Sup ozz! Bitties looking amazing
How did that one very bent top end up, she working on growing a nice fat knuckle?
Currently at 2.6 EC, 5.6 PH
Using blue planets elite lineup with Silica, Cal Mag, Orca Mycorrhiza, and SLF100.
Do you have a hard time not picking favorites amongst your seedlings and plants? Never know if one's gonna be a secret winner that pops out at the end, so it makes it tricky to jump the gun on saying "I think this one's gonna be the best one!" I feel like I'm partial to plants that sprout fastest, grow mass fastest and have an overall aesthetic appeal to 'em although I wonder how much all that translates to being the best bud producer.
I gotcha. I just have this weird puzzle playing in my mind where I want to give all the plants a fair shot, but all spots under the light aren't equal in quality (best fan position, most light from all sides of the light, etc), so I find myself wanting to put the "better" plants in the best spots, but then what if the other phenos would have made a comeback and expressed themselves as narrowly better later on had I prioritized them equally? I try to rotate my plants' positions for this reason but I still find myself with a sense of regret when I put one of the "pretty" plants on the corner/side spot under the light for my stupid musical chairs game. Idk, maybe it's just the weird things you think about if you spend too much time staring at your plants and thinking about it all. But that's always been me. I can oggle my plants for a long time the same way I just sit back and observe my aquariums. This hobby's wild.