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Obama to speak on MMJ.


while we are waiting for the news

while we are waiting for the news

Hope you all don't mind but I have a question that needs a answer before tonight. I have a bag of popcorn buds and trim that I put in a baggie and froze right away. I am going to try to make Iso oil tonight. Should the trim be dry or am I ok? I can dry it quickly with my dehydrator. I know to freeze the alcohol. So what say you?? Hope Obama is with us!!!
Looks like Blitzer and crew couldn't find the time to discuss the MMJ raid issue due to all the BS over the stimulis bill. :mad:

Maybe we'll hear somethings soon on this. :fsu:


so there was no mention, just a tease, because I saw the tease at least twice and had to roll out at like 535 so I did not see the whole show.

I totally agree with the other poster--The concept of the marijuana smoker as a stoned idiot needs to change. Straight legalization is the best way to go, but for now I will take whatever we can get.



Active member
i think its funny, the image of the "lazy stoner", let em think that all the potheads are lazy....i was watchin doug benson on comedy central, and might i add, i HATE that fuck, he is what we are trying to move away from as marijuana users, he talks about how when he gets high he loves to goto McDonalds, as a matter of fact, since i have been smoking marijuana and become more conscious about my body i havent eaten MickeyDs in over 6 years, i may be going off on a bit of a rant here but it bothers me to see the stereotype of the pothead as a lazy couch potato fat ass, when in all reality most potheads/growers i know are in better shape than those "9-5"'er Republicans that say Marijuana is illegal cause they cant make money off the industry like they can off of Opium and our ever so faithful Legal Prescription Drug Companys---ugh! I just pray that when Obama gets around to cleaning up the DEA, he cleans it up....


Active member
im very young still
but ive been smoking weed since 8th grade
and I just realized how much more worried I am about my eating habits then I used to be...

Also, the majority of the people that I work out in the gym with smoke weed.

There is this big ass asian guy at my gym right? Hes like 6'4 230. RIPPED. Saw him at the bong shop while my friend was turning in a piece to get re-blown.

He says "You smokee weeed? damn man me too. I didnt even know you did"

hahaha. thats good,considering the personal trainer at the gym comes up to me and is like "damnnnnnnnn spray some spray b4 u come in here bro".

the personal trainer is 37 and looks like he is 25. Not to mention he smokes bud everyday.

I love weed.

Im ranting.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Kinder - Hella funny! Weird how the last 3 Presidents all copped to smoking weed and one even dabbled in coke but people get mad that Phelps got caught! If you just won 8 golds in the Olympics for my country and did it mostly by breaking world records, I wont be holding you up to a different standard than the guys who got to be in charge of the country thats for sure! Hell!! I would be rolling up a baby leg fatty just to help you get your vibe on!!!


Active member
hahaha rainman.

I come to the conclusion I will be growing AND smoking weed, for the rest of my life.




When is obama going talk about mmj???

some lakey will be relegated...anyway..the corn flake box with phelps picture is up to 15 dollars a box on ebay..

shameless bud porn pics...ZEINTH OG KUSH



not really, once the federal government legalizes medical marijuana/ obama orders raids to stop, they would be trespassing becasue they have no law to back them up federal nor state which would be the same as breaking and entering trespassing and burglary, and well you know people do to burglars breaking in their house, some shoot- some call police.... whichever way it is handled the raids will end eventully.

either way a crook is a crook in my book if the dea says they will continue raids after states get a federal ruling i will consider them burglars or trespassers depending on the situation, right now im not doing anything the dea would be interested in but if the raids ended I would move to a city with a 99 plant ordinance and grow there with no worries.

I was actually talking about our current state of affairs. The fucked up part is your scenario would probably take place. There are enough cowboy leo's out there that think they are doing gods work that would still try raiding people if it were made federally legal. I read a book called Bloody Williamson. It is about the story of the Herrin Massacre. Had to deal with the way unions were formed and what went on with them back in the day. Great book that also dealt with prohibition a fair bit and there was a troop of guys that were still raiding folks after the end of prohibition. I think it would send a message this day and age if a few DEA soldiers were gunned down for busting in on someone. As of now they are just taking peoples shit and not charging them. If they are not charging them with a federal crime all they are doing is federally funded and approved armed robbery.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i think its funny, the image of the "lazy stoner", let em think that all the potheads are lazy....i was watchin doug benson on comedy central, and might i add, i HATE that fuck, he is what we are trying to move away from as marijuana users, he talks about how when he gets high he loves to goto McDonalds

doug benson is fucking hilarious. not everyone that smokes weed needs to be a suit. your are in fact perpetuating the same sort of stereotypes the people against us hold. the fact is cannabis users are as varied as flowers. each to be loved in its own light.

doug benson on anti-weed commercials::::



Active member
i am sorry bro - i just dont see anything about doug benson funny - and to have george in your sig....u should be ashamed!!!! just kidding - to each his own FOOOOR sure, i just really do not care for him, nothing he has said was ever funny....i gave him a fair chance, watched that Super High Me flick and than i watched his stand-up, niether was good...but like u said...to each his own (in so many words)...

and how am i perpetuating stereotypes by stating my opinion that doug benson is the epitome of a "typical fat lazy stoner". He gets high and eats McDonalds, on Super High Me he was just "THAT DUDE", ya know, Harold and Kumar'ish, my point is he is just another player making us look bad, why not glorify the fact that Phelps, a gold medalist, has a custom made Roor.de that he occasionally tokes...or the fact that Barack Obama used marijuana as a teen, nothing that doug benson does is a benefit to our community, other than being that guy who eats mcdonalds and farts "when I am high"....