This hit a bit too close to home. My PCK#9 has been doing almost the same thing. I usually bring a small branch inside and put it in a glass to safely collect pollen. Yeah. That didn't exactly work with PCK. He kept dropping all his sacks, dry to the bone. Outside, he managed to open them, but without success.@dubi do you know, what's up with these?
I had this PCM male, which sacks never opened but flew off in all directions when touched and old sacks just drying out.
put it outdoors, but it's still not doing anything there xD
My mutant phenos are looking much more like real plants. They have been quite trouble free once they began to put on size. Here at 45 North, they began flowering on Aug. 25 at 13:42 hours of sunlight.
PCK may nowadays be a bite slow, but she definitely makes up in the trichome department. I can't wait to see how the runts turn out. I'll be here eating my heart out incase they perform better than the more elegant siblingsI just cut off a top flower on the second biggest PCK because a caterpillar was wrapped up in it. Look at what is going on after only three weeks in flower.
Blimey, I'd pay a fortune for that pollen.
Hope you also produced some interesting hybrids as well.