so how can THC and CBD be identified as the 'most important' LOL if the pretty much none of the other cannabinoids have EVEN BEEN INDENTIFIED. This is just plain ignorant. The most that could be said is that THC/CBD are more active than THCV, or CBN because that's all they know about. Funny how 60 years has passed since THC was formally identified yet no progress has been made on the other ones save for CBD, CBN, THCV. This is on purpose, pretty obvious. We're no supposed to know about the other ones and we won't as long as the current power structure remains in place.
I think you've just said what I was saying although there is a wealth of research papers out there on cannaboids that are readily available. But research is definitely still in its infancy where it comes to truly understanding cannabis. It's not some kind of conspiracy to hide it from the public - it's just that much of the public don't look at the research. Many research papers actually state that there seems to be a complex interaction between multitudes of the cannaboids which they are still trying to understand - so it isn't ignorance; this is the way science works. Give them 25 years and they'll still not fully understand cannaboids and some papers will counter others conclusions. That's research - it isn't perfect but it is the most perfect system we have.