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Oregon to ban Pit Bulls


BSL and other AR issues

BSL and other AR issues

Part of what I do is serve as a legislative liaison for a local dog club. The job entails keeping track of current Animal Rights anti-dog legislation and getting the word out to contact your elected officials to voice your opposition. Things have been very busy this year as HSUS has introduced legislation such as this in 34 states. Their ultimate agenda is to do away with pet ownership. To this end, they've proposed Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) Mandatory Spay Neuter (MSN), breeder licensing bills, anti pit bull "paraphernalia" laws, anti crop and dock and many other bills. Those involved in most all of the various dog clubs are working to get these bills killed. We need to get more "pet" people involved. Most times they do not realize the total effects of these bills. For more information:


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
You got chased because you ran from the dog(s). Most dogs will chase anything that moves fast.

Staffordshire Terriers and American Pitt Bull Terriers are not exactly the same.

http://www.staffbullterrier.com/faq.html --

"What's the difference between an American Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and a (English) Bull Terrier?

Some eight or nine varieties of dogs come within the general classification of Bull Breeds. Although all lay claim to the Bulldog as a common ancestor, there are physical differences that make each distinct from the other:

* Size - The American Staffordshire Terrier is a much larger, leggier dog - often twice the size of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier! The Bull Terrier standard does not include size restrictions and dogs from 35 to 100 pounds have been seen. However, the breed generally weighs in between 40 and 55 pounds, making it larger then the Stafford. Pit Bull Terriers also range widely in size; the early breeders preferred a smaller dog the size of a Stafford and today the American Pit Bull Terriers which are registered and exhibited seem to run on the smaller side. Others, dually registered as American Staffordshire Terriers with the AKC (Pit Bull with UKC) are larger.

* Ears - The American Staffordshire Terrier is exhibited in the United States with cropped ears, as are some Pit Bull Terriers. The ears of the Bull Terrier are naturally erect and supposed to be thin and erect. Erect(or prick) ears are a serious fault in Staffords, whose ears should be "rose" (like those of an English Bulldog) or half-pricked.

* Head - The heads of American Staffordshire Terriers, Pit Bulls and Staffordshire Bull Terriers are similar, although the cheek muscles on most Staffords seem to be more pronounced, and the head deeper through. The head of the Bull Terrier is entirely different. When viewed in profile, it resembles an egg turned on its side and is much longer than that of the Stafford. The cheeks of a Bull Terrier are not pronounced.

How are Staffordshire Bull Terriers with children?

In England, the Stafford is known by the affectionate nickname, "The Children's Nursemaid" or "The Nanny Dog." Their tolerance of, and affection for, children is well known. That doesn't mean, however, that it's a wise idea of put the puppy and child together without supervision. Children should learn to respect the dog and neither should indulge in play that is too rough. Some Staffords - even the males - have a "mothering instinct" and will stick right by the little ones, whether they are puppies or kids. A Stafford, "tough" and not as quick to react to pain or discomfort, is likely to make allowance for the attentions of toddler, finding a refuge only when things become too overwhelming.

Can I keep a Staffordshire Bull Terrier in an Apartment? How much exercise will she require?

Staffords can make a home with you anywhere; they are happy as long as they are with you. They are an athletic dog, however, and need more exercise than most dogs. Bursting with energy, they need vigorous exercise every day! A long, brisk walk on leash (or harness - a useful alternative for some) will give you both a workout. Staffords love the heady freedom of being allowed offlead for a run, hike or romp and it's delightful to watch them. Of course, it's a good idea to make sure that they'll come back when you call them, first.

Are Staffords a noisy breed?

Staffords, in general, are not noisy dogs. They may bark or "talk" while playing, or to alert you of a visitor. However, they are "quick studies" and if you have another dog in residence and THAT dog is a barker, your Stafford will probably pick it up.

Can I keep a Staffordshire Bull Terrier with another dog or with a cat?

Staffords, like members of any other breed, are individuals. While some may live peacefully with other animals, some will not. Puppies brought up with cats and other dogs generally do well. If bringing an older Staffordshire Bull Terrier into your home, first introduce the dogs away from the house in a neutral area. It should be easier to bring a Stafford into your home than bringing a strange dog into the home of a Stafford. Encounters should be supervised and the dogs observed to determine how a heirarchy develops.

Should I consider a male or a female?

Both will offer much love and affection. Females tend to be better watchdogs; males tend to be larger. No matter which sex you select, spay or neuter if you have decided not to breed or exhibit your Stafford.

What sorts of toys are safe to give my Stafford?

There are no such things as "indestructible dog toys" for Bull and Terrier breeds. But some have tried these: Bowling balls or big Nylabones. Anything else might be chewed up, swallowed or destroyed in short order. "

*Edit* --
I have rescued an Amstaff / bull terrier mix and had it formally trained to be my mom's service animal. Her jaws are not as muscular and her snout is longer than a pitt's. While traveling with my mom out west we've had people tell us that my mom's service animal is the best behaved servie dog they've ever seen.

The general opinion of bully breeds on / near the West Coast is a lot better than it is in the East. Here on the East coast people are afraid she's going to snap like a stick of tnt and eat them(all 300 plus pounds) whole. While out west I've seek couples run up holding their infant babies out in front of them to see / let their children pet the "doggie". It freaked me out at first, I'm so used to people being "afraid" of a marked service dog because she is a bully breed.


The Hopeful Protagonist
this thread once i read it actually made me so angry and sad u guys cant even imagine, just look at my avatar. Id give my life for that dog...enough said

I am with you brother......My dogs ARE part of my family just as my children are. They give me MUCH more than I probably deserve or could ever return.

@SouthernGuerila - Great FAQ find! I'm going to add it to my list of info on the breed.

This country wants to ban/destroy 10.5 million innocent dogs for the actions of 0.94% of its category?





Active member
I say lets ban dipshits/pricks, kill half or 95% of the usa easy... think about it, there gonna erradicate these dogs for being simply born?thats preposterous! if i remember correct what about the no abortion and stem cell shit the republicans are raving about for the past 8 years.That its wrong to kill born or unborn.. Where is bush and republicans when its anti life rights and all that great stuff of animal advocacy????????? who is trying to ban them, dems or republicans anyone know?. a life is a life......str8 up


Active member
Well when the state of Oregon starts coming to peoples doors to take there dogs away
i hope people start standing up to this KGB style bullshit.


Active member
thats like when the ATF tries to come take peoples guns or assault rifles away which there starting to think we'll somehow just hand over nicely. dogs guns bud... what much else is there after slavin away all day working to come home tooo?

Weedman Herb

What do you call 1000 lawyers/politicians/legislators buried up to their necks in sand? Not enough sand ...


Active member
the guy who lives across the road from me is a HS football coach.

he has a son who is 11 and the kid wears a M. vick jersey literally every single day.

the kid skateboards and likes my driveway curb...which is cool w/ me.

i asked him one day about a month ago if he likes mike vick since he wears the jersey all the time.....just to see what he said.

well he said that he's his favorite player, and that he's in jail for smoking weed (thats what his parents told him).

i left it at that, but it kind of ruined my day.


I'd like to cut Mike Vic's nuts off and feed them to a dog... See if he still feels like a man.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I keep 2 Rotties (brother and sister).....one Dobie (female) a Boxer (male) and one of the pups from my male Rottie and female Dobie......They all get along well and have alot of space to run about or hang about in around my beach house......within a 60 meter square wall....and they get to swim in the sea once or twice a day when I take them outside.....

I have trained them all since they were pups to be guard dogs.....to guard the house and grounds, and they are very efficient at their job letting me know instantly if any stranger comes near the house......A guard dog can be used as a weapon to defend your property.....and I find that they are really a good deterent to prevent any undesirables from trespassing.....

I have a friend that has 2 Rotties also and he did'nt train his dogs because when they were young he was abroad working, so his wife (who is kinda frightened of them) just kept them caged up most all of the time in smallish kennels.....I have been introduced to my friends Rotties on a couple of occasions and they know me.......but a few weeks ago when I was visiting my friends place he forgot to put the dogs away and the male Rott leaped at me, I managed to push it away with my right arm sustaining a bite from the dog in the process, looked around and the other Rott was getting ready to have a go at me too.......so I managed to make a retreat and get behind a door before they both could attack me......My arm bled a bit.....I lost a small chunk of flesh.....and my friend was very apologetic........It's just down to training.......a badly or non-trained Rott or Pitt is like leaving a loaded and un-safety catched gun with a hair-trigger lying around......


The Hopeful Protagonist
I keep 2 Rotties (brother and sister).....one Dobie (female) a Boxer (male) and one of the pups from my male Rottie and female Dobie......They all get along well and have alot of space to run about or hang about in around my beach house......within a 60 meter square wall....and they get to swim in the sea once or twice a day when I take them outside.....

I have trained them all since they were pups to be guard dogs.....to guard the house and grounds, and they are very efficient at their job letting me know instantly if any stranger comes near the house......A guard dog can used as a weapon to defend your property.....and I find that they are really a good deterent to prevent any undesirables from trespassing.....

I have a friend that has 2 Rotties also and he did'nt train his dogs because when they were young he was abroad working, so his wife (who is kinda frightened of them) just kept them caged up most all of the time in smallish kennels.....I have been introduced to my friends Rotties on a couple of occasions and they know me.......but a few weeks ago when I was visiting my friends place he forgot to put the dogs away and the male Rott leaped at me, I managed to push it away with my right arm sustaining a bite from the dog in the process, looked around and the other Rott was getting ready to have a go at me too.......so I managed to make a retreat and get behind a door before they both could attack me......My arm bled a bit.....I lost a small chunk of flesh.....and my friend was very apologetic........It's just down to training.......a badly or non-trained Rott or Pitt is like leaving a loaded and un-safety catched gun with a hair-trigger lying around......

While I do agree training is an intrical part of having Pitties and Rotties, I beleive every dog has potential to bite (some more than others).

The unfortunate part of that is when a bad owner of the larger breeds doesn't do his or her job, that loaded hair-triggered weapon now becomes a .357 Magnum as opposed to a pea-shooter .22 and that's where the bad press comes from.

The dogs get blamed as opposed to the owners lack of commitment to doing what it takes to keep his dog, and others safe.



Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If you take a man and lock him up, beat him and feed him raw meat........what will that make of the man?

....If you take a dog and keep it in a cage mostly feed him/her irregulary and regulary beat it.....what will that make of the dog?


Active member
"Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay to mould me Man, did I solicit thee from darkness to promote me?" -The Monster

A dog is what it's master makes it.

FACT - every year more people are bitten by small or toy dogs than any other type.


They should just ban you from having them if you are on welfare and listen to rap music.

Ive had pits all my life and never would one attack anyone. Chain them up in the ghetto and you get what you put into them.

and i dont care if you dont like what i said. Its true if you admit it to yourself or not


Not sure if this was posted....


Legislator Drops Pit Bull Ban

PORTLAND, Ore. -- A proposal to ban pit bulls in Oregon will not be formally introduced this year, according to the spokeswoman for a Republican state senator.

The news of the Oregon legislator dropping the pit bull ban was a victory for fans of the maligned breed, but owners already have another fight on their hands. A new proposal, House Bill 2852, would require pit bull owners to buy liability insurance.

Legislators have proposed the bills after a number of recent pit bull attacks. However, the bills led some pit bull owners to claim they're being targeted unfairly because of irresponsible dog owners.

In the United States, many cities and counties -- from San Francisco to Sioux City -- have already passed pit bull bans. Many Oregonians said pit bulls are too risky to people and other pets.

"I just don't trust them and anytime I see them, I go running for cover," said Michelle Baker, who lives in Hillsboro.

The proposed pit bull ban would have declared pit bulls dangerous and made owning them in Oregon a crime with punishment of jail time and hefty fines. The state could also mandate that pit bulls be euthanized.

Natalie Buck, who breeds and raises pit bulls at her home in Tigard, had six pit bull puppies for sale Sunday. She said dog owners remain a greater problem than the breed itself.

"Granted, they could hurt somebody -- that's always a potential with any dog," Buck said. "But I'm responsible about them -- keeping them in the yard."

While the pit bulls appeared loving with Buck around, she acknowledges the dogs can do more harm than other breeds when she's not there.

"One bite from a pit bull versus one bite from a Chihuahua or an Australian shepherd -- the pit bull's bite could potentially be more dangerous," Buck said. "They just have more muscle, more strength in that one bite."

The draft bill would have added a grandfather cause for those who already own pit bulls; however, those pit bull owners would be required to buy a permit and would have to spay or neuter the dogs.

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