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me and my friends tried taking san pedro once. we ground up a 4ft cactus into a slushy, disguisting pulp. it was by far the grossest thing ive ever eaten in my life. nothing takes away that gross flavor. i couldnt finish it. didnt trip, and threw it out eventaully.


Can anyone out there possibly identify either of these two plants, or steer me in the right direction? I'm quite computer illiterate.

Contestant #1

Contestant #2

Should be a lot easier to tell once they bloom. The bud's have been on there for three weeks already.


You have totally inspired me. Thank you! Bad ass green house, and cool looking plants you have collected!


Sweet, Lord Benis you got this thread moved over here. Thanks

Now its easier to find and watch your grow. I love you selection of plants you got. Keep the pics and updates coming. Peace_highst


Definately a sweet forum, glad be to here, thank you!
I feel like a noob not posting any MJ pics but that may soon change ;)
In the meantime, here's something I've had for a while that's grown on me, so to speak. Pretty cool little cactus, any ID would be appreciated.



The first one looks like an Asclepiad, which one I couldn't say and the second looks like Gymnocalycium.

Nice gh, BTW.
I have a gh too but haven't grown anything but my other plants out there yet. I plan on it this summer though.



Active member
What are the high summer temps at your locale? I have considered running bio buckets for tomatoes, but 100 degree temps are no good for DWC, even bio buckets.

gregor mendel


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Your greenhouse is looking great! Very nice!

I wasn't even aware their was a greenhouse forum here, they slipped that one past me! Very good deal! :wave:


Backcountry, glad to see you could make it!
Well, I finally got some seeds and cuts started in the greenhouse:
The seeds are Super Silver Haze and Oriental Express and the cuts are an unknown local strain that are slowly being phased out of the house to make room for some more sexy ladies ;)

Thanx for your help, I got positive ID on both plants.

Gregor Mendel
We get close to 105 F during the peak of the summer but I had no temp problems last year! IMO you just need to keep that water moving really fast. That and my 75 gallon res. stays relatively cool so it 's constantly topping off with cooler water but in the end my plants grew fine. Actually other half of that flat has tomatoes that I plan on putting in my system just as soon as they're ready. If you end up rolling hydro tomatoes please keep me/us posted.

Here's a hyacynth from late July last year, outside, no greenhouse

The plants will stay in the greenhouse until they spread their wings and venture off into the great outdoors......
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agent 420

Great thread LB. Your design is so simple yet effective. I also like to see people growing other plants along with MJ. Why limit yourself to just bud when there's a whole world of plants out there? Keep up the good work!


Good luck with your OE and grow. Looking forward to see the Oriental Express fully grown. Not many people got a hold of those seeds.
Good luck,
I'm thinking of building one of these for my peppers in the Fall. One big concern is the amount of flapping noise caused by the wind. How does it do in windy conditions?


No flapping noise at all, it's quiet as a lamb. I did have a problem with wind in the begining because I didn't have the sides up for about a month so the wind would just inflate the whole thing. I also added the metal clamps to the 4x4's and that pretty much did the trick.

I have the Bartender to thank for OE seeds. Grew out a single female late in the season two years ago and was very impresed with the stuff. Stay tuned for Round 2.

Thanks for sticking around all this time.
Go ahead and make one man, you won't ever regret it ;)

Agent 420
I'm glad to see someone else enjoys my collection too. I'm getting new stuff all the time. Currently waiting on a Miracle Fruitbush....


Slap-A-Ho tribe
I've got my aero tubes ready for outdoors and i'm putting the hydro farms out this week for the cherry toms. I was thinking about doing some squash in the tubes but since squash likes to spread out i think i'm going to have to put some netting around the tubes to support them.
Yeah after seeing yours i'm deffinantly going to build one for winter. We only have about 3-4 frosts a year during winter which subsides in a few days and the avg temp is 40-50 ish so i think it's doable.


that is an awesome design, ive thought about this before, and it seems like an awesome idea, get the best of both worlds