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Overglueing the Marshs'..


$$ ALONE $$
Raccoon Deterant.........

Raccoon Deterant.........

A mix of cinnimon and ground black pepper applied liberally around the topsoil will deter raccoons from digging. I just dont know how bad it would be for the plants absorbed into the soil, so I would just sprinkle it around the ground as a 1st line of defense and hope they dont want to still wander in there and get all hooked up. Ill apply it around the perimeter, and then the 2nd stage fish hooks, then the 3rd stage fencing, then the 4th stage cages, then certain death.
Ill give em a chance but some Coons are stubborn.


Active member
I'm thinking a FAT joint, and a refresher course on pest control with Bill Murray, and Caddyshack are in order. in for nuttin else but inspiration for the battle ahead.lol

Stay Twisted


$$ ALONE $$
went out there at 5:45 am this morning and the fencing stopped them. I put a mesh plastic fence around each pot near the animal trail they come in on. I also took a bunch of cinnimon and black pepper and made a mix and sprinkled it everywhere around the ground. What a smell. It bothered my breathing.
Also took stakes/twist-ties and reinforced the fencing so the coons couldnt pull it down to get to the soil.
Again.....I forgot to take pics. They plants are so big now....wow! Next weekend will be pic time and damn do I expect some growth.
The Azamax aint stopping the green and red Leaf-Hoppers so were getting insecticidal soap.


Active member
BECAREFUL with duct taped branches.. a friend of mine told me to use bandades that allow air in .. especially outside.. u can get rot.. and it will get into the stem and the entire plant will rot out..

the bandaids that allow airflow.... work wonders.. lol... just a heads up.. wen it gets to end of flowering.. any place for rot or mold to start.. will destroy a plant.. and those plants are soo nice and big.. u don't wana lose anything.. so becareful bro.

the raccoon thing happened to 2 of my plants this year too. it actually ripped the fucking plant out of the pot and dumped the soil out on the ground.. I had to scrap 1 plant.. the other wasn't as bad.. but I tossed down a ton of black pepper.. and pepper seed .. and haven't had a issue.


$$ ALONE $$
BECAREFUL with duct taped branches.. a friend of mine told me to use bandades that allow air in .. especially outside.. u can get rot.. and it will get into the stem and the entire plant will rot out..

Yes it will.........They didnt snap,
they were just bent really bad. Like a serious LST job on a 5' long branch next to the main stalk. LOL. Bastard!
My partner lost his mind for a second and thought the branches were gonners. First thing I said instinctively was, "I can fix this!"
Fix it up I did. He went and got 2 bags of FFOF soil that we had extra, and I took the ductape and did it up.
Once I think its built its knuckle back up, in about a week, Ill remove the tape, and put fresh tape in a new spot, so it doesnt get rot.
I roll the tape and make it like rope. Then tie it in a knot around the stalk to secure both sides.
I really need to get trellis netting and 8' green metal fencing stakes too support these heavy branches.
They're wicked thick.


$$ ALONE $$
My partner went out yesterday evening and sprayed insecticidal soap on the girls, and then it rained hard all night. LOL! Figures as much.
Ill pick some up on Thursday, and go out on an evening when theres gonna be sunny days ahead for a few days, and spray em down good.

I seriously cant believe just how huge these things are. They havent even stretched yet!
They make the growbags look tiny. :biggrin:

The Blue Dream is getting really tall. Fattest main stalk I ever seen. It almost looks abnormal with the skinny side branches. LOL! Huge top cola, the size of my leg, is gonna be on her at harvest no doubt. Partner wants to top her again but I dont want to.
She will reach 12'+ tall by Oct. Thats abit much for my partner cuz the Dream looks alot dif than any of the other plants out there.
Classic X-Mas tree and super tall. Partners afraid it will be seen from the air since its so classic MJ looking with those long serated sativa-ish leaves. The bushes blend in quite well I must say. The BD does stick out. Its also lighter green.


$$ ALONE $$
What a storm that blew through here this morning. Heaviest rains of the season so far.
Only lasted about 10 minutes but daaaamn! I couldnt even see to drive. Wicked downpour.
Speaking of which.....
You see the hailstorm in CO outside of Denver? Holy Shit! That had to destroy mad gardens.
I guess a greenhouse is invaluable when your legal.
That hail was 3 inches deep in places. Im sorry to all who got hammered.

We have had rain the last 3 or 4 days in a row, then got hammered today.
Glad theres no flowers on them yet. We will now get 4 or 5 days of good sunny dry cool weather so they should get their stretch on this week or next. They need a good stretch of sunny dry weather. They've been starved of dry spells all summer.
Easy waterings..but damn! Bring on the sunshine yo!
Feels so good to be out there with the girls. I miss them everyday like they were my own children when Im not with them.
Not gonna look forward to harvesting them. Having to cut them down will be painfull. Theres nothing sadder and happier at the same time, than an empty plot you just harvested. It looks baren and you will miss it.....but celebrate the harvest. With finger hash!


$$ ALONE $$
Im looking forward to taking pics this Sat and showing you guys just how rediculously large these bushes have gotten.
NEVER expected it. I just hope we can harvest enough to get me North-West Bound and Truckin'.

Were gonna need a bigger boat!


East Coast Grower
Ha hell yeah man lets see some pics! Been getting hit hard with rain for a while now too.. plants dont seem to mind too much. Did see that hail on the news damn.


$$ ALONE $$
The rain washed away all the cinnimon and black pepper. I wasnt able to fence around all the growbags, just the ones that were dug in, + a few more, so I hope it was enough to keep it out. Ill find out Sat.
Getting more fencing for the coons, insect soap for the leaf hoppers, and green metal stakes to put the netting on.
Got a great tip from Pono to put 1 stake per plant and just wrap the plant with the netting. This will secure the branches and whole plant from high winds and heavy rains without sticking out too much. Thanx Pono. :tiphat:


$$ ALONE $$


Heres what I got for them before they start to flower for bugs and disease ~
All plants got sprayed with Safer Soap this a.m. Put up some more fence today as well.
Still need 1 more 25' roll to surround the rest of the plants.
The Liquid Copper will be sprayed tomorrow ~

COME ON IN! .....:tiphat: Watch your step....
GrandoggyApe OG's on left...GG#4 on right ~

GrandoggyApe OG = (GrapeApe x OGKush) X (ChemD x GDP(r))
This is my favorite plant in the garden other than the GG4 and Chemmy Jones ~

GrandoggyApe OG ~


$$ ALONE $$
UPDATE cont............

UPDATE cont............

Blue Dream -
EDIT::: Its has a few MALE preflowers here and there.
It was 1 seed in a whole LB so I expected a few sacks here and there.
It also has white hairs so as long as it isnt too too bad, I should have some really huge BD colas.




$$ ALONE $$
Not bad concidering it was minimal work with mostly used and flushed FFOF soil.
Cant wait till next year already! I got plans for 8 plants in 200gln smarties.


Astronaut Status
Nice looking shrubs you have there.....just about time to clean the bottoms and inside's. I plan on starting mine on Monday seeing how it's prolly gonna take a week to get it all done. You look like you have a "few" hours worth on yours as well. The best part is they are gonna just about double in size if not more once the switch get's flipped......

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