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ole creeper's out of the closet


Well-known member
I'm going to do a last outdoor guerilla grow in 2019, before I completely lose my eyesight in my last one eye. Unless, of course, I fall out before i finish. LOL! I'm hoping this will be a good year for weather.
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Well-known member
With all due respect mr.brunch I appreciate you stopping by. I love reading all your posts.


Well-known member
Thanks mate, I love the outdoor threads... one day I might get myself together and do a nice guerilla grow... :tiphat:


Just this guy, ya know?
Good luck! I love reading about the guerilla grows cause you guys have to deal with a different set of problems than everybody else. Only getting to check on them so often means you have to be on the ball when you notice something.


Well-known member
Wow, thanks AgentPothead and big315smooth. I have some reg seed indica plants started under a an florescent light on 20 hr. I have the plants in solo cups using very high ppm 3100 ppms. My goal is to sex,and veg them early and when spring comes put them out under 10 hr photo-period. When they go out there should be a 60 day window of 10hr day, to 12hrs day photo-period. If the photo-period hits 13hrs then the plant will reveg and I lose. If the plants buds before 13 photo-period window then I get good ole stinky buds and have spring flower buds to last me until the fall buds get here.


Judging by the sunshine already, I think it’s going to be a great outdoor this year.
Wishing you the very best of success Creeperpark.


Well-known member


thanks bro



Your all set for babies then! Excellent:)

I hope your sight doesn’t let you down. Is there no hope of recovery? Surely, these days?


Active member
hey creeperpark , hows things ? i've been growing outdoors for the last 42 years so i know your pain , at times , and look forward to your thread .
wish you well mate and keep eating your carrots like ya mum probably told you for your eyesight ..
so one more and maybe a few pics along the way ..cheers bro .


Well-known member
Wow, thanks AgentPothead and big315smooth. I have some reg seed indica plants started under a an florescent light on 20 hr. I have the plants in solo cups using very high ppm 3100 ppms. My goal is to sex,and veg them early and when spring comes put them out under 10 hr photo-period. When they go out there should be a 60 day window of 10hr day, to 12hrs day photo-period. If the photo-period hits 13hrs then the plant will reveg and I lose. If the plants buds before 13 photo-period window then I get good ole stinky buds and have spring flower buds to last me until the fall buds get here.

Sounds like a good plan... double cropping! Hope the times work out for you


Well-known member
thank you

thank you

Spaventa, sorry to say I have an inoperable cataract in my one eye. The little pouch that the lens fits in the eye is damaged. If I had surgery they could get the old cataract lens out but they cant put another in.
Thank you Rod58, I bet you have some good memory's of victories in the past. Wow that's alot of years and mr Brunch Thank for your post I always love seeing your posts.


Indicas make dreams happen
I absolutely love to hear about all these older guerrilla growers that have been in the bush longer than I've been alive! All of my grows have been in the guerrilla fashion but I hope to go indoors once Uncle Sam gets the stick out of his ass. I'll follow along on your adventure Creeperpark :lurk:


Well-known member
Getting close

Getting close

This Sunday I'm riding my bicycle to my plots and turn the soil. My first visit was last Dec. and I added leaf mold from under the canape of the trees. In Jan. I add peat moss and cotton seed bur compost. Feb is the time to cultivate and work the soil. My first planting date is, March 10 , again, in May and last planting in Aug. Here's some photos of 2017
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Love the spot and the preparation methods. A friend recently reminded me of the importance of micro life, friendly bacteria and organic stability.


Well-known member
getting closer

getting closer

Thanks spaventa very important info.
I just can’t tell you with words how much I love going to the woods! Keeps me in good shape! So much fun any day I go. I remember in the ole days doing night rides to the gardens. Had such a blast! The smells, sounds, and sights are amazing on bicycle and foot! To be honest going in the woods is a Therapy for me. Just get away from it all and spend time alone working in the woods. Don’t get me wrong, it ain’t some beautiful wilderness in the country side, I’m talking about. I’m talking about right in a large major city!




Well-known member
Looks like fun mate. Any reason you feed them so hard? What is that in ec? Good luck with your plot. I love these sorts of projects.


Well-known member
A seed just born, learns how to adapt, where a growing plant has already used up adaptation to its past environment. That’s why a growing plant can’t tolerate such a high ppm, but a seed can.
A seed that’s born in 3500 ppms soil, can tolerate certain conditions if the environment is conducive to the plant’s needs. In other words, if you do useful things, like water with almost no water, give them constant soft intense light around 70F, 21c, and keep the air moving, they do fine. The sweetest thing about using this method is, you have 3500 ppms, of natural food, that can take you 4 to 6 weeks in veg. without a transplant, with just Water! However, just one over watering can kill the plant. You have to keep the substrate dryer longer. I think the EC would be 6.5
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