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  • Seeds Mafia is running a TURBO contest with great prizes! You can check it here.

OMG i want 1 soooo much


Lol I remember the Gremlins. I had it on a recopied VHS tape when i was a kid. And yeah the only reason I've ever even heard of a mink is because the location in which i live, it was like the winter coat of the heavy players in the city in the 90s. A mink coat, or a chinchilla like P. Diddy, a pair of $500 Mauri gator shoes, and a nice rolex, and all the kids had the urge to find out what a mink was. Fuck i was a dumb kid. Finally got one in high school, but im too heavy of a sweater, that shit was like wearing a bear on your back.Of course i didn't have the full length to the ankle, player mink coat. I only had the waistlength wanna be a player coat. Either way, i wore it to school twice, then someone stole it out my locker. He got rid of it before i found out who it was, and in the interim, I almost got expelled for losing my shoe up his ass. Needless to say, I've worn nice comfortable, cotton Pea Coats ever since


Active member
that would make a really nice coat for this cold weather! They're pretty cool little rodents. As for the scarf question, it takes six minks to make a small mink coat, so maybe that will help estimate based on size.

6 mink mite make a fuckin small coat for a mink or chinchilla!!!6 mink would make you a hat,period.Chinchilla is used on everything "fake"if its got fur on it and it aint "real" its chinchilla.