THE real real original Heaven doesn't exist anymore. But still Heaven is some great Outdoor Indica Weed. Just for your knowledge: Northern Lights is no 100 % Indica for example. It was probably Afghan x Thai stabilized and selected to 9 numbers. 1+2 are like pure indicas and 5 was a mostly sativa. nowadays everybody thinks NL is a pure indica because only indica dominant NL's are available.I was told that heaven was a true Indica not a cross with any Sativa
THE real real original Heaven doesn't exist anymore. But still Heaven is some great Outdoor Indica Weed.
the strain, there are still only just as a clone in switzerland
know yet because the couple have clone.
none of the breeders I know would be in their original clone ch purely put on ff. if you want more info drop me a pm.
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You know someone with the clone ?
Can you or they be persuaded to get it to Flowery Field in Austria ?
That way,it can be passed around all Europe easily.