Your pH is too high if you are using perlite/vermiculite or coco… In coco my input pH is 5.8-6.2 every time.I went this route as it was the cheapest.
Tap water pH is 8.0, with EC 0.2 / 198 ppm.
The solution pH is 7.0 after sitting a day in a bucket. This solution has extra 4ml/10l of magnifical, as a test, as i had to give them water yesterday without knowing exactly how how to fix the issue.
The solution is EC 0.9 / 669 ppm in the bucket. Solution in the reso has stopped raising in EC, but now it seems to get lower over time: it was EC 0.9 yesterday but has become lower to EC 0.7 / 502 ppm.
pH seems to be the same, or at least i don't see any difference when comparing the solution in a reso to the solution in the bucket.
What to do to come up with optimal solution for the poor plants of mine?