One way to keep things viable is to keep the demands limited or vague, or to just keep it as "keeping the government out of my private life." That way, the movement doesn't get hijacked by or split by those with differing opinions, and also will prevent giving the oppressors a specific target to aim at in order to shoot the movement down until we become recognized and powerful.
I like Ron Paul. He is honest and stands by his beliefs and I respect him for that. But, I've come to realize that most of his policies are so far out of line that.......well, you get the picture. I'm still waiting for a purely pragmatic candidate to emerge, who recognizes that the left/right split is a hoax and a distraction... and I haven't seem them yet. RP isn't him.
I guess you have a stable view of freedom of your own, mate.
Yet I still believe that ron paul's idea of 100% Consitutional Government sounds just tooo good. I don't believe he can manage that. I don't believe in his 1trillion cut. That's just ridiculous. The whole financial system is about to collapse, and I bet if RP get's voted he will be blamed for the whole collapse