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Panama Haze


Altruistic Hazeist
Doing well despite of the winds:



Active member
Timer failure.... time to try again. RIP this particular plant. I’ll get a new cutting ready to take her place soon.

Good thing I’ve still got some PanamaHaze from last run to enjoy. Really one of my favorite smokes.

Sorry to bring bad news here on a Friday, just didn’t want anyone watching progress wondering what happened. :tiphat:

Stay hazed


Well-known member
Doesn't look so damaged to cull. I would try to revive her with drying out the medium and flushing for a week to see if she bounces back. Never give up on a plant like that ;)



Well-known member
Doesn't look so damaged to cull. I would try to revive her with drying out the medium and flushing for a week to see if she bounces back. Never give up on a plant like that ;)


I agree there's a lot of potential there. She'll perk up again with your corrections, then at worst you'll have quite a bit more P Haze, and maybe with some S1s for future enjoyment:biggrin:
That said, I'm always very disappointed when I know I've affected the future outcome negatively. In other words, cull if you feel you need to start over;)

Edit: Should say that I'm puffing on some of this right now from last grow, harvested just a month ago. Light lemon and incense, not as dramatic as my previous finishes, but she got pretty far and is surprisingly potent. Reds my eyes MUCH more than the Neville's crosses I've been puffing on, very oldschool fat eyelids. Has the Panama positiveness with some serious rush and lift at the beginning. Very interesting plant I got this time, taken a what I thought was 10 days or so early, turns out to be one of the more potent smokes of the last batch, and in its own, familiar, panama haze way. Thought maybe I'd chosen the wrong one to start the day off, hehe. I got three big jars of her, two of which are getting vacuum sealed today.


Active member
Doesn't look so damaged to cull. I would try to revive her with drying out the medium and flushing for a week to see if she bounces back. Never give up on a plant like that ;)


I’ve tried for three days- the pic is from 3 days ago- after drying the pebbles and rinsing with a mild nutrient, o2 rich solution she almost immediately started dropping leaves and showed me its time to throw in the towel. Maybe I’ll try and get her upstairs and some sunlight. Sunshine heals a lot of woes for these plants. :comfort:
In any case, I’ve written it off as a loss and added yearly timer replacement to my garden scheme.
Thank you for the encouragement if by some miracle she does come back around I’ll be sure to update.

Stay hazed


Altruistic Hazeist
Blowingupjake I feel your loss... :comfort:

My Panama Haze progresses... the other two (seem to be green phenos) are three weeks younger..


Bud leaves are starting to become darker... purple is coming! Taking also its distinctive chandelier-like structure.


Altruistic Hazeist
Regarding recovery:

I had this girl like this once:


She recovered spectacularly


And had a bountiful yield (colas rotated due to weight:)


never give up!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Sorry to hear it Jake :(

Shit happens. But glad you kept clones to make a new flowering cycle with her and that you rate Panama Haze as one of your favorite smokes :) Looking forward to follow your new cycle with the strain!

Timer failure.... time to try again. RIP this particular plant. I’ll get a new cutting ready to take her place soon.
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Good thing I’ve still got some PanamaHaze from last run to enjoy. Really one of my favorite smokes.

Sorry to bring bad news here on a Friday, just didn’t want anyone watching progress wondering what happened. :tiphat:

Stay hazed


ACE Seeds Breeder
Always a pleasure to see you chime in Azure :tiphat:

Nice looking Panama Haze cola, looks like she carries the resin production and flowering structure of Panama Goddess parental plant.
Looks almost done to me ;)


Well-known member
2020 grow

2020 grow

Here is one of two Panama Haze I have going this season. Hoping it develops into the Purple Haze pheno. I had one of those in the 2018 season that was great. At the time I didn't know they could that so it was a surprise when during flowering it turned purple, now hoping for a repeat.



Well-known member
Wow musigny23, is that bed only for her? :bigeye: Will you be topping/training her?

It's a rectangular bed that's about 1 meter x 2 meters. This Panama Haze shares it with a Thai x Panama. So they each get about a 1m x 1m.

I don't top plants, instead I train the main top by bending it down (away from the sun angle or north) which has the same effect of causing side branches to grow more. The main top will turn itself up and keep growing. The plant will be more bushy but still have a main cola. I'll be staking the side branches to spread them out and to stabilize them for windy afternoons later on.

These will probably get about 2.5 m tall but also quite broad by the time they're done.


Altruistic Hazeist
and depth?? OMG... Never grew Panama Haze for long, but Thai x Panama will become a beast there! expect a bumper crop...

This year I was thinking in sowing her (PH) earlier, and top/work her into a trained bush.


Well-known member
and depth?? OMG... Never grew Panama Haze for long, but Thai x Panama will become a beast there! expect a bumper crop...

This year I was thinking in sowing her (PH) earlier, and top/work her into a trained bush.

Depth of the bed? Oh about 35 cm. Last year I grew Super Malawi Haze and Bangi Congo x Panama in this bed. They did max out the space available.

I haven't ever gotten into rigorous pruning, I can't bring myself to make the cuts. :)


New member
I just finished completing my first grow of Panama Haze.

I sprouted three seeds, and took all three to harvest. I vegged for 49 days on an 18/4 light schedule and flowered for 96 days on a 12/12 schedule. After flipping to 12/12 these things streeeeeetched about 3x their height, and all ended up about 40" tall. Very strong lateral branches that curved up after flipping to 12/12 and continued to grow straight up.

I ended up with a total of 224g off the three plants. I grew these under an HLG 550 V2 Red Spec light, along with five other plants.

Panama Haze was a pleasure to grow and was pretty much on auto-pilot the entire grow. I had some bad pH issues a few weeks into harvest The other plants I was growing were quickly turning light green and getting bright yellow leaves that turned brown in a couple days before falling off. I was measuring pH immediately after mixing my nutrients at 6.7, and my runoff right after watering was measuring 6.5. Someone on Instagram helped me understand pH drift due to buffering in the individual nutrient mixes, and after letting my mix sit for a few hours, it measured at pH 5.5! I quickly got some pH+ to fix this issue.

Even through all this nearly killing my entire grow, Panama Haze was hardly phased. It had strong, healthy dark green leaves throughout the entire grow. I used Bio Bizz nutrients, including their Bio Grow and Bio Bloom at their recommended levels. Before I understood my pH issue, I increased the dosage to 150% recommended, and did notice that the leaves got too dark green and started to show signs of Nitrogen burn. I watered with straight RO water the final two weeks, and gave them a dark period of 48 hours prior to chop.

They were dried for about a week, dry trimmed, and have been in jars for about two weeks now, so their scents are starting to become very pronounced. This strain is FUNKY. I don't know how to describe it other than it smells like some incense you'd find in your weird Aunt's basement that hasn't changed since 1980. I've never knowingly smoked a haze before, so to me this hardly smells like marijuana at all, at least what I'm used to. It almost tickles the nostrils on first inhale. All three plants are very similar scent-wise with no obvious phenotypes pre-smoke test.

It was obvious when trimming that this plant is extremely resonous. Even during veg period, a stem rub would leave the fingers sticky and stinky. My trimming scissors required a few cleanings just trimming these three plants. I didn't wear gloves and my fingertips smelled for several days afterward. I cannot wait to give this a test after a full cure and report back.

The picture below is just before chopping them down after I had taken down their supports.


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