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Organics Alive solution



My local Hydro store seems to think this is the BOSS.

The "shelf life" is 12 hours at room temp - about a week refrigerated.

Also works in hydro.

Ok - I took the bait,,,

I recently had a pH issue at the end of summer heat wave - most the plants are into recovery, but a few are stalled. I think a repot and intro to a healthy micro heard should be a step in the right direction.

here's what I found, on the web,

Supposedly,, the batch is ready at 4:15 - I got there at 4:30 and got the last 1/2 gallon

Lets see if the garden takes a jump.

Any other users?

Tell me it made the plants grow with unimaginable speed and vigor!

ok just tell me it didn't hurt them lol
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Active member
OA is really amazing. I used to work at an organic gardening store when OA was first starting out, and nobody was really buying it. I would take home a couple of gallons of about-to-expire OA and put them on various plants. Let me tell you, it would bring plants back from the dead. Really good stuff....

The product works, and produces really tasty buds just on its own. Of course, you can make your own tea that works just as well for a lot less than $30/gal. With some earthworm castings and some compost, you can populate the microherd.


Active member
Hello all,

I use the OA ewc/compost myself and make teas with it....excellent results I think.

I picked up 5 sample bottles from my local hydro shop a few days ago. I foliar fed my entire crop with it, then fed almost the entire crop, from mothers, to clones, to flowering plants, with it. I even fed 4 of them with the OA solution straight without dilution. So far it just makes my leaves extremely vibrantly green, kinda lika liquid karma does.

The whole thing seems to look like it works well, but its just SOOOO damn expensive, I mean they want you to pay 700 bucks for the brewer, then like 100 bucks per cartidge to use it! I might just try brewing my own with their EWC and the additives they say they put it in it and see if its close to the same thing.



I used 1 cup in 2 gallons of pH adjsuted water, but I am also using worm castings and bat crap teas etc.

As excited as the staff at the local hydro store gets - there must be an unusualy high profit margin in the retail pricing. The website was $39 a gallon plus air express delivery,, locally it's $29 a gallon.

I asked about aireating the solution - was told NO! - I'm betting, with a little food and a good airstone - you could easily form a replentshing supply.



I LOVE it>>>every plant i finish should have at least 2-4 shots of it...
this stuff is recovery for stressed plants....
and super BOOST for healthy plants....VERY LARGE DIFFERENCE in overall finish weight.
i use it in soil...not sure how these ORGANICS will do in Hydro



I'm playing w/ Humbolts
Mayan MicroZyme, also.
it has a longer shelf life.
the micro organisms in the concentrate are dormant>>>because of a micro encapsulating solution.
when the concentrate is deluted in water and airated, the encapsulation dissolves and the micro population becomes active and INCREASE in #.
OA is the bomb for sure...
MayanMicrozyme we'll see
SolarT said:
I used 1 cup in 2 gallons of pH adjsuted water, but I am also using worm castings and bat crap teas etc.

As excited as the staff at the local hydro store gets - there must be an unusualy high profit margin in the retail pricing. The website was $39 a gallon plus air express delivery,, locally it's $29 a gallon.

I asked about aireating the solution - was told NO! - I'm betting, with a little food and a good airstone - you could easily form a replentshing supply.


We totally need a way to recreate this stuff without buying the expensive crap. I took a look at the brewer and it looks TOO easy to build, its just a warming unit, an airstone, and another air spout that just spits out more coarse bubbles.

I mean, I wouldn't mind buying just the cartidges and putting those into my homemade brewer. It's just wayyyy too much at 700-1000 dollars for something thats just a dressed up water storage barrel.

Dude, you in SoCal?



Sup surf?

naaaa I'm the other side of the mountains.

Micro biology says proper conditions and something to eat will turn a small population into a large population.

A heater, air pump and some honkin stones,, add a lil molassas, and let nature have it's way and save $30 a gallon.

I'll find me a aquarium pump tonight.

Scay Beez

Active member
30,000 species of bacteria.....Hmmmmm... strange how Alaskan Humisoil (best compost on earth) has exactly 30,000 species of bacteria. Well there's ingredient #1 folks. 16 sugars and carbs left to figure out.

organics alive website said:
Through extensive research, OA has developed a proprietary diet that is fed to eisenia foetida earthworms to produce castings which have a dramatic increase in the biological concentration of chitinase and cellulase producing organisms per gram.

Simple google searches will tell you that worm castings fed a high vegetarian diet increases chitin, chitinase, and cellulose microbes. They could also have certain plants that increase chitin producing microbes. This is something I've been researching in my spare time.

organics alive website said:
The salts should be less than 50 ppm and the chlorine less than 10 ppm

Hmm... I've never seen an "acceptable" amount of salts allowed in compost teas. In Teaming with Microbes it claims 100ppm of nitrogen is the max.

OA website said:
OAS have developed an exact nutritional feed mix containing 16 specific and precisely measured sugars and carbohydrates.

Gonna have to send this one to the lab as well.

joeshmoe said:
Humbolts Mayan MicroZyme

Hmm... sounds similar to Dynamic Balance. DB is a RNA based microorganism that produces chitin and cellulose enzymes. It also makes mychorhizae spores germinate super fast. I took some clones in peatmoss/perlite mix with some mycho's, yucca, and dynamic balance. By the time they were rooted the peatmoss/perlite was like a mychorizae jello mold! I was blown away. I'm got someone that works in a lab trying to figure out what it is.

I plan on trying to figure out as many bomb organic products as possible once I get more funds.

- sbz

Scay Beez

Active member
Chitin and chitinase are being heavily reasearched right now. They are great because it is an enzyme that can degrade insect cell walls just by coming in contact. Great preventative as well as growth enhancer. Most commercial chitin products get them from shrimp and crab shell waste. There are ways to produce them with bacteria (Trichoderma harzianum) and also with different fungi (many species). I guess its contained in most algae, yeast, bacteria, and fungus cell walls and is the second most abundant plant fiber other than cellulose.

This article describes making chitinase with trichoderma harzianum and wheat bran:

So little time... so many subject to master....

- sbz
Does anyone know what temp the OA brewer brings the water to and for how long? how much air needs to be pumped into it in order to get the proper mix... things that can help me build my own.


When they make fertalizer and mold sound like rocket science and charge an arm and a leg - there's summtim Funky beside the fertalizer.

Ok, so a shell fish meal - some molassass and a dash of OA juice to establish the population.

They seem to be infering

Temps - prolly around 80ish

Shouldn't require sterile procedures like shrooms

Good call on the shellfish.


keep it coming i want to know more, and looking at joe shmomes grow the shit must work, no grow shops in my area have it, we got to figure out how to do it ourselves more info please


Yeah, well looking at some of my plants - deal me in.

The shellfish relationship seems to be significant.
Question - are brine srimp concidered crustations - I'd look but I'm late for an appointment and a beer. I'll be back,,,,,
I'm starting to put together a parts list for my home made brewer. It shouldn't cost more than 300 for a really clean build.

I've been looking around for the cartidges online anyone know where to get one?


not sure if anyones tried this, but organics alive has a soil amedment. http://www.organicsalive.org/premium_mix.html

its ewc kelp volcanic rock and some other stuff, i've bubbled that with some molassas and in a few days i got the same golden color (just a bit more cloudy) as the oganics alive i buy at the hydro shop. i cant say its the same stuff, but it would make sense for the company to just tell the stuff they have in packets as a soil amendment.

just my 2c's


Scay Beez said:
30,000 species of bacteria.....Hmmmmm... strange how Alaskan Humisoil Well there's ingredient #1 folks. 16 sugars and carbs left to figure out.

Hmm... I've never seen an "acceptable" amount of salts allowed in compost teas. In Teaming with Microbes it claims 100ppm of nitrogen is the max.

Hmm... sounds similar to Dynamic Balance. DB is a RNA based microorganism that produces chitin and cellulose enzymes. It also makes mychorhizae spores germinate super fast. I took some clones in peatmoss/perlite mix with some mycho's, yucca, and dynamic balance. By the time they were rooted the peatmoss/perlite was like a mychorizae jello mold! I was blown away. I'm got someone that works in a lab trying to figure out what it is.

- sbz

I've tried several microbial innoculants - getting live ones is the challange.

This should be like a petre dish project or - like growin shrooms.
Sometime ya have to buy the initial spores/seeds. Then there is the right ingredients for proper support. The shellfish seems to be part of the key.

But - to me, maybe a tea started with the Alaskan Humisoil and a little something shellfish oriented could be what the Dr. ordered.
I already use sea weed extract - I've found several varaties of shellfish meal on the net, - (I'd have them on the way but there was a pack of seeds that suddenly came up)

Now about the sodium levels,,,, - I'm betting they De-ionize or soften or use distilled water and draw that spec from the output of the filter - and they know the we as growers go - LOW SODIUM!!?? - THAT"S A GOOD THING - Bingo - we order more.

The plants luv this stuff, I get about the same results with Guano teas, bubble hash water and kelp/fish juices.

On the other hand - they make this stuff sound like top secret rocket fuel - and charge like it is.


I've been looking and I find Fox Farms Marine Cuisine:Foxfarm Marine Cuisine is a powerful blend of balanced plant foods combined with Pacific Northwest sea-going fish, crab meal, shrimp meal, bat guano, and plenty of our own earthworm castings - natures' finest soil amendment. This all-purpose fertilizer is biologically active and will help encourage large populations of soil microbes which facilitate nutritional uptake. Marine Cuisine is fast acting and delivers slow release feedings over time. When used as directed this fertilizer will help to increase bud set and flower size, as well as enhance the flavor and fragrance of fruit and flowering plants. Not completely organic. (10-7-7)

And I am finding lots of fish foods with some shellfish meal - here's ones ingreedients:Wheat flour, fish meal, soybean meal, soy protein isolate, shrimp meal, canola oil, rice bran, alfalfa meal, diclacium phosphate, sprirulina algae meal, brewers dried yeast, l-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (Vitamin C source) Vitamin A acetate, etc

Some of that in a worm bin,,, who needs teas


Active member
wonder if you can call organics alive and buy cartriges directly from them?
OA sounds like great stuff, but its expensive to produce if you dont live near a store that makes it for you.

here are a couple of things that you all should check out.

to make your own tea brewer:

a quality tea brewer, will last over five years of hard use for around $300:

place to buy quality organic ingredients for tea brewing Norganics:

vermiculture northwest:

another company, smallest is 10G brewer and still 500 bucks

found alot of other interesting stuff googling vermiculture, organic tea brewing, etc.

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