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OMFG!!! H-E-L-P!!!!!!!!

OG bub

ICMag Donor
ok.. in the recent loss of IC, many of us were misplaced.... I registerd at a few sites I had not previously even considerd for my time....

Im seeing why
Planet Ganja..... well... Ive met a couple DAMN FINE FOLKS!!!!

the rest tho... seem to be quite bitter towards other people achievements, even successfull grows.....

DevilsHarvest.. some olskool potheads!, they keep it tight, and organized! some good ol folk some might remember from OG like weedzilla, etc.
they need some more educated folks runnin thru there to bring some action tho.. seems like a spot stuck in the daze of blueberry..

Ok.. I obviously as most experienced something I consider SUB-PAR.

grasscity, is about the most pathetic example of a crackhouse Ive seen..more appropriatly titled: ignorant-GODcomplex-Noob-City..
I encounterd little more than the most obscure displays of stupidity, to the the most ignorant laid-out-forum...
How about SODCITY..... there isnt even a breeders forum.......
Threads pertaining to methamphetamine abuse, and patially clothed female genatelia attracted 4x more attention to ANY topic oriented MJ thread.

this is BY FAR the absolute worst example of an informational forum I have ever seen,,
they offer a potched seedbank aswell..
with about 5 featured Dutch breeders.............. they claim some form of bulk order that allows the "most" competitive prices...........LMFAO!!!!!!!!
they are THE MOST expensive outlet of these popular seeds I have ever seen!
Even Worse than scammer Jay from badassbuds.co.uk .

friends.. steer clear of sodcity...... ignorance prevails there, search out my 15 post history there for some prime examples of closeminded professional veteran floro growers, with NOTHING to learn!

glad IC is back... wish the HTC forum would RE-BIRTH...........................................................

OG bub

ICMag Donor
I was just accused of not being the grower, to a pic of my own F4 Inbred Haze line avialable on seedboutique.....lol....

just goes to show the common knowledge shared there...

so where did everyone else go when IC was down?


go to ********** its from dr chronic great guy and great people over there too. its laid and nothing but positive vibes :woohoo:


dankbudz said:
go to ********** its from dr chronic great guy and great people over there too. its laid and nothing but positive vibes :woohoo:
wonder why HG420 is censored :chin:

yes bub, I also found PG to be a very good site. :respect:


OG bub

ICMag Donor
yeah man... was good for me for a bit ther..

but then DOC decided to be sellin some seeds that werent mine, yet he titled them as HTC..

even currently he is Fraudulantly auctioning something as HTC North#! that ISNT North#1...
He only got 8 packs of North#1, over a year ago.. I orderd 3 back for C/Q and I have record of OVER 10 folks from that site that recieved "HTC N#1" from him.
Them didgits dont add up in my simple mind.. coupled with the fact that 2 of the 3 packs I orderd were NOT the seeds I sent Him.....

aside from that I miss my friends I did make there..

and if so many scammer breeders werent harbord there I might concider doin Biz with the Doc, due to the current bind HTC has been placed in.

OG bub

ICMag Donor
yeah man... he deleted my HelpDesk and put me on Ignore so not to recieve my PMs.. and to hide customer orientation..

He also deleted the accounts of 2 other of my customers who recieved bogus seeds from him labeld as HTC work...

I dont know whos in controll there.... Doc, Muffinman/Fet, or growright....

I had a good vibe with him... then all the sudden shit was foul..


bub im not sure but i think they may be f2s. i know some peeps over there who make f2s and put them up for auction. it may be it may not be i dont know. but the dr is a great guy like someone posted above his rep is everything to him. ive been doin business with him for years and this is the first time i have ever heard anything bad about him.

why are other forums censored on here?? thats gay if you ask me. but i dont make the rules. censorship is just like prohibition.


i went to u-k-4-2-0 (without the hyphens in case of censorship) where there are some good-minded people who know (or at least want to) what they're talking about. an awful lot of noobs with big ideas out there though. this site is the most knowledgeable and therefore the most useful. people also seem to be respectful of each other here. some places i went in the shut-down were just appalling. actually spent more time with the garden and less with the internet. not all bad... but so glad to have the knowledge and comradeship of fellow ic members back again. praise jah.


The Voice of Reason
hehehe Bub... I've found the same wasteland of Mis-information, lack of information, scamming, and immaturity... Thank Goodness that our oasis of knowledge, respect, and communal love has returned...


I went to Reeferman's website. He appears to be the only one that was able to steer clear of all the shit that was going down. I also went to potbc alot of good guys over there. I will still visit those sites. I cannot be exclusive I am sorry. I like people on other sites as well. I do not like assholes on any site and yes we have a few here to.



Active member
Really good thread. Many people mistake going off topic as censorship. This is a marijuana cultivation site and that's all we are here for. People whom are censored or banned just can't seem to grasp that idea. The owner of this site refuses to accept that kind of shit even if it drove everybody away. So to those that don't get it there is a site out there for you. We want intelligent conversation on the topic at hand and no personal abuse, trolling and out right belligerence anywhere on this site. We'll stand tall with anyone that wants to be a part of that kind of community. Enough of my rant, Enjoy your IcMag.


Active member
I went to b r e e d b a y. c o . u k.... i thought it was vey organised, no ass bitches, and it even had an icmag refuge... i'd at it to ur faves or take a visit, its a verry nice place... :joint: :joint: :joint:
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The Voice of Reason
Wayzer said:
I went to b r e e d b a y. c o . u k.... i thought it was vey organised, no ass bitches, and it even had an icmag refuge... i'd at it to ur faves or take a visit, its a verry nice place... :joint: :joint: :joint:
True... there are alot of very fine folk at BBay. And they were very kind and hospitible to the displaced ICmaggers during the 'downtime'....
Reeferman's site was also very nice, and welcoming...

Wacky Tobacky

Active member
i went over to PG but i didnt like it there that much. the admins over there were cool but it seemed like most of the imature ICmag banned kids and alot of imature OG kids went over there.
then i went over to reefermans site. that site is cool as hell and alot of nice people.


smokey-i didnt mean to offend anyone by saying anything about censorship...if i did sorry. i was just referring to censoring of other forums. i could see if someone was posting other seedbanks addy's...that in fact could steer business the other way. since bub was posting about other mj forums i thought i would post about h-g-4-2-0 which was on topic. i can see when people go off subject to censore but not that. anyways this is great thread letting people know about other cool forums besides icmag.


My little pony.. my little pony
pieceofmyheart said:
There is good and bad everywhere, that's true. But when the bad takes over and overshadows any good, that is when you have a really bad forum...


Sorry just pictured you saying that as Glenda the good witch.

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