Takker. Jeg er faktisk igang med at lave lys fælder på de huller der er i pladen over den venstre side. Jeg vil gerne have mulighed for at køre med forskellige lysperioder i skabet, da jeg har en del planter der skal vegges.
The Blueberry has been cut and dried but not yet tested. It's a shitty grow and I'm truly disappointed with this strain. Hermies and poor harvest, now full of seeds. The harvest will all be crushed and made into hash.
I have kept one cutting that I've grown into a mother, but I'm not sure that its a keeper, but I'll give it one more chance.
On the other hand the lonely G13 Haze will be the best plant I've grown till date.
It's just one massive bud with massive foxtails covered in crystals.
And the 2 Bu'Chu are fat and dense:
Here's all of them:
The 3 nice ladies in the back are the Amnesias from Lala - And they are looking really promising.
From 2 Bu'Chu mothers made from cuts from this plant, 12 cuttings have been taken and will be my first clone grow.
And here's a pic of the mothers:
In the back: Blueberry and Bu'Chu
Middle: Amnesia and Bu'Chu
Front: G13 Haze
Jeg har desværre ikke lige mulighed for at lave mødre pt. men håber at få det en dag så man slipper for at potte 25 ca for at få 10 hunner, det ville være nemmere og federe at finde en god pheno og så bare holde sig til denne!
Jeg syntes overall at det kører ret godt i skabet, med undtagelse af lidt høj varme ved stiklingerne (30-35 °C).
Men derudover er jeg godt igang med at få 6 forskellige moderplanter (Bu'Chu, G13 Haze, Amnesia, (Blueberry - som jeg ikke ved om jeg beholder) og jeg har en Orange Haze x G13 er i skabet som jeg er ved at finde en pheno af.