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Outdoor [HELP] California



Not sure it`s the most intelligent thing you ever did startin a thread about growin "legally" in Cali , but "exporting" said finished product back home to Texas for a Federal Interstate Trafficking charge that`s as ILLEGAL as shit gets Bro......

No help from over here , cuz you`re an accident waitin to happen.......

You don`t preach your bidness on an open forum that LEO`s ALL up in and monitors .....Please.....

Ya`ll play safe.....LEO monitors ALL weedsites regardless of how safe Admin can make it for no monitoring of ip addy`s , but damn.....Cover that ass with proxy servers as best yas can and just know if LEO wants in yer shit ,.......they`re comin......

Stay paranoid...please guys......Shit ain`t LEGAL everywhere....and...growin in Cali`s a good thingy if yas already live there and know the rules from Cty to Cty......regardless......

Sorry for the rant...DHF......:ying:........
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Ok, I have 50k saved up, I want to move to cali to grow 99plants outdoor/greenhouse.

Can anyone tell me the safest county?



Calaveras, by far. Your message said different, though. You should be able to pick up some decent property with that as a down payment.


I went to camp Calaveras in 6th grade, many years ago. Nice place! Lot's of trees, not too many people, yet (I am sure some locals would argue that point)..... Beautiful!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Why? whats wrong with calaveras?

1) Methhead tweeker rippers

2) High school rippers

3) No jobs at all

I could go on...other than that it is as good as anywhere else..good lick ILG your going to need it! I honestly hope you succeed and document it here on IC...you'll be the 1st I've read about though if you do.


1) Methhead tweeker rippers

2) High school rippers

3) No jobs at all

I could go on...other than that it is as good as anywhere else..good lick ILG your going to need it! I honestly hope you succeed and document it here on IC...you'll be the 1st I've read about though if you do.

You've just described most of the state, mega. I have family & friends in the urban areas, it's much the same (there are more jobs, just as fierce competition). The first two you're just gonna find everywhere. Specifically for cannabis cultivation laws, though, it's one of the better foothill counties.


hmm, i would not call a single county in northern california safe. they all are infested with tweakers and freaks to a degree. cheap property to be found in butte, shasta and trinity. all of these countys have grow ordinances in place, but have little if any resources to inforce them. just remember to buy the property at the end of the road, behind a locked gate, with no neighbors, not visible from any public area, south facing slope, sun all day, with a well, septic and trailer ready to move inn. yes you can do it but its becoming more and more difficult........


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
Outdoor [HELP] California

You should just come out for a couple weeks in the desired location. Frequent bars to get a feel for the population, etc...
I know people up north who have been victims of home invasions. Check the online version of the local newspaper as well. You will be surprised with what you see.
Yes there are opportunities, but it helps being born and raised here. Outsiders are red flags, not from a nativist point of view, but human nature...


There are FOUR lights!
LOL...Yea all the organized crime grows are in Cali cause they are not making any money....Cant make no money in Cali...Give me a break...

Yea prices are low here if youre a local, but how may people are really growing here to try and sell to a disp, compared to how many exporting...and even at a low price you can still make bank if you have any idea of what youre doing.

OP, I moved here from TX 5 years ago, my life has never been better and Ive made more money than I could have ever dreamed of. If this is where you are supposed to be then you will make it. See, I think people in CA hate on outsiders because they feel threatened. Native CA folks dont grow that good of weed, as a whole, and when people move cross country to realize their dreams, they typically arent doing it on a whim, they have paper stacked and the knowledge and passion to grow, likely better than 90% of other growers in CA. Natives realize this and feel threatened, hence the haters.

I think people tend to forget that weed gets smoked up fast, there will always be a demand for more, always. Don't listen to the hate, especially from people that only have a 4 light bedroom grow, do your homework and you will be fine.

Why do you call it hate? Over and over? As far as I can see, the responders are simply trying to help this guy out by letting him know what he really needs
before blindly coming out here without enough dough to see him through.

There is a shit-ton of brand new equipment on CL from people that had the idea that growing is easy money.
They put 3k on their credit card for lights and nutes and filters and such, then run up a 1 or 2k PG&E bill.
Then their prize crop get ruined by PM or mites or inexperience, and the shit hits the fan.
No money for CC bill, no money for rent, no money for PG&E. Sell that shit on CL for 25% of what they payed for it and maybe they can pay PG&E.

It's not hate. It's compassion. Trying to help inform our brothers so they can make informed decisions with their lives.

If your coming to California, find a place to live and get a job that supports your life BEFORE you start to grow.
That way at least you won't be joining the tons of homeless here in CA.


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
Outdoor [HELP] California

no county restrictions, does that mean i can grow as many plants as i want?

No, it means there is no additional restrictions above and beyond the state guidelines of a 10x10 canopy, not to exceed 99 plants, and 3# of flowers.
Anyone growing 99 plants outdoors and in, would end up with more than 3#. So they give you enough rope to hang yourself if you are not careful...


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
Outdoor [HELP] California

Forgot to add an example of "additional restrictions".
If I lived 5 miles down the road in the "city", I would be limited to 12 plants and no more than 1#.


No, it means there is no additional restrictions above and beyond the state guidelines of a 10x10 canopy, not to exceed 99 plants, and 3# of flowers.
Anyone growing 99 plants outdoors and in, would end up with more than 3#. So they give you enough rope to hang yourself if you are not careful...

Umm the state restrictions are 6 plants flowering or 12 vegging no limit on sq footage, half pound in possession, not sure where youre getting your numbers from.

To all the other folks saying youre not hating, you are. If youre trying to tell someone they cant come here and make it thats straight up hating. Sugar coat it all you like but when the same people make the same responses thread after thread with the same topic its just shows how bitter and insecure they are that they arent making it in dreamland cali like all the success stories theyve heard about.

People told me the same thing when I wanted to move out, 'oh no dont come out here, its too crowded already, markets flooded, no good spots left etc etc. Guess what, I proved them all wrong 100%.


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
Outdoor [HELP] California

Never read into the whole law, and maybe I got it reversed. County to county, and city to city will vary, which was my point. I am very aware of the rules I must follow...


Ok, I have 50k saved up, I want to move to cali to grow 99plants outdoor/greenhouse.

Can anyone tell me the safest county?


Mendocino, Trinity, Lake, and lastly probably Humboldt is the safest from a law enforcement perspective. At this point Trinity is by far the largest producer in the state, you have the best chance of staying 'under the radar' there if you go big. In Mendo you tend not to see a whole lot of gardens larger than 99 now, but there are gardens everywhere making it easy to blend in. In general Mendo has always been one of the most cannabis friendly places to be from a social and political stand point. Lake has a lot of big grows these days but also seems to have caught the eye of the Feds a bit more lately. Humboldt tends to be bigger on the indoor and greenhouse scene but is the smallest producer of the four.

The counties in the Sierra foothills like Sea mentioned are cheaper and have a comparable environmental climate. In some spots the environment is arguably better than the Emerald Triangle. However their political and social climate is not favorable - you definitely going to catch someone's eye with a 99 plant garden. I've known a LOT more growers who had legal issues in that part of the state compared to the Triangle.

Regardless of where you go rippers will be your biggest threat. Just because it is legal it doesn't mean you should flaunt what you are going. Keep your garden out of view, especially from public roads, and be nice to your neighbors. People often forget that these small rural towns have a very established 'good old boy' network that does not look too kindly on outsiders, especially if they are assholes.

Don't forget the save money for trimmers too, that will be your biggest expense. With 99 plants, at 2 lbs per plant (a very reasonable goal for a first year), at $150 per lb to trim it m you are still looking at a $30k trim bill or more.