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OG Royal Grower's 2006 Outdoor Grow


Old School Cottonmouth
OG royal you were askin about lat - long website. I'm guessing you meant so you could figure out flower time. I have a chart. if you tell me you lat and long I can tell you your flower time if you like.

its in the back of the big book of buds. maybe you have the same book.

the pots are bigger than I thought. than the first few pics I looked at I thought those were 3 gal not 5. but still you may want to think about larger pots. Perhaps dig a hole and fill with good soil, and cut the bottom of your pots off if thats practical for you.

I've seen alot of plants turn out with big thick stems, with dense but small buds of mediocre trich coverage. and the difference between them being big AAA high yielding kind was small pots. and its a shame to see wasted potential.
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OG Royal Grower

Sorry about taking so long to post pictures again, but someone stole my digital camera at a party I had a while back... anyway the plants are having some trouble and i need some help with what i need to give them. I've looked in the sick plants guide a million times and still can't figure out what the fuck these spots are.

We are in the process of slowly correcting our N deficiency, trying to add as little nutes as possible. They are really taking off, the buds are starting to get trichomes as well as the leaves. After tying them down they have grown quite a bit. Could these problems be from heat stress?

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OG Royal Grower

anyone have an idea yet...? Should i think about planting them in the ground?
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one in the chamber
Why are you using as little nutes as possible? It could be pests (there are plenty outdoors) or a lack of nutes. Nothing wrong with a little hit of Miracle-Gro every once in a while just to make sure you have all your bases covered. I'd put them in big holes in the ground.`
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Active member
dig a good sized hole for each one. feed them some good bloom fert's.
2 of my plant's are doing the same damn thing as your's. they look great though man. keep it up.


OG Royal Grower

Hey Smokeateer, what mixture did you use in your holes and how deep were they? I think we would have to just cut off the bottom of our pots if anything. If anyone has a recommendable soil mixture please tell me.

sm0kateer4204 said:
dig a good sized hole for each one. feed them some good bloom fert's.
2 of my plant's are doing the same damn thing as your's. they look great though man. keep it up.



Active member
i have the cheapest soil mixture available. first off i never intended the plant's to get so large. one is almost 8 feet while the one in the pic is 6. so i dug the hole about 1 1/2 foot deep. about 2 feet wide. the soil consist of pure top soil. with blood meal mixed in. ive been doing the rest with water nutrient's. but trust me, next year i will get a good soil mix wiht blood meal bone meal and lime. ohh and both of those plant's are growing in the same hole. here's them younger

OG Royal Grower

We potted one of our plants in the lower patch (3 plants) into the ground, we will be taking pictures tomorrow as we dig more holes.

OG Royal Grower

Just went out to take pictures today, its been raining on and off for the past few days. We used dactanin or something to help eliminate the fungal proplem and its seems to really be helping, they look so much better. Some still have yellowing leaves and ones still has a ton of spots on the lower branches.

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OG Royal Grower

About how many weeks should i be looking at before we harvest... any tips or insight?

OG Royal Grower



i need some help on when i should be harvesting... we might need to cut some really early due to a security problem any tips with this situation?