I'm feeling old...54 is old and stupid when you do stuff like this. You see what happened to me was when I logged onto SeedBay by chance one morning a couple weeks ago at 5AM..I picked up a pack of "rare" CJ , Casey Jones seeds from H3ad Seeds.. these are rare as I've been trying to aquire them for months...I got them going into nice little seedlings, beautiful precious green leaves reaching for the sky...in 2" peat pots...healthy as can be...I visioned fat Casey colas drooping from the branches.. oozing resins....I left my wifes pupppy, used to be my puppy too but isn't any more, un-attended just for a just moment...and.....presto...shreaded 2" peat pots with no signs of my little sprouts anywhere to be seen....The moral is...don't get old? Don't get a puppy when your old? Focus?...focus...focus...something I'm saying a lot nowadays as I go into a room wondering what I went there for? Treat ur seeds like gold old stoners when you do get um or you'll feel like sh*t like I do and whine and snivel for days..maybe weeks..who knows how long...all I know is my wife is tired of hearing the story... so.... now it's your turn friends....DD
then having to clean up the mess...how degrading............

then having to clean up the mess...how degrading............