In house in So Cali. LOL .. lol ive smoked opium , i know the effect tastes and smells , believe or not some people may have experienced things others have not before ... Seems like thats hard for people to get , not sure why . Lets spit hairs then , There was cannabis wrapped onn sticks being smuggled out of "South East Asia" for sale in foreign markets and "some" batches were opiated ...could have been an in house thing,
i guess everyone equates something tied to a stick as a stick made in thailand,
not necessarily , u can do that anywhere,
its documented folks made sticks like that to sell their product easier ,
no reason why they couldnt have either coated something on them , or at least said they did ,
its illegal products after all, often sold by people who have no scruples and will say anything in order to encourage sales ...
some folks actually believe the crap they are sold , and we end up with these urban myths and wives tales about cannabis ..