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Old Stoner Destroys Rare Seeds....


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I'm feeling old...54 is old and stupid when you do stuff like this. You see what happened to me was when I logged onto SeedBay by chance one morning a couple weeks ago at 5AM..I picked up a pack of "rare" CJ , Casey Jones seeds from H3ad Seeds.. these are rare as I've been trying to aquire them for months...I got them going into nice little seedlings, beautiful precious green leaves reaching for the sky...in 2" peat pots...healthy as can be...I visioned fat Casey colas drooping from the branches.. oozing resins....I left my wifes pupppy, used to be my puppy too but isn't any more, un-attended just for a just moment...and.....presto...shreaded 2" peat pots with no signs of my little sprouts anywhere to be seen....The moral is...don't get old? Don't get a puppy when your old? Focus?...focus...focus...something I'm saying a lot nowadays as I go into a room wondering what I went there for? Treat ur seeds like gold old stoners when you do get um or you'll feel like sh*t like I do and whine and snivel for days..maybe weeks..who knows how long...all I know is my wife is tired of hearing the story... so.... now it's your turn friends....DD

then having to clean up the mess...how degrading............ :violin:


ICMag Donor
awww DD, thats such a shame! ..poor little seeds, oh well thats life I suppose :)
It happens to all of us, I had these clones one time and I was soooo determined to get these to root and so anxious that I killed them good!

Hopefully the seeds will come around again to bid on :D


Cute puppy!! To bad abut Casey i have a 1/2 pack in flower as we speak with three different phenos.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Bird two survived...so I'll have a two Casey grow posted soon...both just have to be girls...Mrs. Babba thanks for the visit, Baccus you as well....DD


So sorry DD!
But that is one cute doggie & you know, I bet he had such a fun time digging through your new plants. Seeds will grow, a good dog can't be replaced.

Might get some Bitter Apple(petsmart) and spray it around the area of your grows. Dogs hate the taste of it.



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
:badday: Your dog's damn lucky to be that cute. FWIW I learned the same basic lesson years ago. No critters allowed till plants are at least a foot tall.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I'm very sorry to hear that doobie. If it's ANY consolation, at least you know your puppy has good taste! And you've got 2 left....
I've always gotta watch out for my cats....one seems to track any plants like a heat seeking missle.......I've never seen any animal have such an affinity for plants!!!
Good luck with the hunt for more beans and good vibes to the 2 survivors....


Yeh, it's cute, but I don't want one...

I had a mouse dig up my seedlings a few years back.
I set out a mouse trap.
Problem solved.
I guess you can't do that.
You're a good man for not hurting the pup!

My wife want an ankle biter.
That's one thing I'm holding out on!
She can HAVE the $!
And, for now, that works...

BTW, we do have a very mello black lab.
Now that you mention it, she has dug a "few" holes in my back yard.
...gonna have to look into 'a better mousetrap'...

Don Cotyle

Sorry to hear the bad news! Ya really gotta watch them rat on crack dogs! I hear they can shred a closet full of shoes in like 20 secounds...LOL! She sure is luck she's so cute! I sure hope you get at least one female, clone her and grow a closet full of choice nugs! I've got 2 black Rot-Chows that know better than to even get close to my closet...I named em Mu Shu and General Toa just in case...LOL!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
that dog is so damned cute I'd have to forgive it immediately.

sorry bout the loss otherwise


Active member



woof woof woof...

bow wow bow wow...

(the puppy stole my password, logged in, and is thanking you)...

hopefully the dog will learn to be patient for rewards in the future! :bashhead: :spank:


Active member
Cute puppy. I think I destrpyed my seeds too because it was kind of cold last night I placed my newly germinated seeds and their tiny jiffy pots in the oven (turned off I am not *that* old yet) with the oven's light on well that sucker probably heated the oven to 90 and dried the soil out. So I watered placed them in their grow cabinet and am hoping for the best just checked on them and my six month old kitten had gotten into the cabinet and was sitting on one of the pots.....sigh!


Doobie, I feel for ya! I started my 1st grow of bagseeds, and my wife's damn Shit-Zsu pup shredded half of my 6 inch tall seedlings a few days ago (there goes 2 weeks down the drain).

Man, I wuz sure moping about it. But I just dried the leaves and got a buzz (lol, haven't gotten stoned in years).

Being 54 as well, we learned long ago "don't get mad, we get even"
(damn dog's going to the Vet to get fixed this weekend)!


You can't blame dumb animals.
(That's my excuse.)

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If you got two seedlings left you can always hope for one of each and make some beans. Cute little doggie for sure. My cat loves eating the leaves off plants, I had to stop growing for a bit and everytime I went into the closet since I stopped my cat would look at me like, dude, wtf, where is the closet jungle. He's got a lil knowing look in his eye now though, he knows things are starting to pop again. I just have to keep him away til the babies are big enough to stand a lil trim, lol.


Your puppy obviously knows quality genetics when it sees it! should've grown nirvana...


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hey thanks friends for the replies...just love your comments...the two survivors are doing well. The puppy has moved on to styrofoam..it makes quite a mess as well. DD