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Old Stoners Accessories over the years


New member
great photo's and i thought i was the only collecter, LOL, i've got enough stuff to start a mini head shop... its time to gather and organize it... i'll put some photo's up then

i'd like to see Gypsy's collection... owning a headshop and travelling the world i bet he's got some cool pieces....


GoldenBud said:
great photo's and i thought i was the only collecter, LOL, i've got enough stuff to start a mini head shop... its time to gather and organize it... i'll put some photo's up then

i'd like to see Gypsy's collection... owning a headshop and travelling the world i bet he's got some cool pieces....

Diddo bro. How about it Gypsy?



Thisbuds4u said:
Diddo bro. How about it Gypsy?

LMAO!! Thanks for the mail I received today...I almost sprayed the monitor, but at least I could clean it from the inside no prob. :woohoo: :yoinks: :wave: :joint:


A little dusty from sitting on the shelf for the last few years....

Ladies and gentlemen, a real, genuine, working, well worn, Oat Willes Dept Store "Power Hitter".



/\/\/\/\ WOW!! Does THAT bring back memories...I think.

I had 1 of those until it was being passed around a Mountain concert [remember 'Mississippi Queen'?] & never came back. I hope it found a nice home.:D


zoltron said:
/\/\/\/\ WOW!! Does THAT bring back memories...I think.

I had 1 of those until it was being passed around a Mountain concert [remember 'Mississippi Queen'?] & never came back. I hope it found a nice home.:D
Hmm ...... the pic doesn't load for me. :confused:

left hemi

I had a beast called a kabong, which was absolutely the best designed bong I've ever seen. it was like 18" tall, plastic, with a good sized bulb for h20, and an aluminum downtube about hal inch in diameter, and a slip on reversable bowl (one hit v 2) I still have a smaller one, but the bulb is cracked and it leaks. I also once had a jar that at one time contained medical marijuana from the turn of the last century. I sorely regret losing that. (I tossed it one of the times I quit doing durgs in my early years. it didn't stick!) I'd love to have a new kabong.


Well then, I'm sure you remember the Toker I & II. Looked like a chemistry beaker, all glass, even the stem. The #I didn't have a carb & the #II did.
I bought the Toker II in 1974 & still use it to this day [sorry, no camera]. I've broken a few stems reaming them & they kinda shattered, but I have the original base & have bought an aluminum stem with a screw-on big bowl...instead of the 1 hitter bowls, where you sucked the entire thing straight down, ashes & everything.
My bowl now is like a pipe bowl with a screen. Now that weed's the price of platinum, every little crumb will be ash, when I'm thru with it.:D


New member
Ah the Toker II - best bong I evar had, used it for over 10 years and then gave it to my sis (after the wife banned it from the house - spilled too easy) Wish I still had one. Tried to make one a few different times since, but could never get it to work


New member
Can someone tell me what this is called?? Was given to me by a buddy who knows I collect glass smoking tools. Notice the wee glass bead near the throat... it works on gravity, like a oneway valve... the unit has just 2 chambers for smoke.

I just have no clue as to what it's called?

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newbutold said:
Ah the Toker II - best bong I evar had, used it for over 10 years and then gave it to my sis (after the wife banned it from the house - spilled too easy) Wish I still had one. Tried to make one a few different times since, but could never get it to work

LOL!! I hear the same shit from my wife, but I keep mine in my office at the opposite end of the house. She says the thing stinks bad. I imagine the water I put in around 1975 should be changed. :pointlaug :confused: :yoinks: :fsu: :joint:
A lovely "Casey" bowl.

A lovely "Casey" bowl.

Here's a nice rasta theme GonG bowl, Made in Sonoma County by "Casey".

I love His work.

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Yeah my friend, I've seen him around once or twice, but not too often.

I like this place...good peeps here. And your web page looks great, brother.


zoltron said:
LOL!! I hear the same shit from my wife, but I keep mine in my office at the opposite end of the house. She says the thing stinks bad. I imagine the water I put in around 1975 should be changed. :pointlaug :confused: :yoinks: :fsu: :joint:
Dam 1975. You might have some mold by now bro. :pointlaug


Active member
Hello all,

I thought I would show off some of my gear.

In the lower right hand corner is the newest addition to my collection. Just bought it last month. Grinders are the schiznit-don't no why I did not get one before. Took a week or so to figure out the feel for the proper grind but its all good now.

In the upper right hand corner is the bong. The bong is home made and I will put it up against any RooR. I made that two months ago with a very thick glass vase and a dremal with the appropriate bits. Bought a glass stem and slide (binger?) and grommet-no leaks-hits great.

Next to the bong on top is my Proto Pipe. I acquired that in 88'. It is a great pipe. I use it all the time I am out of my house. Been to many concerts, trips, a few parties. Its an old friend and has been smoked with old friends.

Next to the Proto on top is a set of keys. If you look closely you will see a brass key, a bottle opener and a bong poker. The brass key is indeed a roach clip and has been there for 28 years. The hooking clasp next to it is my keyring that I have had since I was 15 and still use today. The bottle opener (still fucntioning) I aquired at a boat and sport show in SF in the year of our Lord, 1983.

The poker since the early 80's-its just a coat hanger poker bent around the keyring-has come in handy for many a thing besides clearing a bong.

Below the keyring is a pair of hemostats-not an ordinary pair of hemo's, but one that was used when my twins were born. They are umbilical cord hemo's. They are smooth and don't tear the roach.

The long pencle looking metal thing is also a roachclip that i hand made from 6065 aluminum, a 1/8"x3" stainless cotter pin and a thumbnut used on L1011 aircraft when I worked for Lockheed. 1979.

Then there is the glass pipe I got on the coast last August-it hits nice buyt if it get dirty it burns your thumb on the carb hole-phvqveing hate that.

The little plastic pipe is about 10 years old and I confescated it from my son's friend. He was 14 at the time.

The tin next to all of this I have had for a few years just but you can see what I am smoking at the moment.

I have a little box for of assorted pieces parts.

I have a fondness for things I have kept over the years and they have intrinsic value beyond any replacement cost.

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minds_I said:
Hello all,

I thought I would show off some of my gear.

In the lower right hand corner is the newest addition to my collection. Just bought it last month. Grinders are the schiznit-don't no why I did not get one before. Took a week or so to figure out the feel for the proper grind but its all good now.

In the upper right hand corner is the bong. The bong is home made and I will put it up against any RooR. I made that two months ago with a very thick glass vase and a dremal with the appropriate bits. Bought a glass stem and slide (binger?) and grommet-no leaks-hits great.

Next to the bong on top is my Proto Pipe. I acquired that in 88'. It is a great pipe. I use it all the time I am out of my house. Been to many concerts, trips, a few parties. Its an old friend and has been smoked with old friends.

Next to the Proto on top is a set of keys. If you look closely you will see a brass key, a bottle opener and a bong poker. The brass key is indeed a roach clip and has been there for 28 years. The hooking clasp next to it is my keyring that I have had since I was 15 and still use today. The bottle opener (still fucntioning) I aquired at a boat and sport show in SF in the year of our Lord, 1983.

The poker since the early 80's-its just a coat hanger poker bent around the keyring-has come in handy for many a thing besides clearing a bong.

Below the keyring is a pair of hemostats-not an ordinary pair of hemo's, but one that was used when my twins were born. They are umbilical cord hemo's. They are smooth and don't tear the roach.

The long pencle looking metal thing is also a roachclip that i hand made from 6065 aluminum, a 1/8"x3" stainless cotter pin and a thumbnut used on L1011 aircraft when I worked for Lockheed. 1979.

Then there is the glass pipe I got on the coast last August-it hits nice buyt if it get dirty it burns your thumb on the carb hole-phvqveing hate that.

The little plastic pipe is about 10 years old and I confescated it from my son's friend. He was 14 at the time.

The tin next to all of this I have had for a few years just but you can see what I am smoking at the moment.

I have a little box for of assorted pieces parts.

I have a fondness for things I have kept over the years and they have intrinsic value beyond any replacement cost.

That's a nice collection you have going there. :yoinks:


You've got a lot of cool stuff there, minds_I...sent me down memory lane.

I wish I still had my brass key clip. I had 1 exactly like yours, probably for a good 15-20 yrs, when I lost all my keys at some fuckin bar in Denver. That's a very cool idea with the hemostats that delivered your son. Wish I would've thought of that when my son was born 15 yrs ago.
Those grinders are an excellent invention. I 1st bought a wooden 1 & graduated to the metal 1. What a time-saver, huh? Plus I'm also a Proto-pipe owner & those are 1 excellent traveller pipe, aren't they?
Then for my everyday smoking -- a 1974 Toker II -- original base, but been thru some stems...breaking some while reaming. :confused: But now I've got an aluminum stem, so the 'breaking while cleaning' is no longer an issue.

Nice collection you have, minds_I. :joint: :wave:

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