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ICMag Donor
Found a couple masses of these caterpillars. And a few adults Don't miss an inspection this year guys! Easy to remove when spotted early.

Parasitic wasps were flying around. They are a beneficial predator for caterpillars sometimes.

September 12, 2024: Fall Armyworms, Again?​

By: Doug Richmond


In 2021, the entire Midwest experienced one the worst fall armyworm (Fig. 1A and B) outbreaks in decades, and for turfgrass professionals and enthusiasts it seems like we may be on the verge of another late-season outbreak. These seasonal, but sporadic insects started showing up at the end of August, and adults and egg masses are being reported across the region. The main difference between this year and 2021 is that movement of these insects into the Midwest in large numbers is occurring a little later than it did 3 years ago. Both the likelihood and severity of turf damage hinges on the short and mid-term forecast.
Cooler temperatures have likely slowed development over the last week, but the medium-range forecast is calling for warm, dry conditions over the next week meaning that development of fall armyworm eggs and caterpillars is likely to progress at a steady pace. The notable lack of rainfall in the forecast can set up conditions favorable for damage and slow recovery.
As their name implies, fall armyworms usually show up in the late summer and fall in this part of the country. These insects remain in subtropical climates for most of the year, but hurricanes, tropical storms, and weather fronts sweeping northward this time of year can carry enormous numbers of adults into the interior of the continent, sometimes raining fall armyworms over the entire Midwest and Northeast. Once they fall out of the sky, those adults lay eggs in masses on vertical objects including, signage, light posts, the sides of structures and even the flags marking golf holes (Fig. 2). When enough egg masses are laid in close proximity to one another, the resulting larvae (Fig. 3) can be so numerous that they eventually overwhelm surrounding turf, chewing it to the ground (Fig. 4).


ICMag Donor
That looks like a good early finisher. I don't know the background on it. What is the flavor and effect like? I guess it ripens early, looks like! Good for northern latitudes that have trouble finishing some lines.
Sept 16th. Peanut butter breath x (auto affy x early wonder skunk) heavy fog in August every morn burned off around 10 am. Past 8 days tons of rain. About 2 grams of mold. Very mold resistant it's a magical cross. Nuts are super dense and potent. Looks like indoor.


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Bona Fortuna

Well-known member
Hope everyone’s outdoor season is going smoothly!
No rain expected until Halloween for me, insects have played nicely and the plants are rewarding me nicely! There some in ground full season and some late potted autos to replace the empty spots from the males. Expecting a staggered harvest through to Thanksgiving, at least.






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Well-known member
I haven't been around much this past year. I still put a few things outside even though I basically have one useful arm. The left one is getting better though.
I bought some flowers of Super Boot and it was a nicely potent head high with no anxiety, just nice and high. It also had a side effect of super productiveness. Not like speed but high as hell and having fun doing what you want done. Everybody that smoked it had the same reaction and wanted more. I flew through 3 lbs of it. So I looked for it on Strainly and bought a clone. It rooted right up and at about 2 feet tall I cut and rooted the top for a mother plant. I have know idea if it will be a similar high. When you look up the description of Super Boot it mentions the productivity. Here she is. Almost 3 feet tall with a nice amount of branches.. Should finish up end of October. I used rabbit manure and rabbit manure tea through veg and there is rabbit manure in the pot. I have been giving her some flowering ferts I had left from indoor grows. Beastie bloom and another one.


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Well-known member
These are Real Gorilla Seeds Gorilla Haze. I had 25 female seeds and they all germinated. I didn't think I would be able to plant anything this year because of my arm and I gave 18 to a friend who got them out right away. His are all 6-7 feet super bushes. I have 6 lollipops. LOL! But they look and smell wonderful. I will definitely get more for next year. My friend is so freakin happy. They are the first plants he ever put outside. He is going to get 7-10 lbs of nice smoke.


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Well-known member
Here I have the 2 females I got out of a pack of Romulan Genetics' Romulan Bx1. I had 8 or so males. I let the nicest males pollinate them. I pollinate them then pulled the males. They are nicely loaded with seeds for the future.


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Well-known member
Super dry here but the humidity never quits so the plants get a thick dew coating 2x everyday. Not loving that or the amount of defoliation required this time of year. Anyway minus a hurricane that killed a 6ft female things are fine and flowers thickening up. Finally got an auto that didnt yield like shit or look like shit too. My consolation prize.

First time growing out these seeds I made last year. Its got some fraction of Superboof in it somewhere. Early than momma I've got growing right next to it and more disease resistant.


Some other seeds I didnt make:

Heres a super late start that was from seeds labeled "bubblegum". I never grew any bubblegum but this looks off to me, we shall see

Amorphous blob of flowers
My consolation prize


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
I took this photo in the dark and used a filter on it. Sourdubb rocking out. The sourdub and strawberry torte should be finished in the first week of october. The others need until mid/late october. The sourdub and strawberry torte seem to be on the same page in terms of finishing. This is sorta indoor outdoor mixed, using a lot of indoor practices on outdoor plants.

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ICMag Donor
Inspected the crop this evening, flowers are all really healthy. Smelled really good, its great getting to smell the terpenes on all the different phenotypes! Aroma therapy for sure! Fresh essential oils! My nose still smells good. :smoke:

Nitrogen is a little high because seeing dark green color on plants, so going to flush a bit on the next couple times they are watered.

Should make it through this brief wet period next week and have some dry afterward!


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ICMag Donor
Did a plant inspection this evening. No major issues. Not many caterpillars damage as far as I can see so far. Keeping an eye out. Saw a few cut leaves, so need to get out there in good daylight so I can inspect a little better. Resin is getting pretty developed, smelled all the plants to get an idea of the phenotypes out there. Going to be a great mix. Lots of greasy indicas, some sweet pine, some sweet fruity grease combinations, and a couple overripe juicy fruit types.

This one plant in particularhad a really strong sharp smell along the lines of grease which I have seen in the past, but its very pronounced, and very dank and potent.

Can't wait until harvest! Great inbred line! God is good, He has made the heavens and the earth by His wisdom, He made the cannabis plant, which grows from the earth but reveals the glory of the heavens! Thank you God!


----Update to Pipeline Farms 2024---- click to expand

There is a great assortment of phenotypes, but I really like this sharp indica. I have had them in the past. Its along the lines of axle grease, but has a more pungent aroma and is sharper. High potency for sure. Planted more medical indica type seeds in the flats this spring. I selected them out by smoke testing over the winter. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Is it possible to microdose medicate using rosin smoking/ dabbing, or does it give a strong dose with one toke? A friend of mine online said not to inhale rosin smoke/vape from his bong. He said it is a lung buster.