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Organic Coco Possible?

Is there some way to grow completely organic with coco, or is coco best left as an ammendment when growing completely organic. As I understand that bat guano, etc. will lock up the soil. I found this by Suby:

"Here is the gist of what's fucking up in your grow, coco is a shit medium for a guano grow. It initially releases K bound up in it matrix (K+) then gets bumped for Mg+2 ans Ca+2 which then get bound in the matrix.
Canna ferts are designed for coco and you'll see they are very high in K and in Ca and Mg, these 3 elements are the trickiest elements to get into your soil throughout the grow so if I had to guess your def. was calcium and to a lesser extent magnesium. While coco buffers very well, almost too well, it takes on the ph of the fert solution too quickly that's why humic acids are in the Canna stuff to buffer the ph. Dolomite lime would have helped for ph and Ca and Mg, using calcified seaweed gets plants extra Ca but can be tricky to find. Nutrient profiles for coco are best suited to all in one ferts and usually not the 100% organic kind, a blend like PBPro with the CalMag formula added will yield very good results but not 100% organic."

Suppose a few compromises could be made for a not 100% organic grow with coco such as PBP Pro with its calcium carbonate (chalk) and other vital immediately available nutrients in balanced ratios. Not sure if just because of the calcium and magnesium carbonate that it is not considered completely organic.
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Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor


I am currently doing just so... i have been in flower for 5 weeks and very happy so far.

I use a all in one flowering fert based on beeswax made my Ozigrow called monstabud. I have been supplementing with bat guano (only got it last week), seasol (kelp), molasses, liquid wormcastings, epsom salts and lil bit of fish emulsion (due to N deficiency)...

The only probs so far are what i suspect is some Mg or Iron deficiency but it could have been because my lamp was a bit too close for a while...

The top leaves around the buds have yellow streaks on them and tips are yellowing... but lower and side buds unaffected...


Good Luck :dance:



this is what i have been saying too coco is not made for use with guano or worm-castings.

what will work i'm sure is a coco specific organic liquid nute. as far as i remember some one has come up with one. i see no reason why you can't feed the coco with liquid organics.

looking good there SilverSurfer_OG


Active member
gaiusmarius said:
this is what i have been saying too coco is not made for use with guano or worm-castings.

what will work i'm sure is a coco specific organic liquid nute. as far as i remember some one has come up with one. i see no reason why you can't feed the coco with liquid organics.

looking good there SilverSurfer_OG

i think the same thing dude ...."why is not possible?"
i got pretty good results within use both guano and worm casting in the mix of mi coco,and plus i use to water my plants one time a week with the basic fertilizer and his stimulator.
with very good results!!!
sage clones:

my current grow ssh and lanina(shantibaba) all in coco with wormcasting and complex guano pellets:

29days on bloom


wow the Sage looks superb :yes:

that's real cool, so what exactly is the medium made of?

you are of-course right you can treat the coco like earth, it's just that i haven't seen very many people get good results doing so. it shocks me to hear you only watered those plants 1x a week. it must be more of an earth mix then a coco mix no?

you should do a thread here explaining exactly what your method is. i know lots of people want to know a way to grow organic in coco with such results. specially with only watering once a week! :D

peace :wave:


Hey Slicker,
If you wanna go organic, try an organic nute line, make a mix of 70/30 coco/perlite and skip the soil additives. I ran this same test awhile ago and the plants were all healthy with good bud development. I used BioCanna, but you could use any commercial line as long as its a complete mix. Good luck.

This setup is the cheapest way to go for testing new products.
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Active member
The Budfather said:
i think he said he only fed once a week gaius! but please do tell us your ways!!
yes budfather ..u'r right ..i tell that i feed one time a week..but i water my plants with 300-500 ml of water every 2 days (one day yes ,one day no)

i use my own fertilizer (BIOMAGNO)made by hydrolisis of sevaral organics stuff,produced by fermentation AND REACTIONS OF BACTERIA ..and is the first one from my country and real certified for organics farming.

i open a thread in this coco section soon as possible...peace

ps: omri , skal and other fake label like these are not allowed in organic farming in my country and in the EU. they're not "registered in the list of allowed fertilizer for organic farming"

sound like this: "u can buy omri or skal ,but u cannot buy the registration number after the deep analize of the autority"
i currently grow indoors with organic ferts in a promix based medium and have some coco lying around and have thought about using it. I grew vegetables outdoors in containers last year with guano and had pretty good success i couldn't imagine that its impossible to grow cannabis with guanos. Is there anything specific i should know about growing with coco? These are the nutrients and fertilizers i have and currently use: worm castings, powdered molasses, kelp meal, dolomite lime, greensand, mexican bat guano, and indonesian bat guano. I supplement with liquid kelp, epsom salts, liquid horticulture molasses, peruvian seabird guano, meixcan bat guano, and budswell. Ive heard that with coco you should add at least 2 tablepsoons/gal of coir dolomite lime to the medium. How often should you add the epsom salts to the watering? Since coir locks out Ca+ and Mg+ would it be possible to foliar feed a mix of liquid horticulture molasses and liquid kelp? On the bottle of the molasses i have it says its a good source of calcium and magnesium and it can be used in water through the soil or as a foliar feed, but i have only used it to water through the soil.
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Active member
gaiusmarius said:
wow the Sage looks superb :yes:

that's real cool, so what exactly is the medium made of?

you are of-course right you can treat the coco like earth, it's just that i haven't seen very many people get good results doing so. it shocks me to hear you only watered those plants 1x a week. it must be more of an earth mix then a coco mix no?

you should do a thread here explaining exactly what your method is. i know lots of people want to know a way to grow organic in coco with such results. specially with only watering once a week! :D

peace :wave:
thx dude ...for the compliments ,medium (100liters)is made from :
65 liter of coco from bricks
25 liter of perlite
10 liter of worm casting
1 kilo of ZEOLITE powdered
less than a kilo of complex GUANO with natural fosfates of potash

is a great medium for my opinion ,and i can feed more strenght than the soil i usually grow with.

i've answered about other question in post before ...check the pm...peace
So in looking for an organic coco nute line, I noticed the Canna Bio. But it is not listed for coco. And the House and Garden coco line is not organic not the CNS17 nor the Canna coco nor the AN Monkey Juice. Looks like Calcium is the big thing with coco, would bone meal be a good thing or a bad thing with coco. Either it will help make more free calcium available, or it will lock things up for some reason unknown to me. So if anyone knows of an organic coco nute line, please do share.


Pure Blend Pro says it will work for coco on the bottle and it's organic. Anybody had success using this line?
It would have to be for coco specifically though, as I have the top ons like guano teas and such. But I have no coco base nutrient to run them off of/on top of. Anything organic not designed for coco seems to throw off the elements and plant. Wonder if the PBP organic can provide that, and whether Metanaturals has an organic line/supplement that would work for coco. Hopefully there is an organic coco line someone knows of specifically. Perhaps it is not easily possible, if so, coco will just have to become another ammendment for me instead of the medium of choice.

GreenStreet and -VT- said BioCanna will work, so I will try it then even though it is not listed specifically for coco and see how things go. Thanks Redux, I'll look at Metanaturals and see what all I can find. For now Bio canna it seems to be working for coco. I will omit the top on organics for now though then with BioCanna. Thanks all, this should work. Have Cal-Mag for those back up days just in case even though it is not organic, hopefully won't need it.
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Active member
THERE'S NO SPECIFIC FERTILIZERS ...there are specific way to do agriculture.

i made biological fertilizers and my opinion is this one:
indoor growing,especially with the pots, is more good the organicminerals cause they act more speedy....and outdoor is more good the completely organic cause we have all the time to bring the power of the nature.

i hate who run with sintetic minerals cause he stay in the hands of the industries who realize "specific formulas" for all the imbecils they don't know so deep the rules of the agriculture.

by the way....there's no coco ferts,soil ferts and blah blah blah ferts there are goood ferts and bad ferts.
there are complete fertilizers and other complete only on words of marketing like lot of products i've tried in past years.

if a fertilizer is good and complete and made by real organic good stuff ...it RUNS IN ALL THE BEST MEDIUMS AS SOIL MIX OR COCO MIXES without problem ...it must to do this!!

someone want try mines for free?? i bet they run best of all in market in every organic medium u want to test it in comparison...PM ME


Hi Slickster,
I have used Biocanna in my coco grows and had good results. I think they sell 1 lt. bottles if you wanted to try it out.


I am thinking of switching to 50/50 Coco / Perlite.

I currently use 25 Moonshine Man Mix / 50 Perlite / 25 Coco. My ferts are PBP Soil, Sensizyme, Tiger Bloom or other "bloom booster" and Molasses. Full strength, every watering except last one.

I was wondering if this fert regime would continue to work or if I would accidently lock anything out... I have read PBP locks out K?


This topic has interested me for a while now and I intend to give it a try when I can find the time/ oppurtunity.
What I intend is from what I've read on the qualities of fulvic / humic acids. These occur naturally in soils and help the 'chelation' of nutrients (making them absorbable by the plants root zone).
Now we have many companies selling these as additives and the results in hydro systems have as far as I've heard been tremendous.
So thats it, I endevour to do an organic coco mix with something like GT fulvic as part of the feeding regime.
It wont be for sometime though, later this yr at the earliest so if someone else is keen to give it a try I thank you in advance.


**AWD** Aficianado
It's a tough call huh Slickster.
I have absolutely nothing against amending a coco grow, you can add dolomite, EWC, perlite, greensand, etc.
I recommend dolomite in every medium except hydro for calcium and magnesium.
It's not to say it can't be done but I find peat to be easier to work with and cheaper.
I am currently testing an organic soil type mix with 30% coco, 20% perlite, and 50% Promix HP with Mike, I'll let you know how that goes, I'm hoping the fact that coco makes P and K more availble will promote better results in flowering but I've tried all coco and it's not the same as my all soil mix, I'm hoping a blend will be perfect.


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