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Oil and KIff combinations???


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Oil and Kiff​

Hey peeps
Needed some advice if that cool people. Just started making my oil into hash, bought a silk screen and I sieve my ounce before making oil, then oil it and another ounce, and mix the oil and the kiff in pressing celophane. Its the next bit we've been messin g up. Anyone know how to make this stuff into a black oily ball similar to "kandi bubble" Barneys bfast bar or temple balls??
Plus how do you all keep getting these gorgeous shot of this amber looking oil. Is this solid oil (looks like the stuff in jurasic park, on top of that geezas stick with a dead mosquito in it) PeAce

Here what I di anyhow though you might be able to help/ tips/tricks etc Thanks

HE WHO HOGS THE JOINT, GETS THE STONDEST!!! LOL (we all really know we gota pass, just makes me laff this!)

Just afer Extraction with full buds

nearly Done (always did it outside)

nearly done close up


wipe your skins in it for a quality spliff!

Kiff and oil in pressing celophane, in this pic we had made the oil straight into celophane and this is where i think we fucked it, this pic is before pressing. We then folded it up covered it in wet newspaper and pressed on it for about 5 minutes with a red hot iron. If at any point it dried out we rewet it. Didnt come out too brilliant wasnt pressed or hadnt bound??

We pressed this by hand after freezing the razor after a scrape of the bowl and then cracked it into the bottom of my space case ( i did not know about silk screens at this point I know have a much more efficient kiff screen) and made the hash very similar to how you nead dough. Lots of crystals on the fingers and then just rolled?!!

nandro said:
add the kif while the butane is evaporating off your extraction dish..
wouldnt this make evaporating the very last traces of solvent more difficult? maybe u mean during the 'purge' ?

if u are looking to make a mixture you warm it up slightly and it will go from glass to goo,
then you mix in your kif.


New member
Oil/Kiff Combinations

Oil/Kiff Combinations

Hey im confused? We add the kiff after we have removed the oil from the bowl ( ie after purging) Are you saying we should add the kiff when we have nearly evaporated all of the butane and put the kif in the bowl with the oil and butane. You see this would surely extract the oil from the kiff even if its only briefly while the kiff is in the bowl with the oil, but then everything would mix together so whats the point of extracting the oil from the kiff but leaving the kiff with no oil in it present in the oil.
P.S The oil we make is always liquid after purging even after we have left it for 24hr. Is there anyway to make it "amber like" at room temperature and if so how do you get it all into one bock of resin??
I need a spliff anyway :joint: before I carry on with this!


proper purging at LOW temperature give a more hard amber like oil, i have always gotten this hard product when making bho. too much heat makes it stay less viscous at room temp. room temp for me being about 75 degrees.


New member
Cheers misturemike. How long do you purge for then and at what temperature?? We have always purged relativly quickly ove say 2hr. Is it better then to do it slowly. (the water bath never went over 50 degrees C).
Can anyone here say how much difference there is between unisomerized oil and isomerised. I am a bioscience sudent and have access to a lot of equipment (can borrow etc) but it seems like a lot of hassle??
Does anyone have anymore tips on making this oil into jelly hash using kiff not bubble hash?? Thanxs for all the info guys keep it coming!!

I know I just threw the isomerisation in there but its knida related sos.
Our oil always ended up looking like this even after a day at room temperature.

High dmoc76, you should mix that at room temp. Put everything in a freezer bag(5-10 gr.)after purging and mix it in your hands inside the bag, rub and roll. When it is well mixed, form it into a ball(still in the bag) then put it in the freezer for 2 minutes. Take it out and peel the bag off. There are different qualities of kief, from bad to bubble. Dry sift can be as good and/or better then ice hash, depends on the care taken. Experiment. RR.


whats your boom stick look like? and isomerizing the oil is preatty much usuless, there is so little cbd in buds that isomerizing them to thc would be a waste of time. how do you filter you BHO? and what tane do you use?
this is a chunk that after the initial purge(5mins) was put into the oven on lowest setting until almost all bubbles stop forming(1-1and1/2 hours)

if you want to know my whole process with pics PM i'll be happy to assist you in making hash goodness! I'll post some pics soon of the most recent batch of master kush oil, i made over an once and a half of oil! yum!


New member
Cheers again man wer using lab grade filters taped to the bottom of the tube if thats what you mean by filtering. We made the tube out of a stainless steel vacum hoover pipe and wedged in a sieve piece to act as a gauze at one end. The other end was capped with a metal dedorant can lid, however I sawed a little hole in it so I patched with bluetak, ( i know it isnt the best but it doeesnt leak and seems to work ok??) We then use colibri (when we can be assed going into town) or swan (UK) Thanx again man Dom
red rooster do you mean mix the kiif and oil in the freezer bag? How do you get the oil into the bag when its so sticky?>? do you mean freeze the oil then put that and the kiff in the bags and hand rub?? We've always had problems with the stuff sticking to the bags or whatever. We have some 100% ethanol aswell is there any uses for that? ( removing the last of the oil, or is this better to extract with???) Thanks again everyone
will post a pic of the oil tube tomoz keep ya pics cumin people!! nice oil pics mike!! the baked one in the oven Y is it so black?? does this change anything about the oil, taste, potency etc?? :chin:


the top and bottom pic are the same oil, 2nd is after i pressed it thin so you could see the color...a true amber. notice the edges of the chunk kind of glowing the amber gold color...if you held the piece up to a bright light it would all look like the second pic too. and the taste....depends on what your using. for example trainwreck flavor comes through in oil i've baked at 170f. But with romulan, if baked at this temp would burn off most the terpenes(flavor) so this is where you would use like a electric hot pad for lower temps than an oven. also just a small side note, get a square pyrex dish way easier to scrape the edges out.
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New member
Thanx for that I can imagine it being a lot easier, so do you heat the oil for long in the oven?? N could you add kiff while the butane is still evaporating and then oven bake like you did? The only reason im asking is cos we can get quite a lot of kiff from 2 oz of bud, then we make the resst of the stuff into oil. The strongest oil we made was all buds tho and no shaking before to remove the kiff. Wer not growers you see so oil is pretty expensive for us. Wer always askin friends to donate trim but only know 3 small time growers, hu are all happy havin a phat smoke with us afterwards for donating the trim!
Thanx again man really apreciate the knowldege!


trainwreck flavor comes through in oil i've baked at 170f. But with romulan, if baked at this temp would burn off most the terpenes(flavor) so this is where you would use like a electric hot pad for lower temps than an oven. also just a small side note, get a square pyrex dish way easier to scrape the edges out.

The best oil I had ever by far was trainwreck oil. It tasted like lemon heads.
From OBD in OB.

Can you tell if product is not purged well? How?

Sorry mike is "romulin" a butane brand? n whats "trainreck flavour?" sos for my stupidity if thats a really dumb question!

Lol, man, ur missing out on some great strains. Hit the search button.


New member
Hey man sos bout me bein a bit slow, seems like i need to get a grow on but at moment its not practical with wer i live. Movin nxt yr tho so il be sure to check em out b4 i start.
you can tell if ya oil isnt purged properly by looking at the bubbles, if there is butane gas in them they wont be clear they have a sort of milky colour to them, when the bubbles are clear you can be pretty dam sure all the butane is gone.


New member
Checked out the search man
FUCK ME THEY LOOK GOOD what id give to make sum BHO out of that man. Im in uk tho and by sound of things that trainwreck is pretty dam hard to get hold of (unless you want a cross) and unless your in a position to grow (only ever get told names of a few strains) but that romulin fuck me I love big heavy tired stoned, especially on sundays!!
got sum white widdow and some jack herrer lately both very nice indicas, n just finishing my last bit of nebula now also pretty dam nice. Got sum strawberry cough, white russian and power plant left to try tho ( could just do with a bit of money!!!)


dmoc76@hotmail. said:
you can tell if ya oil isnt purged properly by looking at the bubbles, if there is butane gas in them they wont be clear they have a sort of milky colour to them, when the bubbles are clear you can be pretty dam sure all the butane is gone.

it is true the butane bubbles are a milkey white, but some butane does not show up this way in the bubbles, a good test is to pop the bubbles with an open flame they will flare up if butane is present. ***LOOK CLOSELY*** when doing this for some flare ups are very small. so either purge til no bubbles or until they do not flare up.

by the way trainwreck is the best oil medium i have used ever. even the crosses usually take on the pungent aroma of the trainwreck.


Active member
Hey dmoc76. :wave:
I have only made jelly hash once, so i dont know a ton about it but here it goes.

I used nardsofdank's method(from OG) to make it.

juicy fruit dry sieve

biker bud bho with dry sieve poured on top

after another bho run over top

let it sit for awhile... then scrape

It worked pretty good, and i was able to roll the dry sieve into golf ball sized chunks.
However, I would recommed you make your bho and purge it first before mixing in the crystal.

I think somas bubblehash to bho ratio is 7:1 This would be a good place to start. Add more dry sieve or oil accordingly.

PS: Nice looking oil Misturemike!


Wow acidfire that looks simply marvelous. Juicy Fruit sure is unique. I am dreaming about Trainwreck extract mmmm


New member
Looks like fucking killer shit man nice one for that man, I saw your pics in the gallery and thought you could shed some light on your method thanxs. If you put that stuff you made in pressing celophane i read somwhere that you can
wrap in pressing celophane
then wrap it in wet newspaper
then totally seal (air tight) in tin foil
put it on a hot element (hob)
wait till the steam from the water on the newspaper puffs up the bag
then pressure decreases and the foil stops puffing outwards
then put the package under a few books and stand on them for 5 minutes
then roll with a rolling pin
and then aparently the cells from the kiff explode and release more oil into the mixture?
Does anyone know if this is true or works??
we just froze this into the kiff and pressed it by hand after the purge, do you think it would be better to do your method with two purges and adding the kiff inbetween
