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OG Kush.............

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Sorry for gettin on the wrong foot Grean didnt mean to jump on you bro i just get all worked up about this shit.Their may be some stuff thats right but some thats def twisted up.
No worrys doggystyle. Im sure you have alot of haters always talkin twisted shit. Im glad you worded me up. LOL. I wish I knew everything so I could school people real quick. Its just that... the more TRUE facts I learn.... the more i realize I know nothing. Feel free to fire me a readers diegest tutorial. LOL. peace.




the lemon is so sickly sweet and sooo friggin dense and oily... i dont know about relation to diesel though ive been growin this one long before the diesel craze even before id even heard of the diesel clone ,though it may share similar lineage coincidentally. it doesnt grow like any diesel strain ive seen and my genius phenos(lemon sativa) seem more closely related to diesel being a jack herer cross. are the diesel lines classified as indica? anyhoo does anyone have info on the lemon kush?
ok according to the strain database here at ic its master kush x lemon joy.... anyone know the breeder/discoverer?
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Active member
a quote from jdogg600"Why does every OG descussion have to end up as an argument.lol

Actually the original OG was grown by the ocean in Pacific Palicades.
Thats what I heard,hence the Ocean Grown Kush."

then I saw this which is a more thourogh explaination of where it originated.....
quote from mysta "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

JD- As you said this is the story that makes the most sense out of all I heard. What do you guys think
OG Kush, Bubba Kush and The West Coast Dog.
"In late '93 John from Grass Valley Ca. got the Chem Dog cut. He shared it with me, Jerry(cowboy) from Dibble Creek Ca. and Harold(Putz) from Sunset Beach Ca. Putz had a male he called the secret ingredient. It was a cross of Lemon Thai and an Old World Paki Kush. Putz bred the secret ingredient to the Chem Dog. The buds that came out of this cross were going around So. L.A. county in '95. Someone told Putz that Kush must be so good because it was mountain grown. Putz laughed and told him "this Kush is Ocean Grown Kush bro". The tag stuck and it became known as OG Kush. In the spring of '96 Putz married a girl from New Zealand. Before moving there he sent cuts of his OG to me and Bob(beans) in Salinas Ca. He gave all his P1 stock and all the remaining seed he had to ****(mad dog) from Downey Ca. In late '96 **** sold some seed to some guys in the Valley. That's where the San Fernando Valley cut of OG comes from. It's like the Original only more sat in pheno type. **** sold a cut of the original to a guy in Orange county and that cut is called Larry today. It's still around Orange county. **** sent one other cut of the original OG to a breeder in Europe. As far as I know he never let anyone else have it.
Jerry bred his Chem Dog cut to a Humboldt county indica boy. This was the beginning of his cubing proccess. At BX3 he got a pheno that had all the smell, taste and kick of the Chem Dog, but in a pure indica pheno. Jerry gave this plant to Bob. It became known as the West Coast Dog.
Bob bred this plant to my Old World Kush male. He took a male from that cross and bred it to the OG cut Putz had sent him. This is what made the original Bubba Kush.
Jerry's cubed version of Chem Dog is what I sell as White Mustang"
So that seems like a pretty reliable source. heh?????????

This was a quote from Kaluha Kid of sierra seeds (growalien). I dont know how much truth it has but it is a good story. BUT>>>>>chem is who there talking about he has to know. All other stories are bullshit.
Chem-I just posted this on weedtracker in a forum that was talking about OG and where it came from.


Active member
I was just thinking.
Chemdog,you got those beans out of some bud you got.
But what about the other seeds from that bud that you didn't get.
Or what about the lineage that those seeds came from.
Makes me think this strain has been around longer then you think.
Just,noone knew about it till you spread it around a little.
I mean it's not like you bred this strain yourself. You said it yourself. Right?


OG means original gangsta kush?Never mind.I should read all first

OG means original gangsta kush?Never mind.I should read all first

OG- Original Gangsta.This is what I was lead to believe. Is this not the case?

Now reading through whole post I see the original Gangster has been said before. So maybe we should pole it?

ocean grow or original?

Can there be a chance for seeds from this X bubba kush?
Sorry for post hijack, just curious.
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Sorry bro.... I was ignorant once myself. LOL. Take a poll.... if you so please. You will find out that the FACT IS ocean grown. NOT OCEAN GROW> LOL


ignorant I may be , but as you say you were once as well.

ignorant I may be , but as you say you were once as well.

I ask because I don't know , near the beginning 3 or 4 people say original gangster. Heres a thought, maybe the ocean grown, I know I said grow, got bought and sold by someone who did not know what OG stood for and that someone named it original gangster ( appealing to all 50 cent wannabes everywhere) and this is where the nasty controversy comes from .I am new to all the different species and only til recently thought there was just indica couchlock and sativa heady get things done( not really but I sure seem like I do alot for the little I actually get done sometimes) :joint: . I have bagseed that rocks my socks and is outbudding and trichin everything. I call it Grogg as this is the buddy who blessed me with this sativa vixen, he has no idea of lineage or crosses , no family tree at all.I use a vaporizer for this grogg and the taste is almost flowery perfumy taste. Smell is citrusy skunky and ??? something else.Good , good high . This is obvious as I am typing a novel right now do to the sativa vixen named Grogg.

grogg 17 days

grogg 17 days

herijuana??? 17 days

og/bubba ??? 17 days

all from seeds. I can't promise family roots but I would say looking at pics they could be close????

BTW sorry for posting hijack.
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Active member
Nice OG/Bubba...Are those from Motarebel?

I have his Kranial Kush(Bubba Kush x OG Kush) x (Bubba Kush x yumbolt)

The whole Original Gansta thing probably came from the OG thing.
Most people know OG to mean original Ganster.
But in this case it's Ocean Grown.


GT -- thx it is a very fine plant indeed.
JDOG --I really don't know where it started but was given to me by BUDDY from 420.me.uk forum.
lorax, thx. It is crazy frosty. Will be checkin em tonight and takin day19 pics.

I am still waiting on my hps so right now these are under MH :(
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vap^^^^^^ i can tell(mh). i did flower my first indoor with a agrosun(mh).... its just such a pain in the ass clip job, because of all the extra veg/leaf growth. I did have some pretty decent size spears though. Im sure you already know>>> HPS will be sooooo much better for flower. I am however a solid beliver in mh only for veg cycle... good luck.^^^ I cant wait to see some updated pics.


I tossed my HPS and it was for the better.
Before I came online I was using straight MH for YEARS!!!!!!
Then as I became familiar around the net everyone was shoving hps down my throat, so I switched...
Loose, semi hard buds with less potentcy...
Correct me if I am wrong here but HPS is being used for a better effientcy and red light?
Well seeing as how we spend 2-3-400 dollars a month on the best of the best, why you going to skip out on the light.
Rescent reports show that spectral light is preferred over lumens.
What has the best of both worlds? Metal halide...
I switched back and can't be any happier.
Hortilux blue will smoke any HPS IMHO.
Stay peacefull.


no doubt LU. Hortilux is definitely better than straight HPS OR MH. Mixed Spectrum is the way to go if available...


Well-known member
Interesting side topic...

Interesting side topic...

Legit_User said:
I tossed my HPS and it was for the better.
Before I came online I was using straight MH for YEARS!!!!!!
Then as I became familiar around the net everyone was shoving hps down my throat, so I switched...
Loose, semi hard buds with less potentcy...
Correct me if I am wrong here but HPS is being used for a better effientcy and red light?
Well seeing as how we spend 2-3-400 dollars a month on the best of the best, why you going to skip out on the light.
Rescent reports show that spectral light is preferred over lumens.
What has the best of both worlds? Metal halide...
I switched back and can't be any happier.
Hortilux blue will smoke any HPS IMHO.
Stay peacefull.

I gotta agree with this...^^^...if ya want ta see, smell, taste a plants full expression...then grow 'em with tha blue light.

Here's an update o' tha '06 ChemDawg #2...grown under a 400 watt Hortilux Blue.





Please disregard tha poor quality o' tha pics...tha ol' camera's actin' funky...tha pics are fer comparison purposes only.


Spectrum is exactly why I have been searching LED threads and I think the future of the LED as an economically feesable grow lighting alternative is closer than we think.I hope it is ...........
Imagine targeting the plants specific lighting needs and nothing else. No heat,no waste, less hydro. More grow height for plants, cool bar room lighting effect for those trippy high gardening times :)...........................
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