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octagon growketel project 800w


Active member
so since i started my thread ''vertical systems'' i came to the conclusion that i probably gonna build my own system - and my vertical systems thread was supposed to be just on the buyable system so im gonna start a new one on my idea i had:

this project is just fictional at the moment so dont be disappointed when its not gonna be build ...

the idea is that i want a closed system which is sizewise somwhere near the growketel but not containing the problems:

-not accesable - solution: octagon shape with removable walls
-overheating - solution: better venting system
-colapses - solution: massive construction
-expensive - solution: selfbuild

so my idea was the octagon shape 1,2m height and diameter 1,2m, 2x400w, hydroton ''topfeed'' system ...

should look something like that:

what do you think? bullshit or whats bad/good?


Looks great, totally viable so far. You should build a smaller version as "proof of concept" before you spend lots of money doing the full size version. I'm sure you'll find other little things to improve that way too.

PS: Got any links to this "growketel" you're talking about? I'm always interested in different vertical systems, so...


Active member
there are many diffrent versions of the ketle:
check out my post about "vertical systems" ... http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=124839

thats the one which is available at the moment:



Active member
yeah i think the idea is crazy but there are so many problems with those buyable systems that it actually is worth it to build one yourself!

but you are very right that i should build a smaller version so im planning on building a 250w 60 plant setup ... im gonna try maybe 2 diffrenent patterns how to set up the plants, 2 or three diffrent draining systems and gonna compare those strains to see which one will work better: super skunk, shiva skunk and chronic ... lets see - hopefully it wont be a total failure :nanana:


Active member
Keep us posted!

thanks for your interesst! ... maybe some more people are coming soon but so long im not gonna let you wait any longer because today i started building my octagrow - took about 3 hours to get this far but it looks pretty good in my opinion - every side is now about 33cm wide and 80cm tall:

so this what it looks complete:

the corners:

from the top:

a little less close:

i would love to hear what everybody is thinking!
maybe someone is already seeing problems which could be solved before running the system ...

im so excited :woohoo:


damn! looks good so far. Im excied to see what medium you plan on using.


Active member
damn! looks good so far. Im excied to see what medium you plan on using.

im planing on using hydroton because it can hardly be too wet ... and i can topfeed it 24/7 ... im probably gonna try to do 4 hroizontal pvc pipes and 4 vertical pvc pipes to see what works best!

thanks for the comment :)


Active member
so now im already 3 days in my building phase and thats what i did:

building up the frame of the ketel
painting it white for wood protection
put on the removable top
filling the edges so its light tight

now im facing the problem that i dont really know if i can drive screws into the pvc pipes without having leaks and the whole nutrient solution inside my ketle??? ... have you any idea for building a removable side walls with those pipes???
its not going to be easy but i knew that before ... :nanana:

this how it looks like at the moment:




how to mount pipes???:

every comment is welcome and even wanted!
i would love to get some tips how to this stuff with those pipes...

so long - peace


What kind of pump setup is going to drive this whole thing - pump to the top then gravity-feed downwards, or... ?


nice concept and work.

an imaginary acquaintance has a eco system. too small/restricted for this gardener's preferences.

seems that can just use bookshelves, or bookshelf-like structures, w/ more room for maintenance on the plants, and general manueverability.

can feed that system w/ 1 small pump and 5/8" flexible tubing. just make shelves go from top to bottom in circular spiral. wheteher drip, or bottom fed, can just hole-punch holes in tubing, or affix feed lines, if desired.
all drains down to res on bottom.

another concept is just to use tall rectangular trash cans, like kind that fit under edge countertops of bars/restaurants.
can just place 4-8-xyz trash cans in circle/octagon, drill holes in sides of them, drain hole(s) in bottom, sitting in kiddie pool to catch run off.

consider potential issues in inspecting plants when in full bloom/mature.

hope this helps. enjoy your garden!


Active member
an imaginary acquaintance has a eco system. too small/restricted for this gardener's preferences.

dont really get you there ... are you telling me that my planned setup is too small for an ecosystem?

seems that can just use bookshelves, or bookshelf-like structures, w/ more room for maintenance on the plants, and general manueverability.

that would be a thought but again i would lose light due to some areas where no plants are ... i know it doesnt really matter growing just 250w but this is just a test system for later on 800 or more

another concept is just to use tall rectangular trash cans, like kind that fit under edge countertops of bars/restaurants.
can just place 4-8-xyz trash cans in circle/octagon, drill holes in sides of them, drain hole(s) in bottom, sitting in kiddie pool to catch run off.

thats what i was looking for ... couldnt really find anything suitable

consider potential issues in inspecting plants when in full bloom/mature.

this is gonna be a problem for sure ... i hope i get plants with just one top cola so i can flip the walls with no problems

thanks for the advise


Active member

now its working ... build the first wall and its looking promising!
tomorrow i might even complete the whole pipe setup - than i can start to think about where to put the reservoir ...

if im finished mounting all the walls this is hopefully gonna be a very easy to maintaine:

octagon growtower opened:

octagon growtower closed:

7 more walls to go :nanana:


Active member
so im gonna update my growketle project ... 3 sides finished so far 5 to go :nanana: ... takes a lot of time eachside :p

this is how it looks like right now:

3 sides so far:

the inside:

the plantsides:

how much should i water per pipe per hour?

please comment back!


id probably put along tube running throughout the whole thing, with hundreds of holes punched in it, then it would be a sorta aero.


If the tubes are filled with hydroton, top feed would be the easiest to maintain.
Its similar to the cage, so maybe a look at the feeding schedule for that is a good starting point. Nice job on the construction.


Active member
id probably put along tube running throughout the whole thing, with hundreds of holes punched in it, then it would be a sorta aero.

so just put the tubes thru the hydroton or do it without any medium ...?

If the tubes are filled with hydroton, top feed would be the easiest to maintain.
Its similar to the cage, so maybe a look at the feeding schedule for that is a good starting point. Nice job on the construction.

thats my plan - thanks!

...i thougth about 2 drippers per pipe!

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