BSL and other AR issues
BSL and other AR issues
Part of what I do is serve as a legislative liaison for a local dog club. The job entails keeping track of current Animal Rights anti-dog legislation and getting the word out to contact your elected officials to voice your opposition. Things have been very busy this year as HSUS has introduced legislation such as this in 34 states. Their ultimate agenda is to do away with pet ownership. To this end, they've proposed Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) Mandatory Spay Neuter (MSN), breeder licensing bills, anti pit bull "paraphernalia" laws, anti crop and dock and many other bills. Those involved in most all of the various dog clubs are working to get these bills killed. We need to get more "pet" people involved. Most times they do not realize the total effects of these bills. For more information:
BSL and other AR issues
Part of what I do is serve as a legislative liaison for a local dog club. The job entails keeping track of current Animal Rights anti-dog legislation and getting the word out to contact your elected officials to voice your opposition. Things have been very busy this year as HSUS has introduced legislation such as this in 34 states. Their ultimate agenda is to do away with pet ownership. To this end, they've proposed Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) Mandatory Spay Neuter (MSN), breeder licensing bills, anti pit bull "paraphernalia" laws, anti crop and dock and many other bills. Those involved in most all of the various dog clubs are working to get these bills killed. We need to get more "pet" people involved. Most times they do not realize the total effects of these bills. For more information: