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outdoor container grow - nute question


New member
The plants are 2 C99 plants started June 1st in 5 gallon buckets. They are still looking happy, but they're getting big enough to get me worried that they might use up all soil nutes (they're around 4 feet tall). The soil is Foxfarm Ocean Forest, and I've been giving them some Foxfarm BigBloom as a supplement since they started growing flowers, but what should I give them if they need something a bit more complete? I suppose they'll probably finish halfway through September, but since this is a first-time thing, I really have no idea. I just want to have something on hand in case they start looking malnourished.

Another question... the soil has settled some, and it's down about 4 inches from the top of the bucket? Should I go ahead and add a little more soil to top it off?


ICMag Donor
Tokey, I use tigerbloom with a tablespoon of molassis per gallon. They seem to do good with that. It is ok to refill the pail. It will help support the main stalk......


one in the chamber
I use high P Indonesian bat guano and kelp. I add a little Miracle-Gro type fertilizer once in a while just to cover any trace elements that might be missing. Once every 2-3 weeks and at 1/2 strength.

If they're nicely rooted, you can lift up the entire plant, soil and all, and add more soil to the bottom of the pot. Put the plant on top of it and fill in all the space around the sides. It'll give your plant more room for the roots to grow down and out into.


New member
Thanks guys. I stay pretty worried about my little babies. I've decided to stick to organics... not so much because I'm totally against chemicals, but mostly to try to prevent mistakes, as I've heard that the organics are much more forgiving.


ICMag Donor
The key to the chemical ferts is to start off at half strength, and make sure you have dolomite lime in your soil. You will be good with 1/2 teaspoonful in a gallon of water once a week. After a couple waterings bring it up to the full teaspoon if they are looking green and lush.