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Odor of marijuana not enough to order suspect out of car

however, if a cop does order you out of your car and you don;t want to be searched you should say, respectfully:

"Please take notice that i do not waive any of my legal or constitutional rights. I object to being detained, questioned or searched. I object to my person, automobile or my residence being searched."

My lawyer has this printed on the back of her business card, which i carry next to my driver's license.

And that's all that should come out of anyone's mouth, no more. The lips go ZIP after that!


Active member
well the reality is cops do what they want and lie too. if you are in a not so friendly mj area they will bust your ass anyhow. chances are if you smell like pot you probably holding. cops will take the gamble and trample your rights to get their conviction. all i can say is fight , fight , fight. dont let em screw ya


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
This is good news, but are they talking about a parked car?

I would think that the same law and logic would apply to a home also.
Just because a cop smells a fart isn't reason to search on the basis that "farts" aren't illegal. Logic would dictate that since pot isn't illegal; the odor of pot wouldn't indicate any illegal activity.

I will bet that it isn't very long and it will be tested in court as well.

I love it! Haha... Last fall I was at a friends BD party and bbq and everybody was smokin and listening to a band and having a blast, cops showed up and everybody set their weed and pipes and a couple bongs on the table in front of myself and a couple other legal MMJ card holders. Cops tried everything to get somebody to slip up and say the shit wasn't ours. LMAO.

It just keeps getting better.:jump:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
The guys this case came from one of them had "alittle rock for himself"
yeah 4 grams. Back in my bad old a days a 20 pound rock was 0.2
for himself my arse
what about DUI?

what about DUI?

What about DUI? This is great but i bet they will still try to get u for DUI of cannabis....

Be sure to say nothing and you will be ok...

That being said.... I do feel like driving to beantown with roasting dooby!


Freedom Fighter
I would think that the same law and logic would apply to a home also.
Just because a cop smells a fart isn't reason to search on the basis that "farts" aren't illegal. Logic would dictate that since pot isn't illegal; the odor of pot wouldn't indicate any illegal activity.

I will bet that it isn't very long and it will be tested in court as well.

I love it! Haha... Last fall I was at a friends BD party and bbq and everybody was smokin and listening to a band and having a blast, cops showed up and everybody set their weed and pipes and a couple bongs on the table in front of myself and a couple other legal MMJ card holders. Cops tried everything to get somebody to slip up and say the shit wasn't ours. LMAO.

It just keeps getting better.:jump:

I can't remember the Case, but it has already been determined that they cannot perform a warrantless search, unless they have evidence that an ARRESTABLE crime is being committed-- So, if it is a place that they cannot arrest you for smoking a joint, and there is no obvious evidence that there is a larger amount of weed there...they cannot "Legally" perform a warrantless search for the smell of burning marijuana--:tiphat:

stickey fingers

Don't go there,getting DURDY while driveing is not a good idea and
should be very cautious !!! when done, never trust leo ever !!! if you do be polite and Never admit anything, keep
the mouth shut often and fore ever !!!!