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Older Than Dirt Quiz



Older Than Dirt Quiz: Count all the ones that you remember, not
the ones you were told about.
Ratings at the bottom.

1. Blackjack chewing gum
2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water
3. Candy cigarettes
4. Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles
5. Coffee shops or diners with tableside juke boxes
6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers
7. Party lines
8. Newsreels before the movie
9. P.F. Flyers
10. Butch wax
11. Telephone numbers with a word prefix (OLive-6933)
12. Peashooters
13. Howdy Doody
14. 45 RPM records
15. S&H Green Stamps
16. Hi-fi's
17. Metal ice trays with lever
18. Mimeograph paper
19. Blue flashbulb
20. Packards
21. Roller skate keys
22. Cork popguns
23. Drive-ins
24. Studebakers
25. Wash tub wringers

If you remembered 0-5 = You're still young
If you remembered 6-10 = You are getting older
If you remembered 11-15 = Don't tell your age,
If you remembered 16-25 = You're older than dirt!

( I scored 21 )

Don't forget to pass this along!!
Especially to all your really OLD friends....
"Senility Prayer"...God grant me...
The senility to forget the people I never liked
The good fortune to run into the ones that I do
And the eyesight to tell the difference."
Have a great week!!!!!!


aka Buzz'dBob
Oh shit... I'm blowing away in the wind... It was easier math to count those I did not experience first-hand! And that was 5!!

And a couple of those are debatable... Wait! I do remember someone who drove a Studebaker!!! So make that only 4...

Heh! Cork Pop Guns... I used to cut the string... :wink:
Damn, that one scares me. When I was a kid, I remember both a Packard and a Studebaker in our neighborhood. 10 oz cokes in the machine were a dime and so was a pay phone. When I got my 1st car, gas was .27 a gal. and cigarettes were a quarter.


Well-known member
i remember 19 of em 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,12 ,13,14,15,16,17,19,21,22,23,25, didnt havem all but somebody in our family prolly did and if butchwax is the same as brillcream
thats this shit my parents put on our flat top hair cut (military)then that will make 20
peace chucky
ps me and jesus played togethered


God DAMN... twenty-two of 'em. The only ones I don't remember are packards, studebakers, and newsreels.

ps me and jesus played togethered

That's nothin. My little sister baby-sat him. She said he was a real pain... you know, "Jesus, the dog does NOT want wine in his bowl!" Or, "Jeesuuuus, quit screwing around and get INTO the bath water..." Stuff like that.


Hey wait... I think I just had a great idea for a television show!

Jesus The Menace

You thought Dennis was bad? What if he was God?

"Oh Mister Pilate!

(hee hee hee...)


Wow I wade in with 20 of them but hey I already know I'm old and I always grow in dirt.



New member
Sorry but I've got all of you beat. I remember and used each and every one of them. Now that is a dubious honor.


21 here, and I still remember my telephone prefix. :chin: Speaking of phone prefixes, does anyone remember having to dial 122 to make a long distance call?


p.s. hey Buzz, good to see ya!


Ancient1, Let old Willie have a piece of that "honor" O.K.? It will be about the only piece I've had for awhile :smile:
PEACE, Wilie


"It's just a flesh wound"
MasterVaper said:
Older Than Dirt Quiz: Count all the ones that you remember, not
the ones you were told about.
Ratings at the bottom.

1. Blackjack chewing gum -Nope
2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water -yes
3. Candy cigarettes -yes
4. Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles -yes
5. Coffee shops or diners with tableside juke boxes -no
6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers -yup
7. Party lines -no
8. Newsreels before the movie -no
9. P.F. Flyers -no
10. Butch wax -no
11. Telephone numbers with a word prefix (OLive-6933) -no
12. Peashooters -no
13. Howdy Doody -no
14. 45 RPM records -yes
15. S&H Green Stamps -yes
16. Hi-fi's -yes
17. Metal ice trays with lever -yes
18. Mimeograph paper -yes
19. Blue flashbulb -yes
20. Packards -no
21. Roller skate keys -no
22. Cork popguns -no
23. Drive-ins -yes
24. Studebakers -no
25. Wash tub wringers -yes

If you remembered 0-5 = You're still young
If you remembered 6-10 = You are getting older
If you remembered 11-15 = Don't tell your age,
If you remembered 16-25 = You're older than dirt!

( I scored 21 )

Don't forget to pass this along!!
Especially to all your really OLD friends....
"Senility Prayer"...God grant me...
The senility to forget the people I never liked
The good fortune to run into the ones that I do
And the eyesight to tell the difference."
Have a great week!!!!!!

I hit "don't tell your age"with a 12 :biglaugh: Kind of makes a lot of these growers look like whipper-snappers :whip:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
In a few more years I'll be a can of oil

In a few more years I'll be a can of oil

Well I must fart dust because I got 25 for 25. It figures tho I get 100% on a test and it is to determine how freakin old I am. How about a pack of cigs for 49 cents or a gallon of gas for 39.9. Or the really good ole days when sex was dirty and the air was clean and Jerry and everybody else all sang about love,and you could understand the words, oops gotta go change my Depends now and take my Musinex. Thanks for the memories MasterVaper you little ****er :biglaugh:



Crap... I remember them ALL... My very first ride was a '56 Studebaker Silver Hawk... was in excellent condition... 2 dr coupe way ahead of it's time.


opps , all of them ,
and my dad telling our neighbor to get rid of that ugly NEW car of his , A Studedbaker, reminded me of a bullit car thats ugly
but has cool front end grill,
I remember too red flyers
do you ?
wicked rides down hill,
like a bobsled on asphalt
& steel wheels red skateboards from sears,
runover a pea, and flying over the sidewalk, landing & taking your palms
and knee skin OUT ! OUCH !!!
I even have a oil stash can style that you use a can opener to open
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: match the other cans then.
totally hopeless here
just call me "old man of the mountain ":biglaugh: :biglaugh:
LB :smoke:


New member
Damn, I'm that old...

Damn, I'm that old...

Well, I'm 24 of 25. :eek:

The Studabaker was the only one. I grew up where Packard started.

Does anyone one who remembers the "Black Jack" gum remember the color wrapper?

An does anybody remember the "Black Jack" candy?



OhGawd...Weedyzbox, I think BlackJack gum had a blue wrapper? Remember TBerry gum with the pink wrapper? (TBerry shuffle??!!) I don't remember BlackJack candy but, do remember Boston Beans, button paper (remember the globs of crunchy stuff you just kinda chewed off the paper and ate as much paper as candy)? Chocolate cigarettes, Bubblegum cigars, Real metal bottle caps that you chewed the candy out of!!!
I bought Moms cigarettes (with a note of course) for 28cents a pack...Used
to get a free drinking glass with a $2.00 gasoline purchase...that was 7 gals.!
Remember Choo-Choo Charlie commercials for GoodnPlenty?
Keep on Truckin' :smile:
Peace, Willie
And remember...Brillcream a little dab will do ya!

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