I think everyone who says that coir is not suited for guanos or worm castings is completely misinformed. Im growing 100% organic in coir and using castings and guanos as well as other usual organic ammendments (dolomite, kelp, blood, bone, greensand, etc) and I am having AWESOME results.
Coir holds its pH level WAY more efficiently than peat could ever hope to, and the only problems ive run into so far is calcum/mg deficiencies, so I simply added more dolomite lime to my mix and all is well...
I encourage all of you who say coir doesnt work with castings and guanos to actually try it before giving out advice that could steer a young organic grower in the wrong direction.
Coir holds its pH level WAY more efficiently than peat could ever hope to, and the only problems ive run into so far is calcum/mg deficiencies, so I simply added more dolomite lime to my mix and all is well...
I encourage all of you who say coir doesnt work with castings and guanos to actually try it before giving out advice that could steer a young organic grower in the wrong direction.