still super impressed, and kind of blown away! It doesn't look like much (that heat fluffed the buds way out - not that looks are actually important!), it doesn't look or feel as resinous as it did before the heat wave slammed the poor plants, and the aroma is a lot fainter than it was before the heat cranked up, but despite that I'm loving this herb. It really isn't like anything I've had before, effect-wise. So damn far from those commercial hybrids, which is amazing. She's a real creeper. I mean, I thought I'd smoked some creepers, but with this Panama it's like it doesn't really kick in for 10-15 minutes after I'm done smoking, and then it's an upward trajectory for at least another half hour, if not longer, after which is stays up at that level for a good long while. The creeper stuff I've had before felt like it hit you a minute or so after you finished a full smoke sesh (as opposed to stuff that affects you mid-way through smoking, or even within the first couple of hits) - but the delayed reaction on the Panama is fascinating. And with other strains I've had, the intensity certainly doesn't keep building like this, it's more like they hit at or near peak and then slowly (hopefully slowly, but all to often quickly) drop off from there. The quality of the effect is different as well - super light and up and clear, with a sort of glow. This is exactly the sort of thing I was hoping to get from Ace genetics - personality! No same-old, same-old, but something that really stands out from the generic Skunk-based stuff (as does the Bubba Hash!). Really excited to see what happens to the overall potency of these girls after a really good, healthy run. I was going to wait another cycle before running Panama again, because I wanted to use the tent space for something new, but now I'm compelled to get her right back in there for another shot!

Thanks, Dubi and Ace, your work impresses the hell out of me! (Now if I can just do them justice and grow them properly!)

Hi Humple :tiphat:

Nice report. I think you may find with more cure time that creeper effect shortens, at least it did with my last Panama grow. I do remember a very similar creeper effect early on when harvested, but after a few months with proper cure the creeper effect shortened and the potency increased. Of course it could simply be the pheno I had, so take it with a grain of salt but it will be interesting to see if yours behaves similarly after a good cure. :biggrin:

Humple W.

Well-known member
Hi Humple :tiphat:

Nice report. I think you may find with more cure time that creeper effect shortens, at least it did with my last Panama grow. I do remember a very similar creeper effect early on when harvested, but after a few months with proper cure the creeper effect shortened and the potency increased. Of course it could simply be the pheno I had, so take it with a grain of salt but it will be interesting to see if yours behaves similarly after a good cure. :biggrin:

I look forward to seeing how she develops! I know you had what looks like a Red pheno (lovely grow, by the way!) - Dubi said he thinks mine are both Panama Goddess-dominant phenos, which show a mix of the Red, Green, and Purple, without necessarily leaning into any one of them. That said, if these do lean, I think that at least one of mine seems very like the description of the Green, with the huge, less-dense colas - if that's correct, perhaps the effects won't change as dramatically as yours. But I'm cool with it either way!


Well-known member
I look forward to seeing how she develops! I know you had what looks like a Red pheno (lovely grow, by the way!) - Dubi said he thinks mine are both Panama Goddess-dominant phenos, which show a mix of the Red, Green, and Purple, without necessarily leaning into any one of them. That said, if these do lean, I think that at least one of mine seems very like the description of the Green, with the huge, less-dense colas - if that's correct, perhaps the effects won't change as dramatically as yours. But I'm cool with it either way!

Done ✅ Seeds are dropped! I already popped one FEM seed from the lemony/Incensey line about a week ago. So I went ahead and dropped two more from that line, then three each of the Green line as well as the pink/red line.

Full details will be updated in my thread:


…. and I’ll post results here when the time comes.

Assuming I get 100% germination (which I usually do) I’ll have three of each line. I’ll let them mature until showing sex, then take clones of each and flower out the clones. If I don’t get 100% germination I’ll just pop another of the corresponding line until I have three from each line. Once the grow is harvested and cured properly I’ll make my selection of green and red moms and the others will be discarded.

I think each line is special in its own way, I want the green goddess mother to keep in my stable but I’d like a nice Red mom too, the one I had before probably should have been a keeper. I would like to find her again also.
