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Out of control Diesel



Damn bro, I feel your pain man!!!
Remember... It happened for a reason, It will all work out bro!
It happens to us all, We live and learn, and move forward!
Peace, Jro
yeah just learn and move on put that shit back up or ditch it and keep going. those ladies need lots of light aint no stoppen em. lookin good though you should be stoked in the end. hopefully it all works out for you bro.


fuckin bummer about the scrubber fallin looks like coulda been worse. Christ at least it wasnt the light eh.....

Good lookin grow tho intresting idea about the fan leaf trimmin up gonna do some more readin on that tech



Tough luck man :fsu:

My scrubber once fell down 20 cm's from my plants during late veg/early flower.
It crushed a plastic stand for my thermometer, and I'd hate to think what would have happened, had it hit my plants.
Those things are heavy, and next time I'll secure it properly.