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One for the newbs: cheap and simple hydro, but very effective

its trypp

I just spent about an hour reading through the posts for an answer to something that has made me wonder about the process. The question was asked if the roots grow down into the water, to which the answer was yes. My question more specifically is that if the the roots are in the water, what prevents the plant from becoming over watered, what prevents root rot, stuff like that.

My guess is that the answer to the root rot is because the bubbler oxygenates the water preventing most bacterial growth that happens in stationary water. But I am still baffled by the over watering if the roots are submerged. Thanks for any answers. :)


h2 o2 and silica plus good air bubbles keep any probs at bay also you should leave an air gap at the top of the pot ,so the plant always has access to air ! hope this helps .
all the best .willyweed

its trypp

I didn't previously notice any mention about H2O2 and Silica. Could you expand on that? And yes of course have air at the top of the bucket/container, I guess I am just confused on why it doesn't drown itself with direct submersion. Anyways thanks again lol, I guess I really don't need to understand how it all works 100% as long as it works lol.


great thread i will need too try this that mr nice shit bud is huge how is the smoke?


New member
Hello everyone,

I usually just read through these kinds of forums, I don't do a lot of talking. But I've just started my own hydro (dwc) setup and while I've done a lot of research, I'm sure there's a lot I have left to learn.

So if there are any dwc OGs out there who wouldn't mind giving me a helping hand once in a while, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've found that when I become proficient in a subject, I enjoy sharing my experiences with others. Hopefully someone else out there can share some strategies/techniques with me.


Hydro Freshman.


Active member
With all the How-to's i have read i commend you. This was down to earth and straight to the point. I really like your setup.


Active member
Nice setup and massive root growth. I would like to know before you put your plant into the bubbler what type of nutes did you use and what was the dosage. Hey i am just starting out and i just put 6 sprouted beans in rock wool cubes today and i have a seedling ready to go into a bubbler just curious. Thanks in advance.
I use less media however. The 3 inch net pots work well for me so far. But your roots do look wider at the base of the net pots. Heres some photos of start to mid Veg. First photo is a seperate system with same size pots.
Not needed. Basically the equivalent to soil transplant shock is Nutrient shock in DWC. You Want to retain a good amount of cultured bacteria so no scrubbing needed. Keep in mind this is a open root method which needs to retain additional symbiotic bacteria unlike soil, rockwool, coco, etc. Those retain it or contains it by itself. A good cleanser like "drip clean" does a good job of avoiding any concerns you are probably referencing. Use it start to finish.

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