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Ordering Grow Lights Online


My little pony.. my little pony
casualtoker said:
True, but to subpoena that paper trail means they already have other evidence against you. Buying hydroponics gear online isn't going to get you busted, growing pot and getting rolled on will.

And you couldnt be more wrong. Operation Green Merchant is still in full swing. Even worse now all they do is ask Fed Ex, UPS, DHL and whoever else for the shipping records from grow stores and the shipping companies give them up without warrants. You may have rights to privacy over your financial records but you have no such privacy rights to shipping records.
AFAIK - UPS will give up the info in a heartbeat!!!

They will pull up everything billed to the shipper's account and hand it over in a handy format.
how about stop being afraid of doing nothing wrong in the first place. im not in a med state but ive come to the point where im not going to let them treat me like a criminal. no more sneaking fuckem if they get me then all that means is gonna have to fight harder 4 our rights. my advice stop bitchin and acting like a criminal 4 growin and enjoyin a plant. if we get it in our mines that we r not criminals and stop acting like we r then soon they wont have a choice but to see us that way either only a matter of time All we ever talk about is sneakin and hiding pathetic when even vampires r fighting 4 theyre rights
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mr revolution said:
how about stop being afraid of doing nothing wrong in the first place. im not in a med state but ive come to the point where im not going to let them treat me like a criminal. no more sneaking fuckem if they get me then all that means is gonna have to fight harder 4 our rights. my advice stop bitchin and acting like a criminal 4 growin and enjoyin a plant. if we get it in our mines that we r not criminals and stop acting like we r then soon they wont have a choice but to see us that way either only a matter of time All we ever talk about is sneakin and hiding pathetic when even vampires r fighting 4 theyre rights

Thats nice and all but the reality is it is still criminal and if you are growing you are a criminal in their eyes and most of the publics eyes.

Blow said:
Judge: George Jung, you stand accused of possession of six hundred and sixty pounds of marijuana with intent to distribute. How do you plead?
George: Your honor, I'd like to say a few words to the court if I may.
Judge: Well, you're gonna have to stop slouching and stand up to address this court, sir.
George: [stands] Alright. Well, in all honesty, I don't feel that what I've done is a crime. And I think it's illogical and irresponsible for you to sentence me to prison. Because, when you think about it, what did I really do? I crossed an imaginary line with a bunch of plants. I mean, you say I'm an outlaw, you say I'm a thief, but where's the Christmas dinner for the people on relief? Huh? You say you're looking for someone who's never weak but always strong, to gather flowers constantly whether you are right or wrong, someone to open each and every door, but it ain't me, babe, huh? No, no, no, it ain't me, babe. It ain't me you're looking for, babe. You follow?
Judge: Yeah... Gosh, you know, your concepts are really interesting, Mister Jung.
George: Thank you.
Judge: Unfortunately for you, the line you crossed was real and the plants you brought with you were illegal, so your bail is twenty thousand dollars.


Active member
G33k Speak said:
AFAIK - UPS will give up the info in a heartbeat!!!

They will pull up everything billed to the shipper's account and hand it over in a handy format.

Buying garden supplies won't, most likely, get a warrant. If they are even looking at shipping records, it probably means you fucked up somewhere else and they are on to you. You are gonna get busted because someone rolled on you. Someone that knows specifics about the grow, or your power company.
i refuse to act or feel like a criminal for smoking erb no matter what anyone else thinks fuckem if we all said fuckem theyed be fucked
CaptainTrips said:
Buying garden supplies won't, most likely, get a warrant. If they are even looking at shipping records, it probably means you fucked up somewhere else and they are on to you. You are gonna get busted because someone rolled on you. Someone that knows specifics about the grow, or your power company.

There's this new thing called Google.
you might want to check it out.


i bought 14 1000watt systems several months ago. they arent used for mj but i never heard anything about it. at least not from the order. however, the DTF showed up about two months after i had been running the lights.
bigbluntbob said:
i bought 14 1000watt systems several months ago. they arent used for mj but i never heard anything about it. at least not from the order. however, the DTF showed up about two months after i had been running the lights.

They showed up because of power usage or what???


they wouldn't say why. when they discovered my tomatoes they were pretty pissed. they told me "you had better not start growing mj because we will know and we will bust your ass".


acgreenjeans said:
Craigslist is a good source for used stuff. No paper trail there.
I picked up a brand new sunsystems 400 HPS off craigslist a few months ago for $100, I couldn't believe the deal. The guy was asking $200 but was eager to sell (moving states)
bigbluntbob said:
they wouldn't say why. when they discovered my tomatoes they were pretty pissed. they told me "you had better not start growing mj because we will know and we will bust your ass".

So you let them in your house? Or did they have a warrant when they arrived?


EasyBakeIndica said:
So you let them in your house? Or did they have a warrant when they arrived?

i was outside in a greenhouse, where the lights were being used. they just came on in, i was working and didn't notice them pull up. i would never let them search without a warrant even though i am not growing mj at the moment. like i said earlier, they were angry and would not answer my questions. besides, they didn't really search. they just stood in the greenhouse and looked from where they were standing. i told them they weren't welcome and that i wasn't allowed any visitors (contract grower - disease protection). i called the police department and complained and filed a formal grievance.

i just looked up and three DTF officers were standing there. i wouldn't even have known it was the DTF had i not recognized one of them. they were very, very rude...as usual. i ask "can i see a copy of the warrant?" they reply "shut the fuck up"....it got me a little heated even though the whole ordeal lasted less than 5 minutes. as they were leaving i say "if i decide to start growing mj i will call and let you guys know"

i would guess that somebody saw the glow of my growlights and called in a tip. i don't know how because the greenhouse is a long way from other people or a public road. but that had to be the cause.

my electric bill is so outrageous all the time that i doubt that was the cause. i would bet that my electric bill is the highest of anybody around here (several grand$ a month), but i got a legitimate reasons for high usage and its been this high for years with no investigation that i am aware of.


btw, i highly doubt that my order of the lights led to the DTF showing up. in fact i can guarantee that wasn't the cause. i live in a very low population, very rural area. our DTF wouldn't know the first thing about using a pc. they don't even have thermal imaging. they rely solely on the testimony/information provided by snitches. no real police work.
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lover of all things hashlike
wow, i think i might have 3 bodies to hide after being treated like that.


Papulz said:
wow, i think i might have 3 bodies to hide after being treated like that.

lmao, dont think i didnt consider it. i was as abrasive as i thought i could get away with...


I'm sure they stand by all the trucks coming into the USPS, UPS, and Fed-Ex just looking for all the boxes that say hydroponics on the side of it. I can imagine it, 3 guys in suits just standing there staring into each of the trucks just a waitin, yeah sure LOL really it wouldn't surprise me though with their great use of man hours. I'm not interested in having a box plastered with the word hydroponics either so I feels ya. But I don't think it would be the deciding factor. Never order to your grow spot though as thats awful risky IMO.

Funny how they came and saw your tomatoes, that would be great as long as you really had nothing to hide. Def wouldn't ever consider growing there now though.
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