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ORPotGuy's First Diary of Ice.



Well here is my fourth go round in this little world of Cannabis. For the first time I want to show it with everyone where. I retooled the room this time around. I moved out of the buckets and into trays.

The System is an Ebb n Flow DWC hybrid. I guess I call it that because it looks like an Ebb and Flow system, it just has no Ebb only flow. I have Airstones in both the tray and Res. With a small pump circulating the water through out.
This is a two tray system. and they will run independant of each other so I can perpetual crop. Each tray is lit with a 400w HPS. I know 800 watts in about 10-11 square feet is a little much but what the hey. I can keep the temps in the low 80's even on the hottest summer days. Not that they get to hot in oregon.

I use PBP and its family of additives. LK, Cal Mag when needed, and hydrogaurd. Along with Top max for Boost.

Ice Plant #1

Ice Plant #2

they are about 6 weeks old. And went into the flowering room on tuesday. After having some root issues. IE the construction wasnt done before there was roots flying out of the hydroton pots. They are not doing quite a bit better. I am trying to learn good trimming and pruneing skills Anyone have ideas. On these girls I am looking for the four main cola approch if that is possible with Ice.

All help is welcome thanks for peeking in


Ummm....Lets see I dont ever write it down. I just mix by what the plants look like.

15-20ml/ gal of PBP or there abouts. Bloom for Soil
5-6ml/gal of LK
5-10ml/gal of Hydrogaurd
15-20 ml/gal of Sweet once the Flowers show.

Have never used a bloom booster such as top max but I am going to this time around.

BTW has anyone use Citrus Sweet. Was thinkin bout running that with some ATW once I get the other tray running.


12/9/2006 Trimmed up the bottom nodes on plants 1 and 2 Put two of each in jiffy's and the other two in the fridge.

After testing the room for 48 hours. the Temps are 75 day time and 58 night time. But in about two weeks I will be starting up the second 400w light.
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hey man looking tops!

could be a worth while investment to stick ina heater for lights out, alot of growers say no more then 5 degree drop in night temps.works well for most.

i myself like pinching rather then chopping but hey thats me :confused:

good luck,im sure you will get it sorted

keep em green!


I pinch the tops back but trim up some of the lower nodes.

Heater is a good idea. I am just a little afraid of a heater running with all that water around? I think I will hook my climate control box up to my intake fan. Might help without running more power.
thanks for the view



I love to tie everything down. My pot is like no other this is the begining of the LST

Ice Plant #1

Ice Plant #2

Start by tying them over hort. then start to pull out the shoots that come out from there.

Night time heat issue: plugging my intake fan into the climate control helped rasie the NT temp to 63 for a gain of 5. How do you guys heat?


12/14/06:Experienced about 20 hours with out power...Only missed one light cycle. They are back swaying in the fan breeze just streching like good little bitches

12/16/06: Working more on the LST of my plants. Had been thinkin about doing a scrog. I think this might be the way I travel for awhile.. Likes that I can pull and bend the plant to my will. Should be able to fill in the space well and keep a low profile for the lights.

Ice #1

Ice #2

Would still like to hear some imput on the grow. How it look and such.
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12/17/06: Ice Plant #2 has shown first full hairs. I know that I started with female seeds. But there is still something about seeing those little white angels appear.


To day is two weeks from the change to 12/12. Every two days I continue to retie and tie down new braches to keep these ladies as flat as I can.

Here are the newest pics of the ladies.

Ice #1

This girl if she were standing up would be about 1 foot tall. As you can see I have side branches tied out to the side as well.

Ice #2

This girl would is abou the same size as the #1. Maybe not quite as bushy so far.

My question to those of you who may be watching. When do i quit tying down branches and let them grow up to form colas? I could really use some help on the issue.

as you noticed the thread says there is three plants and in the pictures sometimes you can see the thrid girl. Was kind of an after thought will be a runt. Oh well.
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A quick peek into my Veg cab. Its still a work in progress. Going to build an aircloner of some sort. Need to building a bigger cab or a separate mother room. will soon have 3 mothers.

In the Big net pot is DP strawberry Cough. In the little Net pots in Arcata train wreck. On the Plate and far plastic is more TW and in the front plastic is clones off the Ice in the Flowering room.

here is a pic of the Ice ladies at 26 days of 12/12. I got a new digital camera for christmas. Samsung s800 for you camera guys. and as soon as I can figure it out I will be snapping off lots of pics. Should be able to take those close up bud pics we love so much. More to come.

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Week three of Flowering

Here are the girls just getting bushy and bushy by the day. I do a Nute change about every 7-10 days. These girls are in serious need of a tie down.
Feeding Right now:
5ml PBP Bloom Hydro
15ml PBP Bloom Soil "blending off the last of hydro formula"
5ml Liquid Karma
5ml Hydrogaurd
10ml Sweet
3ml Top max

What I have been working on.

In the Veg Cab I have made a bubbling tray for vegging out the plants going in the flowering room next. Right now I have three TW that I am going veg for at least a week longer........Might get them to the size I want instead of trying to hit the harvest a month schedule this time.

Off the the side of the veg tray I have a heat mat laid out for the newly cut clones. There I mostly have TW. there is a few little Ice guys in there as well. I think I will be cutting from the Strawberry Cough tonight so it will be ready to replace the Ice.

This is my mothering room.

Its in the need of retooling. I have to girls in there now. Trainwreck and Strawberry Cough. I would like to build a tray that would 4-6 mothers. I have 4 13w CFLs I will be adding 4 more 13w bulbs. and painting it white. should be bright enough.

Off to Smoke the Last Harvest.
Later :joint:

P.S. Sorry about the screwed up post smoked some new stuff and really killed me
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Well its been nearly two weeks since I have posted. Boy things are on the move around here. Since my last post I started up the second 400w HPS and added the second tray to the room.

The Ice, as you can see below has gotten quite bushy. I think the stretch may be about over. I have little finger tip sized buds all over the place. I dont really keep track of the exact day of flowering. I find it makes me watch the buds for the right time to harvest, instead of the calender. A nice fuel smell lingers in the room.

The Ice ladies.

Tonight I added the second tray into the room. All welcome the Trainwreck. They have been vegging under some CFLs for about three weeks. In a bubble tray. I might have thrown these girls in a bit too soon but oh well. I just wanted to get the wreck underway. Yes I know in the Pic the wreck tray is covered in black. In a stoner moment, I put the white side down and the black up. But made the switch.

Yes a noob has Arcata Trainwreck. Is was an S1 seed found out of some weight. WOOO HOOOO Damn I'm cool. Not. But was so happy that 6 months after I start growing I happen onto these great genetics.


Got one of the water fountains for the pine sol trick. Seems to be working pretty good so far.

TTS- March will be nice and maybe we will have some Cough finished before the holiday as well.


I am finally starting to see the two plants express their phenotypes. So far only difference is plant structure. The front plant is shorter and bushier than the far back plant. Unless yield or potency are much better on the larger plant. I will be keeping the smaller of the two phenos. Will get some new pics on in the next couple of days. Starting to get nice finger tip buds everywhere.


Here are the New pics as promised.

The Front plant in the Ice Tray. I am really diggin the results I am having from the extreme tie down I did this time around. Now if I can get the trimming down. I could really make some monsters. But I am not complaining about a canopny filled with buds. Move any fan leaf on the plant and you will find buds.
The Front plant is 20"x20" and 18" tall.

The Back plant is 22"x22" ad 20" tall. Its the plant inthe back and a little darker green in the pic. The Middle plant. Wasnt tied down at all. I just trimmed it up making a 22" tall stalk.

Unfortunately, I have had either colds or allergy's most of the winter and cant tell what the stink is yet. But here is the best macro I could get untell I can get a mono pod for the camera.

Here is just a overall shot of the canopy of the left tray.

Since we are updating the TW is loving the nice bright lites of the room. Growing almost 1/2 inch on all shoots a day. She as well is getting tied to the boards.

Well untill later


Boy the Ice is some thirsty girls. over 5 gals of water in 3 days!!!! Drink Up BITCHES. Thats ok cause I figure if they are drinking that fast no reason to change the nutes.

The buds are forming quite nicely on the ice. I should start getting the nodes connected here pretty soon. Will post pics soon.

Better to push air through a carbon filter or pull air through it?

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