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- Opiated Thai Sticks: Myth or Truth? -

Donald Mallard

el duck
Any one that thinks a lot of Thai sticks were not produced in the Golden triangle and the CIA needs to do a little research and go into it a little deeper.
not one mention of thai sticks produced in the golden triangle in that wall of text , or in the video you added,
where is the proof ,????
one wonders what a field of opium would fetch vs a field of cannabis ,
im sure there was a large difference between the two ,
and no guesses which one folks were opting for,
oh well ,, maybe u will try again , or simply believe what the folks who were there said that some of us have repeated ...
next ......


The Haze Whisperer
Forests of 15 ft cannabis plants were not for domestic use like it or not the North of Thailand in the Golden Triangle was the hot spot that is something you don't want to accept and that is fine.

Point 2 Thai Sticks originated from Thailand's hilly, North, Northeastern, and Lao regions.

Point 3 The Golden Triangle was full of opium and Cannabis in the 70s and was protected by warlords the Thai army and the CIA.

Opium was grown as was cannabis in the North of Thailand along large size cannabis grows the opium was refined / processed into heroin leaving the by product called "early water." and dipping dry cannabis into it would not have been that big of a deal.

What a great way to get more people onto heroin, give them opium laced weed.

I'n the 80s here I assume it happened in the US also you would see a huge dry spell of weed and hash, but the streets would be over flowing with heroin. This was a yearly event.

I remember people asking for $1000 an Oz, some were so desperate they paid it.


The Haze Whisperer
not one mention of thai sticks produced in the golden triangle in that wall of text , or in the video you added,
where is the proof ,????
one wonders what a field of opium would fetch vs a field of cannabis ,
im sure there was a large difference between the two ,
and no guesses which one folks were opting for,
oh well ,, maybe u will try again , or simply believe what the folks who were there said that some of us have repeated
They were about the money and the more markets they had their fingers in the more money they could make, it's that simple.

One shipment of Thai Sticks could make you $50 million or more in profit back then, I would hate to see what that would be in today's value.

They set up their own bank had offices in Thailand here and other countries, this was huge.

Donald Mallard

el duck
haha your a tripper man ,
1000 an oz , at a time when thai sticks were available and only 10 to 15 bux each ??

the weed drought was due to exports no longer coming ,
and we had to start domestically producing enough for the whole country ,
this was around the time indoor started too , i know , i was doing it ...

if there was some wild conspiracy to get folks into heroin by lacing weed with opium
where was it all ?? you would think they would have produced a bit more and more would have seen it ..

weed was seasonal you know , it only began to be produced all the time without seasons once we started growing indoor ...

that early water is just something someone made up , how much opium do you think was left in that ,
it would be like dipping weed into the water left over from making bubble hash ,
it would just get it wet and u would need to dry it again , nothing more added ..

im yet to see these forests of 15 ft tall plants ,
and any mention of thai stick production alongside opium/heroin production ,
if you ever find any , just swing by here and hook us up with the info mate ..

the hot spot for thai stick growing/production was the north east of thailand , the isaan provinces ,
many mention it , many went to see , sam was there , ask him ,
he used seed from stuff he collected in sakon nakhon in some crosses ,
sakon nachon is a isaan province next to udonthani ..
the climate there is perfect for growing cannabis ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
i couldnt be bothered with this anymore ,
you cant provide any evidence to prove what you are saying ,
just clutching at straws ,, because the weed wasnt grown for production where you think it was ...
it was in the north east ,, sorry mate ...


Well-known member
2 minutes search ...


What is Thai Stick?​

Thai Stick was the traditional method of layering and binding cannabis bud around a stick or hemp stalk, treating it with hash oil and wrapping it in fan leaves to cure underground for a month or so. Developed in the northeast of Thailand where the climate is especially generous to growing weed. It was a long and time-consuming process that when finished produced a cigar-like spliff that legend claims burned for hours and produced a superb high.



The opium theory is often contested but is plausible since the substance was legal in Thailand until 1958. Others believe that hash oil and kief were used to adhere buds to the sticks rather than the addictive narcotic. Once the sticks were dipped, the cannabis flower was pressed against the hemp or bamboo.


In fact, Thai sticks were so strong that rumors quickly spread that these sticks were heavily laced with opium. Although never proven, this could easily be true.


There is a lot of speculation about what initially made the Thai Stick so special.

Was it that it used to be drenched in hash oil or even opium? Was it the mixes between various varieties growing in that part of the world at that time that made it so strong?

History will probably never really know.

Most people realise that the modern Thai Stick has little to do with the original. But nevertheless, attempts to recreate them are great fun.


The Legends and Folklore Behind Thai Stick Cannabis​

Thai Stick cannabis carries with it a tapestry of legends, whispered tales of its mythical origins. According to folklore, Thai warriors in the past would impale buds onto bamboo sticks and infuse them with opium to create a potent and long-lasting smoking experience. While the opium infusion is disputed, the image of Thai Stick cannabis tightly bound to bamboo sticks has become synonymous with its mystique. It is believed that this unique presentation method also served as a practical way for Thai farmers to transport and cure their cannabis crops.
So the result of the search was essentially, "dunno"? :D


Well-known member
Every state in Aus has its own pot story, most of its bullshit, but i'd love a few Thai sticks atm, fuck I'd even take some seedy stalky compressed buddha or PNG orange shit instead of todays piss poor pot :ROFLMAO:

Donald Mallard

el duck
ja.... noone can prove their "facts", the non opiated and opiated team......... neither have any proof
thats not quite correct actually ,
with the pot being grown far away from the opium,
and by completely different people ,
the logistics of getting them together , then the added work and cost coming into it ,
makes it pretty unlikely it ever happened ,
also the first hand experience of many who were there at the time ,
the smugglers , other travelers etc

did anyone ever mix the two , yes its highly likely ,
was it done in mass production , no its very unlikely ,
as mentioned , none was ever busted either ,
not one sample as proof ,, but there was plenty of thai stick loads busted ,
none with opium on them though ....


🦫 Special 🍆
aha,, so smugglers didn t exist, opium wars didn t exist.......

oh and i forgot there were no opiate addicted people in those areas ..... sounds legit
Last edited:

Donald Mallard

el duck
aha,, so smugglers didn t exist, opium wars didn t exist.......
umm , not sure who said that ,
you have arrived a bit late in the conversation mate ,
maybe read it from the beginning , look at the clips from guys who wrote books on the subject who were also smugglers of thai stick ,
first hand experiences by folks like sam skunkman who was there at the time and others in this thread who have spoken of their experiences at that time , ,
and others ,,
there was no opium wars in thailand , you might be thinking of china or something ...

the king actually oversaw programs to get these old opium growers into legal crops ,
i watched quite a long documentary about it when i was in thailand once ,
they didnt go to war over it ...
a few minutes googling wont get you the answers ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
are they drama and adventure books ?
or actual accounts of events ??

doesnt worry me what you believe ,
but i do advise u read the thread ...
there are several first hand experiences from folks there at the time in the previous pages ,
take a look ... see for yourself ...


Not ICMag Donor
ja.... noone can prove their "facts", the non opiated and opiated team......... neither have any proof

Donald Mallard

el duck
cvh made it , i would guess in the search for truth ,
folks have given their accounts ,
not one single account or first hand experience of anyone seeing thai sticks dipped in opium in thailand has come up ,
only accounts of folks in foreign lands claiming their dealer sold them something ,

typically when you said , i have this , i have seen this ,
then the onus is on you to prove it ,
thats what the thread has been about ,,

it seems to be a controversial subject ,
though the only evidence of these opiated sticks , is hearsay ,
even asked in country to thais , did they know of these opiated sticks ,
the answer was no , its an urban myth ...
sam skunkman said this ...

its up to you to decide what you believe ,
i dont believe any opiated thai stick was made to export from thailand ,
the evidence is stacked against it being a fact ,
what happened after thailand i have no clue , what dealers do or say , well its sketchy at times ,
they tell what they need to tell to sell a product ...

one thing is for sure , thai sticks were so good , they didnt need something else on them ,
especially something that in fact detracted from the high they delivered , like opium ...

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