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Well-known member
Just an opinion here but you are putting a lot of effort into using this field and there seems to be no water source near by. It seems like you are suggesting driving into this field to bring water because other wise you would not need to cut the lock/chain. Other wise you could just haul water over fence or siphon water from one container to another one on opposite side of fence.
I have concerns about driving in this area. Second you mentioned people partying here before the fence was locked down in my opinion they are probably still partying here.

If you are sold on using this field (I’m not) then go with water crystals and water retention type soil like coco. Better than trying to haul all that water. Simple is always better. Haul the crystals and coco once instead of water every couple of weeks. Count on growing smaller plants or something to harvest earlier like GG (Guerilla Gold.) done by Sept 1st.

Don’t make the spot fit the grow make the grow fit the spot.


Active member
Well I have had a couple of plants out there this season just to test the field. I'm pretty sure nobody goes out there because it's clean and there aren't any bottles/cans/trash out there like it was a few years ago.

I got the plants half way back into the field now, and i've been carrying water over the gate (major chore). So far it's been a really good field and I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary. But next season I'm wanting to do a lot more plants, so they will require a lot more water. It gets pretty damn hot and dry here during the summer months, and I dunno if they could go 2 weeks without water.

Most of the fields are open out here and not gated. I like the idea that this is gated because it keeps other people from going out there (major advantage for me) And, nobody parties out there anymroe because of this. And while i'm out there watering, I don't feel so paranoid because I know there is a gate up so people won't go back there.

I live in a place where they don't have problems with MJ cultivation so much.. and don't have choppers looknig for it.


standing water? u mean by the water in the container? that water is fine there is no cover over it to make bacteria. there is constantly rain water going in and out of it. plus leaves and other shit making valuable nutes for the plants ive been using this in my organic grows all year and i dont have one complaint from my plants, and i dont break my back going back in forth with big water pales.

tell me if you think they dont like there water supply?



I wouldn't cut the lock either. That is asking for trouble. What if some one likes to go out there and sit in front of the gate and get baked everyonce in a while? You mentioned folks used to party there. They notice a new lock, and take a nature hike up in the field.


Active member
I agree: don't cut the lock. And definitely do not drive there every day, even at 2am...someone is going to notice.

I can see why you're tempted by the site, because I've been attracted by such areas too. Ultimately, I decided it wasn't worth it to hump heavy containers of water over fences or in other tricky-to-reach places. (My experience this season is that you still need to water at least weekly even with water crystals...but my climate is also very dry.) There's gotta be water on site for me to consider it fit for cultivation. Hamstring's right: make the grow fit the site, not the other way around.

I'm just curious: what's in the immediate vicinity of the field? Is it in a residential or urban area? How do you think it's zoned? How far away is it from regular traffic of any sort? Again, I get the appeal. I personally love the "close to home" angle. I just wouldn't want to hump in water for 40 plants every few days, or even once a week.


Active member
Well it's rural area but there are houses out there.. mainly country folks.. farmers.. etc.. lot of farm land out there... but this is the only field on the gravel road, and it happens to be empty of animals/crops. The area has a bit traffic around the gravel road, but not many vehicles go down the gravel road itself. I've never, ever seen cops out in that area, but still paranoid bout parking outside the gate. That's why I'd like to drive my truck back there once a week and water.

I'm defintely not gonna change the lock. Like I said, if i just cut one of the chain links, I can replace it with one of those links above and just take the link off and get in the field that way.. I highly doubt anyone would notice it.
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Active member
You seem to know the area and to like the spot, so if you're OK with the water variable, I say give it a shot. At the very least, you could grow a few big-ass plants distributed near trees and shrubs around the field. Also, you wouldn't have to haul water from very far. If you're in an area where it rains, you could take that earlier suggestion of using some receptacle to catch water. Plus, water crystals do make a big difference...they'd cut down your visits. Could be do-able if you cut yourself a subtle entry in the fence.

Good luck if you decide to do it!


So i went by my grow spot earlier today and discovered something kinda weird. I dont know if someone driving by accidentally swerved too hard on a turn and dropped a couple of 5 gal buckets or someone has grew in my soon-to-be grow spot. What you guys make of this? Grow or not to grow?


Leave the buckets where they lay. I wouldn't prep any holes there yet, someone could see fresh dirt, tracks etc. Give it a week or three. Go back and see if there's any signs of someone being there.

What were the buckets like? Clean? old? Paint inside? I mean if they are are gunked up with something, chances are they rolled off a truck. Is your spot really that close to the road? I'd chill and be a careful observer before doing ANYTHING there.

Maybe even set a few things up to let you know if someone was thru there.. move some branches or something, get creative. Obviously nothing harmful


the buckets look pretty clean (probably because its in a creek) with no paint on the inside from what i could see. there were some logos on it but it was down the cliff a little bit so i couldnt really get a close look at them. the spot is approx. 100-150 ft from the road but the dense tree line and boulders cover it from view. basically if youre looking at it from the road, it looks like youre looking into a forest. ive been scouting the place for a good month or so and the only activity ive seen is the occasional truck and racers.


Active member
something else you need to consider is the smell. a friend and i were tubing the river yesterday and passed an area where there is an obvious grow going on on one or the other side of the river. we didn't stop to check it out because he thought i had fired up and i thought he had...by the time we floated back together and figured out neither one of us were toking we were too far downstream to explore...just out of curiosity of course. wherever it's at it's pungent and a dead giveaway to the more energetic and less ethical people...and my bet is there are more of them than there are of us...ya know?
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Active member
Well it looks like the field that i thought was gonig to be 'the one' isn't after all...

I went out there tonight and discovered that the entire field had been cut with a big tractor. All was left was pieces of the container my plants were in.

Guess I won't be growing outdoors until I buy my own land.

People say find overgrown fields and don't grow on your own land, but I say screw that. If it was my own land then nobody would have the right to go out there and cut my ladies up... lesson learned though.


Smokes, lets go
i say get a 400w hps and grow in your closet man sounds like your having bad luck growing outdoors. and i wouldn't recommend growing on your own land either....