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Of Kids & Cannabis


I have three daughters and my wife has a son. My girls, now 20, 17 & 12 only stayed with me every other weekend (youngest still does). While the boy (now 16) lived with us full-time. During that time, I never grew but I smoked weed. I never did it in front of them but I think the oldest two girls and the boy knew, saying "you sure act weird" or "your eyes sure are red". And I never owned up to it.
Now the boy has moved to his father's house and I converted his upstairs closet into a small grow room. He now has a job, girlfriend, car ect. and doesn't come visit much (he lives 2 hours away). So I converted his upstairs closet to a small grow room. No one ever goes up there as it's off to it's self, out of the way. When the youngest is staying with us, I always tend to my plants when she goes to bed, so as to avoid questions.
I think my oldest is probably old enough by now, but I can't risk her telling a friend. If she were to ask I suppose I would tell her I smoke but nothing about growing. You know how kids like to impress other people about what or who they know.
And the schools where I live sure preach anti drug and anti drinking. Seems like they start it at preschool or first grade.

Red Eye

Very interesting topic. Personally, i have no kids. But ive always preached that when you decide to have children, they become the most important thing in your life. Even more so than yourself.

I never thought about it in terms of how much of a responsibility itwould be for a child to know such a thing about their parent. In the prohibition climate that exists in our world, that really is too much for a child to endure. I dont think i would be able to grow in the same house as my kids. It would be hard to stop toking though... Ive been smoking since i was 15.


But ive always preached that when you decide to have children, they become the most important thing in your life. Even more so than yourself.

I love people that preach about things and never had any experience with what they are preaching about. I have no clue about what you're trying to get at.

I love my kids more than anything, so I will never hide things like this from them. If you believe you're wrong for using it and Cannabis is bad, then hide it. If you believe Cannabis is good, then it's your responsibility to teach them to stand up for their rights and learn the truth. You also need to gain their confidence in you and make better decisions as honest humans.

Do you want a cop teaching your kid lies and to narc on you or do you want to teach your kid?
The question is when to tell them, I think around 10 years old is a good start if you have a grow. I would just be careful with quantities that would be considered felonies in your area. It's not worth risking your kid's well being either, a small personal grow is something everyone should have a right to. I think moderation is once again key.

In the prohibition climate that exists in our world, that really is too much for a child to endure.

Oh, OK, and getting to Junior High with 0 education on Cannabis and drugs is easy to endure. Telling the class dealer to shove the meth in his ass is no easy task for a sheltered, lied-to kid....
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Well-known member
I love my kids more than anything, so I will never hide things like this from them. If you believe you're wrong for using it and Cannabis is bad, then hide it. If you believe Cannabis is good, then it's your responsibility to teach them to stand up for their rights and learn the truth. You also need to gain their confidence in you and make better decisions as honest humans.

I wish it were that simple. For me, drugs in general are an adult toy. I think having my wife suck my dick is a good thing, but I dont discuss my personal sex life with my kids. I do discuss the basics of sex and their responsibility as far as sex is concerned. The same for drugs. I definately want to be the one who educates them on the topic, but they don't need to know about my personal drug useage. Them knowing that I use and grow pot and other drugs is a responsibility that they don't need to have. Its a secret (by virtue of the unfortunated nature of our laws) that I don't need or want to burden them with.

Red Eye

Flamengo said:
I love people that preach about things and never had any experience with what they are preaching about. I have no clue about what you're trying to get at.

Do you want a cop teaching your kid lies and to narc on you or do you want to teach your kid?

Yeah thats the problem, i wouldnt want to put the responsibilty of having to protect their father against the narcs on my kids back. I dont think they should have to do that. I would have to find a way to grow discretely enough, with them not knowing at all. Smoking is easier, cuz when you buy you usually have much less wieght, easier to hide, etc.

Flamengo said:
The question is when to tell them, I think around 10 years old is a good start if you have a grow. I would just be careful with quantities that would be considered felonies in your area. It's not worth risking your kid's well being either, a small personal grow is something everyone should have a right to. I think moderation is once again key.

I also agree it should be a right. But i wouldnt want to put children onto the frontlines of the drugwar if i could at all help it. Right now, in most places, even personal stuff can get your ass into lots of trouble. It just depends on your priorities, and your specific situation.

But one thing that i do know without having experienced it, is that a police raid fuckin sucks, for anyone there. How much worse would it be for a kid who had anything to do with narcing out his dad?

Hella Fella

Not off-topic, y'all just missed the joke....

I was refferring to BIPEDALHOMINIDS signature, cause he was the one that started this thread.....


So here's an interesting thing, my father smokes pot has been for as long as I have know, he has a picture of him and his friends toking on a joint, anyways I figured it out by the age of 12 and since have only told my closest friends.

I'm not sure if he grows or not, but by looking at his few magazines all related to growing (Heads and High times at least the certain issues he has are related significantly) it seems blatant, it makes me wonder where he is growing, ( I think I know but have yet to find it) .

I kind of wished that he had told me when I was a bit younger, I think that he might enjoy not having to hide it so much. I smoke now, have so for about a year off and on but I look forward to the day when we can go camping and toke together.



if you live in a place where pot is illegal, i would follow the first rule of growing pot. then i would follow the 2nd rule. considering they are the same. lol. children do not need to know everything a parent does. my opinion of course.

King Amdo

FamilyPotGuy said:
Our kid knew about our closet grow, would come in and ask a couple of questions and leave. We never really made a big deal of it.

That changed when I picked up our kid and the neighbors kid from school one day. That day, they had planted a pumpkin seed in a Dixie cup for Halloween so the could grow thier own pumpkin. On the way home, our kid asked if they could put thier pumpkin plant in the closet with my plants.

Then our neighbors kid asked why you would have plants in a closet? and wanted to put thier plant in too.

Things just got complicated

My wife and I were going to explain to our kid that what we were doing is not legal and you shouldn't say anything to anyone and blah, blah, blah.

But, then we figured we had no right to put that kind of pressure on a 4 year old. And we were not willing to take the added risk of us getting accidently told on.

So, we just stopped growing. That night we took everthing down and packed it all away.

We did buy one of those cheapy little grow bulbs and made a little set up in our kids room for the pumpkin.

We'll grow again someday.

I'm enjoying seed collecting now as a hobby.

Have you a garden?

...get into organics/permaculture - cannabis growing fits well into that sort of reality, and U get better visionary weed from outside grow - this not just a delusion :~ actually I'm sure its not just ones mind maybe prefering natural way, but probably good science also. A few small cannabis plants could easily be hidden amongst loads of other stuff in a greenhouse before you plant them out somewhere.

King Amdo

Generally - only strait society makes it into an issue/problem - and its their problem in reality...ok so they make it your problem, so you can leave their werr-ruld and retire to a hippy reality, teaching kids at home connecting to the home educators network - living in a eco community even.

I would say to any kids actually: If you want to explore the consciousness changes associated with cannabis, then please wait untill you are in a non western tourist area of the Hindu Himalaya before you smoke ANYTHING at all. If you smoke there in the religious set and setting of the pligrimage route rest houses etc, then I think you will straightforwardly and non addictivly connect with the incredible real time magic/consciousness shift that I ramble on about quite a lot on the interent.

...you know the sort of thing I mean...like I recall the story in a High Times mag I read in Oxford scene (Hi Ned if your here m8!) cira 1990...of the mystery figure materialising and breaking into pharmacies and cannabis tincture going missing, guy being chased by police but dissapearing in column of white light type thing. Little did I know then that this is eminently possible - when one transcends material karma (or programmed facism)...but so easy to be trapped in materialism reality. Much easy to see the real thing I think in Kumoan etc...and go straight into the auspicious reality change there, rather than being trapped in bullshit and dealer werr-ruld or even (worst case) falling into ritual child abuse babylon skitzo trap.)

Mountain spirits, for example, are real in Kumoan, and will manifest in ones consciousness, and this is the whole point of taking an occult sacrement like cannabis, ok?...well really 'you' become the mountain spirit. I still think of and invoke the entity "Nanga Devi". Now I know what insense (Joss sticks) is about! Its real, Thjought is real...ok so are the ritual child abusers, thus maybe you can see the reason behind there sick invention - a insanely evil method if consciousness/reality containment within anti Mother Earth money scism system.

Om Shiva.
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Active member
My kids are now 25 and 29. We were always open, and when they turned 16 they could (and did) smoke with us. Some folks will think that's awful, but they're pretty well adjusted, and like me don't put up with hypocrisy.
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I did it all backwards.....

I did it all backwards.....

My 3 kids are 23 to 27 now. In my case everything in reverse. I was one of those people we are trying to protect ourself from. Marijuana was a bad, bad bad drug. Then I caught my oldest boy at the age of 13 with MJ. I don't know how many glass pipes I have destroyed. He overdid it though, because kids at that age should not be smoking. He experimented with other drugs very shortly, but has never stopped with MJ. His school grades went into the basement and never came back. We finally "bought" him a GED through a private school. Today at 27, he has realized that you can't get much of a job without a skill and is working on qualifying for university.

About 5 years ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and went under radiation treatment. Due to the terrible bladder spasms from the radiation, I was suffering one day, my son asked me to try a joint. Turns out that MJ has been with me for 5 or six years now and does an excellent job in handling my spasm problems.

So, at first I was breaking my son's glass pipes, and now I buy them for myself. But, what does a parent, whether he smokes or not, do with a 13 yr old that thinks its cool to smoke? How does one handle that?

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New member
I've always thought about this. I don't have any kids yet but wonder if I would hide it from them if I did. I think I would still grow and smoke, but I'd hide my grow behind a locked door or something. I wouldn't smoke around them but if one day they find out... oh well. I would sure as hell not tell them about a grow though, too scared they might tell their friends or something and get busted..
I'm quite a young toker but I'm pretty lucky as both of my uncles and my father are both big tokers and have grown it in the past so they give me lots of tips and I even skin up with them!

When I have kids I'll wait till they're at least 13 and then be open about it as I was smoking it at around that age anyway.


You know your damned if you do and damned if you dont.
I dont even know were to begin personally I cant say a thing.
I wish I could......


Sunshine DayDreamer
Josh-Skunker said:
I'm quite a young toker but I'm pretty lucky as both of my uncles and my father are both big tokers and have grown it in the past so they give me lots of tips and I even skin up with them!

When I have kids I'll wait till they're at least 13 and then be open about it as I was smoking it at around that age anyway.
since I was 12 I have smoked...and I was always around people who toked and I can see where you are coming from... however, my son being that age now, I do think that it would be a good thing for his brain to fully develop and him get older before making that choice. Even though I did it and was ok, looking back it would have been best for me to wait... IMHO... :smoker:

Have a Grat3DaY!
I'm a young smoker, but it wasn't always like that I used to carry my DARE card around with me like a badge :bashhead: that all changed after a particularly cute girl offered me a pipe during shop class, but thats Yummybuds territory.

My father just told me he was growing a few weeks ago (something my brothers and I have guessed for a few years now) and has been all his life, and was hesitant about sharing it with me because of how I would react. Either rat him out when I was still brainwashed , or smoke him out of house and home once he knew that I was a frequent user.

It wasn't until some pretty major stuff went on in our lives that he could share that with me. we don't see each other much, and when we do cannabis is the last thing we talk about.

My best advice is to be honest with your children. I couldn't rat my own father out to the police, it's not even an option especially for something like pot, and I'm sure most other kids would agree no matter their stance on prohibition.

Hank Hemp

Active member
I was straight up with by 2 boys. Told them to look around them anytime they didn`t like this Home, call 911! I go to jail Mom loose her job and they get foster parents. They are smart boys and figured it out real quick. They are 31 and 26 now. You have to judge your kids. There is no one answer to this problem.


Eugene Oregon
I have a 14 year old son and he has a 215 for his ADD and Insomnia and Arshansliders or whatever that knee problem is so hes awesome with it he enjoys looking at my plants and also has helped me out with my last grow which was around a year ago due to.. my wife she is a real paranoid gal so yeah.. my wife is the issue.. my younger daughter of 12 I told her about it and she didnt care and mind and said "Dad if you grow can I get my ears pierced" so we worked it out =D I hope to get a grow up and running and my kids arent stupid they dont tell ANYONE about the grows.. so really i dont have to deal with the issue around my kids but my Wife I love her to death but.. she doesnt like me growing at all.

My son had a 1.7 when he wasnt smoking he is smoking now and has a GPA of.. 3.2 =D
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