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Our Little Dog Spike


What were we talking about?
Once we got a puppy to keep one of our dogs company when my wife and I both worked. That worked out strangely, but it worked. Been thinking, we'll probably get another rescue puppy for us & Missy when the time is right . . . I know the missus.

The pain is too fresh right now.

Spike was a "replacement" for my wife's long time shadow. Actually, that puppy is the one I referenced above. Her name was Bambi. When Bambi died, my wife almost lost her mind. We had some friends that bred poms and Spike was not show worthy. He was a giant compared to his mom and dad (they looked like his puppies). Since he was worthless to them, they gave him to me for free. My wife's reaction was all I could have hoped for. Spike really pulled her out of her funk. He pretty much took over shadow duty and did Bambi proud. Now he's gone.

Fortunately, my wife is handling this much better this time. One reason is Missy is really her dog too. She's been more focused on easing Missy's pain. My wife would fit right in a Disney movie, calling all the animals to her.


What were we talking about?
Things are sort of normalizing now. Missy is more up today.

Last night we had our grandson over for a while and Missy was real happy to see him. Things were going just fine until, during dinner, he said, "it's too quite without Spike running around and panting." (he was quite the beggar) We all three had a cry.

When we first got him, Spike was mad to escape the house and run. We lived out in the desert outside Tucson, so we kept him in the house or our fenced back yard. Every once in a while someone would have the front door open and Spike would make his escape, running like hell with his fur blown back and a mad grin on his face. Everyone would be yelling for him and eventually he'd curve around and come back. One time he didn't do that, he just kept on running. We spent all day searching the washes and hills, calling for him. All to no avail. We couldn't find him. We didn't have many illusions of what would happen to a small dog like Spike at night in the desert. With heavy hearts, we gave up the weary search. We didn't expect to ever see him again.

I had to take my son into Tucson for his martial arts class. On the way home, I dreaded the sorrow I knew I'd see on my wife's face. Pulling into our road, someone hailed us. I pulled up and rolled down my window to see what they wanted. "Did you lose a Chow, or know anyone who lost a Chow? I said no, thinking of our lost Pom. Then I though, a Pom with a lion cut might look like a Chow puppy to someone. I said, "let me see," not daring to hope. Sure enough it was Spike! Man, I was so elated! I thanked them for finding him (when they almost ran him over . . . gulp) and rushed home with him. There was much joy in Mudville that night!

Spike never bolted out the door like that again. Ever.


What were we talking about?
Sometimes I'd snag Spike and hold him. I'd rub the places he liked and he'd almost throw his head down into the crook of my neck and nuzzle in. Then he'd fetch a big ol' contented sigh. I'm missing that right now.


What were we talking about?
When he was younger, Spike had super hearing. If a leaf fell off a tree a mile away, he'd hear it . . . and bark. He was always barking at stuff that no one else could hear. That always got Missy barking and things got noisy for a minute there. Once he began to go deaf, Missy took the lead at barking at stuff. That way Spike would know when he needed to bark, even if he didn't have any idea what he was barking at.


What were we talking about?
I thought I was doing pretty well.

Our groomers are mobile groomers. They pull in with a trailer where they have their shop. Whenever they come, the dogs would get so excited. Spike would always chase Missy around the couch and we'd all stand there and watch them act like idiots until they calmed down enough for Spike's turn. Since Spike got a haircut and bath and Missy just gets a bath, Spike always went first.

Well the groomers came today. Missy was excited as hell. It did my heart good to see it because she's been so morose. But she had no idea what to do. Spike wasn't there to chase her. She bounced around and grabbed a toy, but it was kind of sad. When it came time to start grooming, Missy didn't want to go first. She keep running back into the living room, sitting, and waiting. She finally ran out to trailer and jumped on the table.

I managed to get through all of that and then came back to my den and cried. Shit just keeps coming from different directions.
I'm sorry for your loss, man. It's definitely hard losing a loved one.

I recently went through the loss of my best friend, Muttley. He was struck by a moving train a couple of months ago... he was only 2-years-old, best dog I ever had. Not really sure how it happened, he was familiar with trains... I suppose he could have been sniffing around one and got a little too close... but deep down I have my suspicion of foul play, someone pushing him into the path of the train. Picking him up off the tracks was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, and I miss him greatly. Only just now looking at possibly getting another dog, there's just a hole in my life where Muttley used to be that's remained empty since he departed.


What were we talking about?
Thank you and sorry for your loss.

Missy came back in from her grooming and ran around the house looking in each room. Damn, it was heartbreaking. We have decided to get a puppy now. We're not ready, but she needs one.


Active member
we went through what you are going through about 3 months ago. it is very hard to forget a good friend.

we went and got a puppy to keep our dog company because she was taking things hard and had never spent a day in her life alone. now she divides her time between playing with her new friend and looking at us like "could you please shut this fucking thing off" depending on the puppy's energy level ......... but they are inseparable for the most part

sorry to hear about your loss BB. we all deal things at our own pace but i promise that a puppy would definitely be a distraction that would do you, the missus and missy some good right now

nothing better than looking for a missing shoe, book,cell phone or anything else a puppy can reach to keep your mind off whats hurting brother ! a little insanity might be what you need right now and puppies have that magic that take even the grumpiest old fart back about 40 years

have a good one man! things will work out


What were we talking about?
Thanks. Yep, we decided to get a new puppy and started looking at the shelters in our area. We are now trying to adopt this little cutie:


Her mom is English / Gorden Setter (weighs 40-45 lbs) and dad is 2/3 Great Pyrneese 1/3 Golden Retriever (weighs 156 lbs)

They insist she will be in the size range of her mother. I hope they're right. Missy was supposed to be little and she's an oaf.

They have to check our references and our vet isn't even open today . . . so we wait . . . and wait.



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What were we talking about?
She is sweet jpt.

We are still waiting. I guess this is a volunteer type thing and they had to take a dog to PA for some reason. They were supposed to call us when they got back (supposedly they checked our references while en route), but we never heard from them.

We really want that puppy, so we wait some more I guess. Hopefully we'll be able to bring her home tomorrow. :clock watch:

We are still grieving for Spike, but the prospect of bringing a new puppy into our lives does help.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Thanks. Yep, we decided to get a new puppy and started looking at the shelters in our area. We are now trying to adopt this little cutie:

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Her mom is English / Gorden Setter (weighs 40-45 lbs) and dad is 2/3 Great Pyrneese 1/3 Golden Retriever (weighs 156 lbs)

They insist she will be in the size range of her mother. I hope they're right. Missy was supposed to be little and she's an oaf.

They have to check our references and our vet isn't even open today . . . so we wait . . . and wait.


very cute, she's gonna be a great friend for Missy and will take her mind off of missing Spike immediately upon arrival.......


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
She is sweet jpt.

We are still waiting. I guess this is a volunteer type thing and they had to take a dog to PA for some reason. They were supposed to call us when they got back (supposedly they checked our references while en route), but we never heard from them.

We really want that puppy, so we wait some more I guess. Hopefully we'll be able to bring her home tomorrow. :clock watch:

We are still grieving for Spike, but the prospect of bringing a new puppy into our lives does help.
great news that you have your puppy,,i wish her a long,happy and healthy life,,,peace and regards ,,944s2


What were we talking about?
Well, or maybe not. Keep calling and getting the voice mail. Voice mails and texts are not being returned. I know they got good recommendations from our groomers, vet, and other references, so I can't understand the problem here.

We have begun to look elsewhere.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Well, or maybe not. Keep calling and getting the voice mail. Voice mails and texts are not being returned. I know they got good recommendations from our groomers, vet, and other references, so I can't understand the problem here.

We have begun to look elsewhere.

I don't expect you to read through my 'rescues dogs, so far too much trouble' thread but that's just how it started as a search for a beagle, but wound up w/a pitbull, Scooby.

was told more than once (after waiting & thinking I was first) that another family got the dog I was anticipating, was told I couldn't have a dog because I didn't have a fenced in yard, etcetera etcetera etcetera.......

it can be extremely disheartening to be told or inferred that I/you aren't somehow qualified to own a certain dog, if this happens to you Blue don't let it get you down; I found that the rescues centers (private) are absurdly stringent in their screening process, mostly to the point that I was sure their screening was meant to FAIL everyone but the 1% they finally decide to adopt out to.

I had one rescue center from Mnpls (200+ miles from me) send a surprise inspector to examine my home prior to approval (can you believe that shit???), the chick they sent would have had to stroll right through my open garden to do so, on top of that it was 8:30am on a Sunday morning & the bitch was POUNDING on the door to wake me, I sent her packing w/malice.

Oh yeah, all my searching was done on 'PetFinder.com' where eventually after failing to adopt too many times I had to consider that I was blacklisted somehow.


What were we talking about?
I hear you brother and we're not giving up, though the process is lengthy and complicated.

Thing is our references will check out with aces, we live in the country with a huge fenced yard. We love and care for our animals like they were our children . . . heck, we're a rescue person's wet dream. So wtf?!?

I was attempting to set something up with another shelter. Guy had me text him my name and number and then I never heard from him again. He was talking about setting something up for Saturday, so maybe he's in no rush. Who knows? Then the lady for the other puppy called FINALLY and said that maybe she'd bring the puppy by for a home visit tonight. Said she'd call my wife back in a half hour. That was an hour and a half ago.

It's like they don't want people to adopt their dogs.


What were we talking about?
And then . . . just like that, she's ours!

They brought her over for a home visit and we didn't let her escape. Missy is thrilled, although she's not sure what to do with this bundle of energy and curiosity.

Look at this happy face:


Here's another look at our new puppy and Missy's new friend. They named her Star Puppy, but we changed it. I wanted to name her Bandit (like Johnny Quest), but I got vetoed. Her new name is cricket. ('cause she's hopping around all over the place)
