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Of Kids & Cannabis



As a non-parent, I've always wondered.....

What do folks with kids do when they also have a grow? :chin:

Does one try to hide it from them?
Do you let them know about it & try to explain your rationale for growing
even though it's probably illegal where you live?
Depending on how old the kids are, do you have to worry about them telling their friends?

Just how do parents deal with this issue?

I never grew when the kids were here but I put a lock on the bedroom door where i kept booze,pot,cigs,and anything else I didn't want them into after they got off the bus and before their mother got home.
I probably would try to keep it hidden from them until a certain age,16 or so. You wouldn't believe the amount of brainwashing that goes on in school. Children are encouraged to rat out their parents for toking in the DARE program. One bad day/arguement,piss off your 12 year old and you could be busted.


Well-known member
ive got an 11 yo and a 14 yo, and we live outside of Amsterdam some of the year and in the states at other times. I only grow in Amsterdam, but I still dont want my kids to know and my job is tied to the States so its not cool for me to be outted.

anyway, we redid this anchient house here with a back garage, and I put in a sort of secret room fake wall in a wood working shop, it gives me 3 x 10 feet, and thats enought that my last grow gave up almost 4 lbs :) and still have room to have some space for a secret laboratory too.

my wife and kids dont even know about it, now the wife knows I smoke, and she knows I have grown outdoors when the kids were too small to care. it took a while to smuggle everything in there despite all the equipment being legal and easy to come by here. in the long run, its the best deal around, no legal worries and keeping the kids and wife out of the loop, no social or job worries.

it might not be easy for others to duplicate something like this, but if you can, its just great.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Im am not an old stoner by any means but foaf...that IMO is as good as it gets given the circumstances..may i ask what you do for a living?...good topic btw


Well-known member
Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. :joint: Let just say I went to school a long time and don't get paid enough and its in the medical technology field. School year overseas and summers at home in the deep south.

Another thought with kids

Talking to kids about pot use is a hard subject, and not exactly related to the topic of this thread, butt.... If you kids know you smoke pot all the time and grow pot, you cannot be a voice of restraint for them and have any credibility. So I hide it and lie for now. Possibly not the best way to handle it, but so far so good.

I fully plan to openly communicate with them about my cannabis/psychadelic use, but it's not time yet. I am, like most of us, a big advocate of the free use of cannabis, but I really don't think that it is for children or young teens. If I could go back, I would not smoke pot so much or drink so much between 13 and 18 like I did, and I would be better for it today. That said, in college, the kids that were drunks and failed out from drinking were those who generally grew up in homes where drinking was taboo with 0 tolerance, and I dont see where cannabis would be any different. Its a hard grey area to maneuver.


Our kid knew about our closet grow, would come in and ask a couple of questions and leave. We never really made a big deal of it.

That changed when I picked up our kid and the neighbors kid from school one day. That day, they had planted a pumpkin seed in a Dixie cup for Halloween so the could grow thier own pumpkin. On the way home, our kid asked if they could put thier pumpkin plant in the closet with my plants.

Then our neighbors kid asked why you would have plants in a closet? and wanted to put thier plant in too.

Things just got complicated

My wife and I were going to explain to our kid that what we were doing is not legal and you shouldn't say anything to anyone and blah, blah, blah.

But, then we figured we had no right to put that kind of pressure on a 4 year old. And we were not willing to take the added risk of us getting accidently told on.

So, we just stopped growing. That night we took everthing down and packed it all away.

We did buy one of those cheapy little grow bulbs and made a little set up in our kids room for the pumpkin.

We'll grow again someday.

I'm enjoying seed collecting now as a hobby.


Thanks for your responses folks.
I just knew that this had to be a tricky situation for some people. I began to think about this quite a while back as I would occasionally notice someone in some thread mention they had kids. Since I don't have kids I often wondered how would I handle this if I did have them.
Anyway, thought a discussion on the subject might help others who are struggling with what to do.

Stay safe all.......

Funny,I used to know a couple who would party opnly in front of their kids,8 and 10 at the time.They said they didn't want to sneak around,wanted to be open with their kids,etc. I asked the 10 year old boy one day if he was going to smoke when he got big,he said "No way,it makes people stupid".

Then I kicked his ass at Tank Destroyer. He wanted to know where I came up with the idea of getting my shots to curve around corners.

Long time ago,lost touch with them so I don't know how they turned out.
I have 2 kids under 10 and am definitely taking the stealth route. In fact my wife doesnt know that I smoke and I will keep it cool. I look forward to the day that I can be open with my kids about my hobby, but I am waiting till they are over 17? Its nice to hear that other folks in the family way still smoke and think about these parenting issues.


i have 7 kids in my home ( 16-3 ) 5 have been told and the other 2 are to young. after my wife and i being on pain meds for so long we switched to mmj. the kids understand and like us better as the pills made us mean as hell. we are also recovering addicts for many years and our kids were raised in that environment but we have educated them on the medicinal propeties of the herb and they are also pretty good at keeping our family business at home.


The Voice of Reason
Our 11 year old son is very well educated for his age about cannabis, it's pro's and con's, the current legal state, the consequences,and the science.

I'll try to find and quote my post on the subject from an earlier thread....


Sunshine DayDreamer


Active member
My wife & I also don't have kids,but i've also pondered this.I think there are very good arguements & solutions on both sides of this one.This is a deeply personal subject,with no 1 size fits all correct ansewr,for sure.
In watching my sister & many other parrents, approach the whole drug & alcholhol thing w/there children.i sure know what not to do!!!
I personaly would handle things of this nature with the attitude that no one can love you(The kids) more than the family.Then go about educating them from dayone as to the true nature of our government & people in general.
I,do understand the risk of this choice brings,but i still beleive,this would be the way i'd go.you would have to be an absolute man of your word,to make this work,if your kids ever doubted you had the families best interest in mind,i think it could trouble.

I want to repeat I DONT HAVE KIDS,so i might be toataly off on this one.
I belive that this is how moose eater handles this issue,and i have the utmost RESPECT,for that man & his wisdom.


As a young toker myself, i am 19 my parents have been going through alot of stress do to me smoking the herb. i have been smoking since i was 16 alot and they let me keep a huge plant in my back garden. they didnt think i smoked when the plant was growing, but when it flowered i got about 10 ounces so started smoking alot.

my parents went through phases of not minding and then realy getting angry because i smoked. because i was on overgrow back then i found alot of good info and fact to tell my parents about mj. i think they got to the point where they knew they couldnt stop me smoking cannabis. i told them how it helped my depression and they have completely come to turms with it now and i think they respect the fact that i never smoke infront of them or around them.


hmmm good thread,, I wish I had a good answer,,, I too am in a quandry... the need to educate without causing them to stand out and make YOU stand out....


page1, that is a very mature attitude. Your parents should be proud of you.

I grew before I had kids and stopped what the first one was born. In fact, I stopped smoking too (tobacco and weed).

It didn't take long to resume weed smoking though :) My kids worked out I was a smoker all by themselves, when they were about 16 - even though I did not smoke in front of them.

I waited until my youngest was 18 until I started growing again. At that age they were old enough to be trusted to keep a secret. I didn't want to burden them with the secret when they were young - it's a big responsibility for a kid.

I have been lucky and things have worked out OK. I smoke and grow, I haven't been busted and my kids still love me.


Hella Fella

I once saw a show on the Discovery channel or somewhere, where some "scientists" soaked fossilized poop in sulphuric acid or something for like a week, so they could soften them up and pick through to see what kinda stuff they had eaten....?!

Is that like how a tooth will dissolve if you soak it in COKE or PEPSI for a few days?!


The Voice of Reason
Hella Fella said:
I once saw a show on the Discovery channel or somewhere, where some "scientists" soaked fossilized poop in sulphuric acid or something for like a week, so they could soften them up and pick through to see what kinda stuff they had eaten....?!

Is that like how a tooth will dissolve if you soak it in COKE or PEPSI for a few days?!
Although off topic and unrelated to anything.....

Yes, to a certain degree it is like disolving a tooth in phosphoric and carbonic acids...

To the same degree, it is like disolving almost anything disolveable in almost any acid... :chin:

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